Action of the School Board 9.23.24

September 23, 2024
2024 Minnesota Association of Pupil Transportation (MAPT) Administrator of the Year Award
Greg Cole, chief operations officer and B.J Ison, director of transportation presented Jeff Mueller, transportation safety coordinator, the 2024 Minnesota Association of Pupil Transportation Administrator of the Year award.
Minnesota School Bus Safety Poster Contest Winners
Greg Cole, chief operations officer, B.J. Ison, director of transportation and Jeff Mueller, transportation safety coordinator presented the winners of the 2023-24 Minnesota School Bus Safety Poster Contest.
- Kaeto Evuleocha, kindergarten - University Avenue Elementary
- Asher Dahl, grade 3 - Sunrise Elementary
- Rosalyn Norton, grade 5 - Jefferson Elementary
- Cameron Kelly, grade 6 - River Trail Learning Center
- Fatima Muhamed, grade 7 - Northdale Middle School
- Brielle Whitney, grade 8 - Oak View Middle School
- Ramirez Magana, grade 9 - River Trail Learning Center
Monroe Elementary. “Project Lead the Way Program Recognition-Distinguished Launch”
Dr. Mary Wolverton, associate superintendent for elementary schools, presented Monroe Elementary School - Mathematics, Science and Children’s Engineering for recognition as a Project Lead the Way distinguished school. Monroe is one of three in the district and nine in the state to receive the distinction. Amy Oliver, principal and Kristin Contons, curriculum integrator were in attendance to accept the recognition on behalf of the school.
The School Board received testimony from Jackie Johnson and Rick Chiero.
Preliminary tax certification for taxes payable 2025
Michelle Vargas, chief financial officer, presented the preliminary tax certification for board approval. The action sets the maximum tax levy payable in 2025, an amount that will be reviewed and authorized at the December 9 School Board meeting following a public hearing. Vargas explained that the levy amounts are mainly guided through state funding formulas and voter approved levies. The recommended maximum tax levy would only increase property taxes for individual homeowners who experience an increase in the value of their property. Anoka County and Hennepin County to establish draft tax statements which will be mailed to property owners in November as the resolution was certified on a unanimous vote.
Phase 2 budget reduction and reallocations preliminary recommendation
Cory McIntyre, superintendent of Anoka-Hennepin Schools, presented a recommendation on the budget reduction and realignment process and timelines. A convergence of factors including limited and stable enrollment growth, elimination of federal pandemic relief fund, higher than budgeted employee contract settlements, inflation and increasing costs for operations along with other factors. The district is considering Phase 2 reductions of $21 million for a total reduction of $26 million prior to the 2025-26 school year. The School Board will also consider a second option to limit reductions to central services and hold a referendum election with the goal of limiting any reductions directly at school sites.
Community feedback will be collected as part of this process. An online survey tool will collect feedback and community open house meetings will be held to collect additional feedback for School Board consideration following the recommendation. Approval of Phase 2 recommendations is expected at the Nov. 25, 2024 school board meeting.
Policy 503.0 Attendance and Absences Policy
Tim Palmatier, general counsel provided a first reading of an update to Policy 503.0 Attendance and Absences Policy. The School Board would consider approval at a future meeting.
Authorize school readiness/kindergarten readiness preschool teachers 2024-25 master agreement
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, presented to the School Board the Anoka-Hennepin school readiness/kindergarten readiness preschool teachers 2024-25 master agreement for approval. The agreement was within the budget authority provided by the school board and it was approved on a unanimous vote.
Labor Relations update
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, provided the School Board with an update on the status of negotiations for employee groups consistent with Board Policy 209, Negotiations Code of Ethics. The presentation included an overview of the status of negotiations with the district’s bargaining groups and policy groups.
- Minutes from the Sept. 9, 2024 School Board work session.
- Retirements, resignations, terminations, layoffs and recalls, leaves and modified leaves of absence, appointments.
- Cash disbursements report.
- Cash balance report.
- Donations and scholarship report.
- Monthly revenue and expenditures.
- 102.0G Equal Educational Opportunity Policy-Gender Guidance, revised.
- 512.0 School Sponsored Media Policy, revised.
- Bid #25011B-Sand Creek Elementary, HVAC replacement-phase 4.
- City of Andover school resource officer contract #C000491.
- Anoka Area Ice Arena rental contract #C000510.
- Immunization exclusions as required by Statute 121a.15.
School Board work session, Oct. 7 at 5:30 p.m. at the Education Service Center, 2727 N Ferry St., Anoka, MN 55303.
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