MTSD Board of Education
Board Briefs

The Mequon-Thiensville School District Board of Education
(L-R): Andy Hopkins, Jason Levash, Kate Barikmo, Wendy Francour, Shelley Burns, Dr. Mary Gavigan & Dr. Michael Stadler
Please Join Us!
All Mequon-Thiensville community members, MTSD families, and staff members are encouraged to attend meetings of the MTSD Board of Education. As a reminder, all Board of Education meeting agendas and video recordings of past meetings can be found on the MTSD Board of Education website. For detailed agendas and PDFs of Board presentations, please visit BoardDocs.
2025 Spring School Board Election
Notice of School Board Election
An election is to be held in the School District of Mequon-Thiensville, on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
The following offices are to be elected to succeed the present incumbents listed:
Office Incumbent - School Board President Jason P. Levash
Office Incumbent - School Board Member Michael Stadler
Office Terms - The term of office for school board member is three years beginning on Monday, April 28, 2025. A description of the school district boundaries can be obtained from the school district office.
For Candidates
A Campaign Registration Statement and a Declaration of Candidacy, must be filed no later than 5:00 p.m., on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, in the office of the school district clerk.
Primary Election
If a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
Additional Information
Acceptable Photo ID will be required to vote at this election. If you do not have a photo ID you may obtain a free ID for voting from the Division of Motor Vehicles.
December Board Recap
The Mequon-Thiensville Board of Education held one working meeting, one legislative committee meeting, one policy committee meeting, and one regular business meeting this month.
December 2 Working Meeting
The Board heard a review of MTSD Curriculum Proposals for the 2025-26 school year from Dr. Lauren Croix, Executive Director of Educational Services.
The Board engaged in a mid-year governance check-in.
The Board heard a presentation of 2024-25 Board & Superintendent Goals and engaged in subsequent discussions.
The Board heard presentations on 2025-26 Budget Planning and 2025-28 Strategic Planning.
December 10 Legislative Committee Meeting
The Legislative Committee engaged in planning and discussion around next steps in legislative advocacy related to Wisconsin’s 2025-2027 biennial budget.
December 11 Policy Committee Meeting
Policies discussed included: #6900 - Draft Sponsorships, #6831 - Draft (New) Fraud Prevention and Reporting, and #6511.01 - Draft (New) Emergency Compensation for Federally Funded Employeess.
December 16 Regular Business Meeting
The Board took action to approve the Consent Agenda, including the hire of Mr. Andrew Sarnow as MTSD’s next Executive Director of Business Services, and the approval of the 2025-26 School Year Calendars.
The Board heard the Treasurer’s Report from Dr. Mary Gavigan, a Superintendent’s Report from Dr. Joynt, and a Legislative Committee Report from Shelley Burns.
The Board heard a review of a Audit Report and Financial Statements for the 2023-2024 fiscal year from Mr. Jake Lenell from CLA.
The Board heard an update on non-resident seat allocation for the 20225-26 school year from Michael Mooren, Executive Director of Student Services.
The Board heard a first reading of policies #5550 - Draft Electronic Surveillance, #7440.01 - Draft Video Surveillance and Electronic Monitoring, #6900 - Draft Sponsorships, #6831 - Draft (New) Fraud Prevention and Reporting, and #6511.01 - Draft (New) Emergency Compensation for Federally Funded Employees.
The Board engaged in discussion around 2025-2026 Board Budget-Making Priorities.
The Board heard a presentation from Dr. Joynt on the 2025-2028 Strategic Planning Process and engaged in a PESTLE analysis to inform decision-making.
The Board took action to approve the MTSD Curriculum Proposals for the 2025-2026 School Year.
The Board took action to approve recommendations from the MTSD Wisconsin Association of School Board Delegate in Preparation for the 2025 WASB Delegate Assembly.
The Board took action to approve second reading of policies: #0165.1 Draft Meetings - Notice - Regular Meeting, #5451 - Draft Student Recognition, #5200.01 - Draft (New) Full-Time Student.
The Board recognized several monetary gifts to Homestead High School student groups, as well as the MTSD middle school orchestra program.
All Board of Education meetings are open to the public with all community members invited to attend either in person or virtually, as available. All Board of Education meeting agendas and video recordings of past meetings can be found on the MTSD Board of Education website.
- Read MTSD's Non-Discrimination Statement
- File a formal complaint with the MTSD Board of Education