December 3rd, 2023
December 3rd, 2023
Ms. Riddle
Mrs. Gile
Message From the Principals
Greetings TLA Family!
We can't believe how fast December has gotten here!! Staff and scholars have accomplished so much in a short 4 months and we can't wait to see what can happen by the end of the school year!! As we gear up for a couple of jam-packed weeks, it's important to stay consistent with our routines and expectations to support academic gains and positive character development. Don't forget our career focus for the month is Government and our character virtue is Empathy! Ask your scholar about the Empathy Challenge they've been tasked with in the upcoming weeks!!
Upcoming Events
12/1 - 12/19 - ACCESS Testing Window
12/4 - Progress Reports Sent Home
12/4 - 12/8 - K4-4th MAP Reading Fluency Assessment
12/8 - Middle School Fun Night (7:00 – 9:00 pm)
12/11 - Oral Reading Assessment (K5-4) & MAZE (6-8)
12/14 - K4-1st Winter Sing (6:00 - 6:45 pm; Doors open at 5:45 p.m.)
12/18 - Favorite Winter Character Day Dress Up Day--Dress up like a snowman, penguin, etc.
12/18 - MS VB Team vs. ES Staff Volleyball Game (2:30-3:15)
12/19 - Twas the Day Before Winter Break Dress Up Day--Wear your comfy pajamas
12/19 - HS VB Team vs. MS/HS Staff (8:00-8:55)
12/20 - 1/2 - NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
Let's make this next week a great one!! GO Lions!!
Tavi Riddle, Principal K4-5th (
Janae Gile, Principal 6th-12th (
General Information
School Breakfast & Lunch Information
If you'd like to see the menu for breakfast or lunch, please follow this link. As a general reminder, breakfast and lunches are free but there are also a la carte items available for purchase. Click here to see those options/prices. Money can be added to scholar accounts via e-funds or at the TLA main office.
Parent Leadership Council (PLC)
A general reminder that PLC offers an opportunity to all families where they can engage with TLA's leadership team beyond classroom level involvement. These meetings are always scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month from 8:00-9:15 in the Library.
HERE are the notes from our 11/21 PLC Meeting
The next meeting will be held on January 16th. We look forward to seeing you there!!
Uniform Focus
We have noticed an increase in scholars not being in compliance with our uniform expectations. As a reminder, expectations are listed below and staff will be checking items closely.
TLA polo (tucked in) or TLA Quarter Zip
Black or White Undershirt (if applicable)
Uniform pants/skirt, shorts (no jeans, leggings, joggers)
Belt (K5-11th)
All black socks
All black shoes
Solid black, blue, or white hair ties
If you have a concern regarding being able to meet these, please reach out to Jennifer Nitz, our School Social Worker. Also, If you have a scholar concerned about belts interfering with bathroom usage check out the link here for a fantastic "whippy" belt that does not need to be undone.
Chromebook Check In
All TLA Middle and High School scholars are issued a school-owned Chromebook and charger at the beginning of the school year. All 6th grade scholars use the same Chromebook through their Middle School years, and Freshmen use theirs through High School. The Chromebook is labeled with the scholar's name and homeroom along with a barcode used for IT tracking purposes. The charger is labeled with the four digit number portion of the scholar's email address. (If the scholar email is, their charger is labeled "0952"). It is expected that the scholar will return both of the items that were issued to them at the end of each school year. Failure to return these items can result in a replacement fee being issued. Please reach out to the school office if you have any questions.
Ms. Wellnitz is Beloit Rotary's Teacher of the Month
Ms. Theresa Wellnitz is an English teacher at The Lincoln Academy and was recently honored as the Beloit Rotary Teacher of the Month. Ms. Wellnitz teacher 9th & 10th grade English as well as Yearbook and serves as the advisor for Scholar Council.
Ms. Wellnitz is quoted in the article as saying, “There’s no more perfect place to prepare for real life situations than the safety of my classroom. I understand the immense responsibility I have to the children of Beloit and take that responsibility seriously. I am humbled that they and their families have. placed their trust in me."
We'd like to extend our congratulations to Ms. Wellnitz and thank her for being so focused on rigorous academics, career exploration and character development in her classroom and with our community events as well!!
The full Beloit Daily News article can be found here.
Congratulations Ms. Wellnitz!
TLA Swag & Candy Bar Sales--12/8 & 12/15 Dismissal Lines
As a fundraiser for the upcoming Washington DC trip for our current 8th graders, PLC members will be helping sell TLA Swag and World's Finest Chocolate Bars in the dismissal line after school on December 8th & 15th.
The Lincoln Academy Window Clings are $5 each and the chocolate bars (almond, caramel, milk chocolate, wafer, crisps and dark chocolate) are $1 each.
