June 1, 2024
May was a whirlwind with the Arts Festival, Teacher Appreciation Week, MCAS testing, and the DARE graduation, more MCAS testing and an NJHS blood drive. Lots of great stuff happening around RMS!
The Arts Festival has grown so much in the past few years to include an outstanding collection of art work and also band and chorus performances, woodworking highlights, the Blue Dog Cafe, a multicultural event, activities for kids, and a smoothie station! This year's festival was the best one yet! Congratulations to all of the staff who worked tirelessly to bring it all together. Shout out to RMS art teacher Ms. Haley, band teacher Mr. Ewell, chorus teacher Mr. Bergman, ESL staff Ms. Driscoll, Ms. Martinho, Ms. DaRosa and Ms. Zalocha and the many teachers throughout the district who contributed. Big thanks to Ms. Thompson and Ms. Medeiros for coordinating the whole event!
Huge thanks to the dedicated members of the RMS PAC who planned breakfast, lunch, and an ice cream truck and candy bar. The staff certainly felt appreciated and was thankful for your hard work and generosity. SGC also spoiled the staff with a special iced coffee delivery day and snack cart. Thank you all for recognizing the amazing staff of RMS!
On May 8, the second annual ESL Award Night took place in the auditorium and was very well attended by students and families. The wonderful event was planned by ESL teachers Ms. Driscoll, Ms. DaRosa and Ms. Martinho. Thank you to them for planning such a special evening to recognize the outstanding achievement of our ESL students!
The DARE graduation on May 20 was the first one in several years and we were so pleased to have Officer Ryan Theroux bring the program back to RMS! Congratulations to all of the grade 5 students who participated in the program and thank you Officer Theroux.
On May 22, we recognized two 8th graders who were recipients of Distinguished Student awards. Their academic performances combined with their leadership earned them the distinction from the New England League of Middle Schools (NELMS). Congratulations to Patrick McDonagh and Jordan Rubio!
On May 28, Grade 4 Parent Night was held in the lecture hall to familiarize grade 4 families with the middle school model.
Finally, the annual NJHS Blood Drive was a success as usual. Coordinated by advisor Ms. Carpine and staffed by the National Junior Honor Society members, this community event brought many people together to donate blood.
June 4-6 - 8th grade Philadelphia trip
June 6 - early release day, 11:25 AM dismissal
June 10 - 4th grade visits to RMS
June 11 - History Fair, 6:00-8:00 PM media center
June 12 - RMS school council meeting, 3:00 PM
June 12 - RMS PAC meeting, 6:00 PM
June 14 - 8th grade semi formal, cafeteria, 6:00 - 9:00 PM
June 17 - 8th grade step-up ceremony, auditorium, 8:30 AM
Student Government Council members are busy planning for the 4th graders to come visit RMS on June 10. Members will lead groups of students in ice breaking activities and take them on tours.
NJHS students helped to clean up the RMS campus on Tuesday, May 14th. Members picked up trash along the RMS parking lots, courtyard, and surrounding areas to help keep our school grounds beautiful!
On Thursday, May 30th, NJHS held another successful blood drive in honor of John W Rogers on May 30th. Despite the wind and rain, many community members and RPS staff donated blood to help support Boston Children's Hospital.
Check out the many exciting summer camp opportunities below:
The summer is fast approaching and there are a few things that will need to be done before the end of the year.
We do not have allergy medicine, cough medicine/drops or sunscreen in the nurse’s office. If your child requires any of these please give them to them before they leave for school.
Please send in doctor’s physical/camp/school forms for student records. They are needed for 8th grade students that are moving on to High School.
Medication will need to be picked up by parents on Friday June 14th between 8-3. Inhalers and epi pens can be taken home by the students. Please remind them to come by my office on the last day of school to get them. I will also make an announcement.
5th and 6th graders are still participating in gym class through the end of the year. Flip flops, crocs and slippers are not appropriate footwear for gym class. I see many hurt toes, ankles and knees from running and playing in the wrong shoes. They should all be wearing or bringing sneakers.
- If you are withdrawing your child from Rockland Public Schools, please be sure to complete and return a withdrawal form. You can come in to get the form, or email pdriscoll@rocklandschools.org for one to be emailed to you. A withdrawal form is also needed for those students who will be attending SSVT or private schools in the fall.
- Please call 781-878-4341 or email rmsabsences@rocklandschools.org to report an absence or let us know your child will be late.
- Please remember to bring your up-to-date photo ID (driver's license, state ID, passport, green card) into the office when picking up your student for early dismissal, coming in for a meeting, or dropping off something to the Nurse. One of these forms of ID is required each time in order to pick up a student or to come in for a meeting or to see the Nurse. If one of your contacts is picking up your child for early dismissal, please let them know they need to bring one of these forms of ID into the office.
- If you plan to chaperone an RMS field trip or volunteer for an RMS event, you must have a valid CORI on file. Please come in to the Main Office with your driver's license or US passport and fill out the form. It can take a week or so for the CORI to come back. With field trips starting to be planned, please come in as soon as possible so you will be all set for when the field trip or event happens! If you are unsure if you have a CORI on file, or if your CORI is still current, please call the office at 781-878-4341 and we will look it up.
We are in the home stretch! As the school year winds down, please encourage your students to continue to put forth their best effort. Culminating projects will give students the opportunity to show how much they have learned this year. We have many fun end-of-the-year activities planned as well.
As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Cheryl Schipper