Timber Ridge News
April, 2024

Upcoming Events & Dates
- April 18: Spring Movie Night @ 6:00
- April 26: School Improvement Day - NO SCHOOL
Important News
Online Registration
Please continue to register for our summer school program (Extended School Year) and for the upcoming school year.
If your child is not attending summer school, please reach out to your child's therapist to let them know.
Quick Updates
Weather Safety
With the Spring weather in Chicago, we know that we can go from sunshine to thunderstorms very quickly!
Please know that we conduct safety drills each Spring and are equipped with a weather alert system so that we know when we need to head indoors!
Please feel free to reach out with any questions about how we prepare for severe weather at Timber Ridge.
Timber Ridge Awards
NSSEO Heartbeat of the Week - Trinidad Canas
Trinidad co-chairs the PAWS committee, has been involved with PBIS committee and she is a member of the Timber Ridge Equity Committee. At the district level, she has been involved in IEP best practices as well. She also supports other school psychologists in the building when it comes to evaluations and she has mentored a good number of new therapists here at Timber Ridge. She is consistently offering a warm welcome or a helping hand to all she encounters. Thank you for all that you do!
Congratulations, Trinidad Canas, and thank you for being an essential Heartbeat at Timber Ridge and NSSEO!!
What's Going on Around Timber Ridge
Timber Ridge Talent Show
March saw the return of our Timber Ridge talent show! It was a huge success and we are so proud of our talented and courageous students as they put on an amazing display of singing, dancing, comedy and many other talents! Thank you to staff who helped bring this tradition back and for supporting our student community!
Mobile Dentist Success
Thank you so much to our nursing team for supporting the dental health of our students. The Mobile Dentist was a hit and our students were smiling brighter!
Chicago Area Alternative Education League (CAAEL) Basketball
The Timber Ridge basketball team finished a fantastic season where our students were not just successful on the court, but they were shining examples of sportsmanship and fair play! We are so proud of our student- athletes and cannot wait to head outdoors for the upcoming softball season!
Timber Ridge Spring Movie Night - April 18
Hiring for Extended School Year (ESY - Summer School)
We are currently hiring for our summer school program; please see flyers below and pass on this information to anyone you know who would be interested!
Wrap Up
Information to Share?
Are you aware of any events or opportunities outside of school that might benefit some of our Timber Ridge students or families? If so, please share them with us! Please reach out to either mwagrowski@nsseo.org or nmilne@nsseo.org to help spread the word. We’d love to share any information that might help to support opportunities or resources outside of Timber Ridge!
Important Dates
- April 18: Spring Movie Night @ 6:00
- April 26: School Improvement Day - NO SCHOOL