Make sure you have cash and help support TLA Scholars!!
MS Fun Night--December 8th
There is a MS Fun Night on December 8th from 7:00-9:00 p.m. MS Scholars must sign up during lunch on Monday-Thursday. There is no cost to attend but scholars may want to bring cash as concessions will be available to purchase during the event.
In order to be eligible to attend scholars must meet the following guidelines for Quarter 2:
No F's in Skyward
No more than 3 infractions
No Suspensions
No more than 15 Tardies
Mr. Cieplewski & Mrs. Gile as well as Homeroom teachers have a listing of eligible scholars.
- ACCESS testing for English Learners, with Ms. Finley and Ms. Lopez.
- MAP Reading Fluency testing this week for K4-4th grade scholars. We're excited to see our scholars' reading growth.
- Progress reports will be emailed home on Monday.
- Check out this creativity in ceramics and stained glass classes!
Attendance Corner
Absence Reporting Reminders
We just wanted to share a friendly reminder that in order for absences to be excused, they must be reported to the office within 3 days of the scholar’s return to school. Also, any scholar who is absent from school for 3 or more consecutive (days in a row) for illness is required to provide a doctor’s excuse upon return in order for those days to be excused.
To report an absence please call or email:
Attendance Line: (608) 690-5165
Thank you so much for helping us with our attendance goals! 95% strong!
Winter Athletics Update
Reminder that in order to participate in sports or activities, scholars must have all fees paid. You can check your account balance on Skyward Parent Access and pay be debit/credit card online via Efunds or pay with cash/check in the main school office.
Upcoming Games
- 12/4 - HS Boys JV2 vs. Milwaukee Riverside (5:30 p.m. at TLA)
- 12/5 - MS Boys vs. Faith Christian School (4:30 & 5:30 at TLA)
- 12/6 - MS Boys vs. South Beloit (5:30 & 6:30 @ South Beloit Middle School)
- 12/7 - HS Boys JV1 & JV2 vs. South Beloit (5:30 & 7:15 at TLA)
- 12/9 - Wrestling Invitational (9:30 a.m.) at Belleville High School)
- 12/11 - HS Boys JV1 & JV2 vs. South Beloit (5:30 & 7:15 at TLA)
- 12/12 - HS Boys JV1 vs. Lake Country Classical Academy (5:30 at TLA)
- 12/16 - MS Boys vs. Rockford Christian Life (10:00 & 11:00 at TLA)
**Practice and Competition times, locations, and bus times can found on the TLA Athletic Schedule. Please download the app to receive real-time updates.
Business Careers Month
Annual Navy Inspection
With only 60 days under our belt, as a NJROTC Program, we participated in our first annual Navy inspection. Our Area Manager, Jason Rampa, completed the inspection of our cadets and program in conjunction with LCDR Spiritosanto. Knowing that the program in its infancy stage the area manager took time to teach the scholars and train LCDR Spiritosanto on the areas that we will work on to improve before our next inspection.
Perkins Life Ready Survey
The Lincoln Academy will be conducting a 40-question survey of scholars in grades 9-11th grade to determine their perception of how ready they are for life after high school, including self-awareness, social, self-management, relationship, and decision-making skills.
This survey is part of a federal requirement for Perkins Funding called the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment or CLNA. The CLNA happens every two years to help our district and, essentially, our region determine the needs of our children. In return, federal funds will be allocated to meet those needs. Perkins Funding will be used to expand our Career and Technical Education course offerings, equipment, and curriculum.
We plan to allocate 15 minutes toward this survey and are scheduled to conduct it on Monday, December 4, 2023, during WIN time.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Laura Benisch at
Community Connection
Color Your Own Spirit Wear Workshop
Walnut Creek is hosting a Color Your Own Spirit Wear Workshop on Saturday, December 16 from 9am to 4pm. TLA's scholars and families are invited to register for this fun-filled event. Parents will be able to sign up their child for a 30-minute time slot for just $20; kids will receive a pre-printed t-shirt with your school's logo for them to decorate. There will also be a hot cocoa bar, candy, treats and fun activities available for the kids and parents!
To register and get tickets, follow the steps below:
- Visit: or scan the QR Code on the flyer
- Click "Get Tickets"
- Find your child's school
- Choose your time slot by clicking the down arrow next to the price
- In the quantity box you'll be able to choose how many tickets you'd like to buy
- Click "Get __ Tickets"
- Review your order and click "Checkout"
- Fill out the billing information at the top
- Underneath the billing information you'll be able to choose your child's t-shirt size
- Choose Payment method
- Click "Place Order"
CareerTek Opportunities-10-12th Grade
The Lincoln Academy
Location: 608 Henry Avenue, Beloit, WI, USA
Phone: 608 690 5100
Twitter: @tlabeloit