Jenkins Journal
Herschel V. Jenkins High School

H.V. Jenkins Journal, Monday, February 10, 2025, 2nd Semester Week 6
Attendance Matters #MissSchool #MissOut
Herschel V. Jenkins High School
"Herschel V. Jenkins believed that education was the key to improving lives, the cornerstone of a strong community, and the path to a better world."
1800 E Derenne Ave,│ Savannah, GA 31406
Tel:(912) 395-6300
Dr. Justin Durham, Principal
Mr. Alfred Williams, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Faria Polite, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kristen Wilson, Assistant Principal
Ms. Kaney Ballance, Dean of Students
Greetings Warrior Nation!
In 2024-2025, the Georgia School Climate Surveys (GSCS) for students, teachers, staff, and families will replace the Georgia Student Health Survey (GSHS), the Georgia Parent School Climate Survey (GPSCS), and the Georgia School Personnel Survey (GSPS). This new suite of surveys, aligned with Georgia’s Systems of Continuous Improvement, will provide more actionable data for district and school leaders, reduce the number of questions for students, and eliminate most other GaDOE survey requirements.
Student Survey: https://survey.gadoe.org/HS?sid=08DF43E2
Family Survey: https://survey.gadoe.org/FM?sid=3973A0A2
SCCPSS GSCS Administration Dates: February 3rd to March 31st
Class of 2025 Financial Aid Workshop
Attention Class of 2025 Students and Parents:
The Herschel V. Jenkins School Counseling Center will host a financial aid workshop on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 6:00 pm in the auditorium for seniors and their parents. Please make plans to attend this information session to learn more about completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for college and other college financial aid opportunities such scholarships and grants.
Jenkins Student Spotlight
Congratulations to Victor on Another Amazing Season!
Victor finished 6th in the 50 free and 5th in the 100 back at the State Swim Meet last week. He dropped time in both events in the finals. We’re so proud of Victor and can't wait to see what next year brings!
National Honor Society
Moving Forward to the Georgia State Science/Engineering Fair at UGA
HVJ Family please congratulate Siddartha Sarakdam for placing 1st in the engineering category for high school and Jun Hao Lin for placing 2nd place in the math category for high school at the Regional Science/Engineering Fair. They both are moving forward to the Georgia State Science/Engineering Fair at UGA in Athens that takes place in March.
French Students Celebrate Chandeleur
French students celebrate Chandeleur with the traditional flipping of the crèpe while holding a gold piece in the other hand for good luck in the coming year. We used a flour tortilla, so no innocent crèpes were hurt during this activity.
Wrestlers qualifying for the State Championship
Anaya Stringer
Donquoize Clark
Angel De los Santos
Silas Harrison
Kevin Ciccarella
Bryce Anderson
Brandon Borges
10 Book Challenge Participants for January
WOW!! We had a lot of readers in January. Below is a list of teachers and students that recorded their January reading. Please take a moment and acknowledge the kids and your colleagues.
Katrina Adams
Nolan Albright
Coach Brown
Londyn Alston
Necole Bryant-Baker
Reina Anderson
Kerry Crain
Brayden Casanova
Linda Duncan
Victor Cintron
Elizabeth Ewbank
Kelnary Cone
Heidi Friede
Jon Cross
Taylor Golden
Raina Dunham
Angelina Muskin
Jameson Gormley
Iona Newton
Joshua Green
Carolyn Perry
Silas Harrison
Sarah Purvis
Zion Haynes
Kari Riley
Trintin Hidren
Jonas Shackley
Hannah Jensen
Kaycia Walker
Jaudon Lewis
Kristen Wilson
Noah Lodge
Joseph Lucky
Maleek Mack
Kiersten Magwood
Alexander Mathis
Devonte Middleton
McKenzie Murphy
Nikil Negi
Adon McKenzie
Rahi Patel
Isabella Pyburn
Nathaniel Ramnath
Sasha Rhenals
Jaritzy Santiago Lopez
Erionna Tremble
Khalia Williams
Aundre Younger
Capturing Greatness
Important Student Reminders
Class of 2025 Community Service Requirement
Attention Seniors: Please remember per SCCPSS board policy that 20 hours of community service is a requirement for graduation. All community service documentation must be turned in to your assigned school counselor by Monday, April 7, 2025. Seniors who do not complete this requirement will not be eligible for graduation, including participating in the graduation ceremony. Community Service documentation logs can be picked up in the school counseling center.
Need Community Service Hours?
We had 10 students last Saturday, 5 from Jenkins and 5 from The Learning Academy.
Need Community Service Hours?
Remember 20 hours of Community Service is required for graduation.
Please join 2 Legit 2 Lit-Jenkins Chapter
All materials and snacks will be provided.
When: Saturday, February 22, 2025
Where: Jenkins Staff Parking Lot
Time: 10:30-12:30
Contact: Heidi Friede
Parent Information
2025-2026 School Year- Student Course Registration
Attention Warrior Nation:
Course registration for the 2025-2026 school year for students will take place on February 10, 2025- February 25, 2025, during all 4 class blocks in the auditorium. Students will report to the auditorium on their designated day to register for classes for the 2025-2026 school year. Course registration information will be presented to students during advisement on February 5th. Parents, please review this registration information with your child as well. After registration has been completed, students will be able to view their course selections in Power School for the 2025-2026 school year. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s assigned school counselor.
Herschel V. Jenkins is a Georgia DOE-Recognized STEM/STEAM Schools
Congratulations on making the esteemed list of Georgia Department of Education's STEM/STEAM schools! This accomplishment is a testament to your dedication, hard work, and commitment to providing high-quality, innovative education to your students. You've truly earned this recognition and should take a moment to celebrate your success! This is a publicly available list that is viewed by business professionals, educators, and families.
Administrative Team
Mrs. Faria Polite, Assistant Principal
Ms. Kaney Ballance, Dean of Students
Mr. Alfred Williams, Assistant Principal
Two Way Communication
Our school mission is to ignite a passion for learning and teaching at high levels. Herschel V. Jenkins High Schools will provide a world-class educational that produces students of character prepared for the future. To ensure we communicate the necessary information to our stakeholders, I would encourage parents/guardians to contact me @ Justin.Durham@sccpss.com to share ways to improve our communication. We will correspond every Sunday via Bright Arrow (Parent and student email), JHS Facebook, the JHS webpage, and the SCCPSS webpage. Please let us know if you are not receiving this correspondence at (912) 395-6300 .
Email: Justin.Durham@sccpss.com
Website: https://spwww.sccpss.com/schools/jenkins/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 1800 E Derenne Ave, Savannah, GA 31406
Phone: (912) 395-6300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialhvj?mibextid=LQQJ4d