GMS Parent Portal
February 2020
Heart of a Redhawk Award
GMS Traffic Reminders
- When dropping students off in the morning, please pull all the way up to the orange cones, near the flag pole, before stopping. This helps us avoid having a long line of cars that stretches into the street.
- There should be no car traffic in the front lot after school until the buses have left. Students moving between buses can be injured by cars moving through. If you are picking up your child between 3:45 and 4:00, please use the north or south parking lot.
Technology Tools: GCS Parent Portal
On January 29, 2020 “Canvas” and “Securly Home” accounts were automatically created for all parents that have provided us with an email. Parents can gain access to their students’ grades, coursework, internet activity, pay lunch money and more. If you have not provided us with your email address or it has changed, contact your school registrar or student’s teacher as soon as possible. Accounts will be created on a regular basis as parents add their email account to our system.
Goshen High School Cafeteria
February 19 at 6:30 – 7:30pm (no translation will be provided)
February 25 at 6:30 – 7:30pm (Spanish speaking only)
There will be a short presentation. Afterward, parents can get help logging in.
Register here: bit.ly/2G1od4h
(not required but helpful for preparation)
See the document below for a more detailed description about the technology tools available to you as a parent.
Winter Illness
- Remind your child of the importance of washing hands.
- Students should stay home if they have a fever or are vomiting.
- If your child feels ill at school, please encourage him/her to visit the school clinic instead of contacting you directly. The nurses will check for fever and other symptoms, and they will contact you if your child needs to be picked up. This helps us keep students in class when possible and also helps us track the increase or decline of illness.
- Feel free to send an extra box of tissues to school for your child's teacher to keep in his/her classroom. By now, the supply from the beginning of the year has started to wear thin!
Thank you for your help with this! Spring is coming!
Reminder from the Bookkeeper
Staff Spotlight: Marilyn Torres
Mrs. Torres has taught Language and Literature at GMS for two years. She grew up in Mansfield, Ohio, went to Eastern Mennonite University in Virginia, and spent 11 years in San Antonio before moving to Goshen. Mrs. Torres has three wonderful children who went through Goshen Community Schools. She loves working with students and challenging them to be global citizens.
Mrs. Torres loves running, playing ultimate frisbee, and coaching tennis. When she can find a spare minute, she likes to work on social justice issues, such as immigration.
Mrs. Torres thinks middle schoolers are the GOAT! (Parents, if you do not know what the GOAT means, ask your middle schooler!)
Mrs. Sapp's 8th grade ELA classes conducted mock literary trials to practice finding evidence and writing arguments.
Criminals from short stories like "The Tell-Tale Heart", "The Most Dangerous Game", and "The Lottery" were put on trial for murder.
Students played the roles of lawyers, jury members, and other officers of the court during the trial.
GIMS Community Project Day
Saturday, Feb 22, 2020, 09:00 AM
Parents of 8th Grade Students:
Wed, Feb. 12 (6-7 p.m.)
Saturday, March 7 (9-10 a.m.)
Thursday, March 19 (6-7 p.m.)
Saturday, March 21 (9-10 a.m.)
Triple P
Theater Arts Performance
Friday, Feb 21, 2020, 07:00 PM
GMS Auditorium
Other Important Dates
Friday, Feb 14 - School IS in session. Make-up day from Nov. 17.
Monday, Feb. 17 - President's Day - No School
Friday, Feb. 21 - End of 2nd Trimester
Friday, Feb. 21 - Winter Theater Show, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 29 - 8th Grade Dance, 7-9 p.m.
Wednesday, March 11 - eLearning Day, No School
About Us
Email: lherschberger@goshenschools.org
Website: https://gms.goshenschools.org
Location: 1216 S. Indiana Avenue, Goshen, IN 46526
Phone: (574)533-0391
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goshen.middle.school/
Twitter: @GoshenMiddleSch