Principals' Weekly Newsletter
Our First Week

District Update
No School
School will be closed on Monday & Tuesday for Superintendent Conference Days as well as on Wednesday in observance of Lunar New Year.
Click below for more information about the Lunar New Year.
The Avoca Archery Teams lit up the Avoca State Qualifier Tournament last Saturday with many archers shooting personal bests. Shooting personal bests were:
Alexiah Saltsman, Kathryn Hyer, Kinslie Dyjak Lillian Decker, Tae Hogan, Auggie Rodbourn, Bailey Howard, Laura Ann Goodrich, Marinda VanDelinder, Owen Burgess, Lily Hart, Sophia Miller, Jacob Galvan, Christopher Heale, Lux Brandow, Kamdyn Stehm, Donte Brucie, Emma Abbott, Evelyn Fowler, Coralie Matt, and Alice Bottomley.
The Middle School Team still holds the #1 ranking in New York State in their division and the Elementary Team is ranked 2nd in their Division.
Several individuals also earned podium spots in their divisions. Elliana Kropp took first place in the girls' Elementary Division. Auggie Rodbourn was 2nd in the boys' Elementary Division. Kathryn Hyer earned second place in the Middle School Girls Division. In the High School Girls Division, Alexiah Saltsman took first place and Kinslie Dyjak 3rd place.
Help us wish the Archery Team luck as they prepare for the New York State Tournament on March 14th!
Mobile Planetarium
Thanks to Mrs. Anne Almekinder from GST BOCES, students in grades PreK-12 got to enjoy a mobile planetarium this week. Mrs. Almekinder picked up this 80 lb. piece of equipment from the Science Center and brought it to our school to lead our students through a great lesson on the constellations and planets.
Thank you for leading another great learning experience with our students, Mrs. Almekinder!
Attendance Matters
Consider this - according to the Center for School and Student Progress, “preliminary research suggests that students who miss 5% or more of the prior academic year start the following school year at significant academic disadvantages compared to students with minimal to no absences in the prior year.”
Elementary School Update
Positive Office Referrals- WOW! Look at them all!
Positive Behavior Recipients this week: Lillian Longwell, Rebekah McCloskey, Kamdyn Stehm, Hunter Mitchell, Shayla Burlew, Aubree DeJesus, Hope Morrell, Anthony Allison, Eriana Longwell, Saige Hamilton, Peyton Carlberg, Lawson Slayton, Jack Bottomley, Kaley Schneider, Carsyn Witt, Kara Lynch, Leah Jackson, Leona Hogan, Kylie Rumsey, Jeffery Simms, Paige Brady, Natalia Creasey
Menu for the Last Week of January
Middle High School Update
End of Marking Period 2
The end of Marking Period 2 is next Friday, January 31st. Report cards will go home with students on Friday, February 7th.
Remember that you don't have to wait until the Progress Reports or Report Cards come home; you can check on your child's progress through Parent Portal. Directions are below.
Senior Scholarships (Reminder)
In addition to the scholarships offered through the Rotary, there are some other scholarships offered through the Community Foundation of Elmira-Corning and the Finger Lakes. Those scholarships can be found by clicking on their logo below as well. The deadline for these is February 1st, so act quickly!
Reach out with any questions!
Athletics Update
Cheer Champs!
Last weekend, the modified cheer team won first place at the Wayland-Cohocton cheer competition. They also hit zero, which means they had zero deductions in their routine!
Alanna Campbell also won the jump off for modified division, and the squad tried the stunt off for their division and got 1st-3rd place!
Great job, Titans! Keep working hard!
Practice & Contest Schedule
Click our Titan logo to view next week's practice schedule. Note that practice times on Monday are delayed by a half hour to account for club meetings after school.
To view the most updated version of a contest schedule, CLICK HERE and:
- Click on the schedule(s) you'd like to view.
- Click "VIEW"
A lot of people have been asking for some new Titan swag. Click the Titan logo and check out some of the new merch we've got available!