Lake Agassiz
August 2024 Newsletter
Happy October!
It's always hard to believe how fast the time goes once the school year gets underway. Thank you for all you do to help your child have a positive start to the school year. Establishing school routines at home are just as important as our routines at school. Early bedtime, a good breakfast, and staying in touch with your child's teacher through SeeSaw are 3 routines that will have a positive impact on your child's learning.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your child's teacher.
It is that time of year to review our Title 1 information. You can do that here.
Upcoming October Dates
Wednesday, October 2nd
- Early Release 1:30 Dismissal
Thursday, October 3rd
- School Picture Day in the morning
- Parent Teacher Conferences 4pm - 7pm
Friday, October 4th
- Parent Teacher Conferences 8:30am - 4pm
Tuesday, October 8th
- Parent Teacher Conferences 4pm - 7pm
Monday, October 14
- Waterford Literacy Night 5:30 - 6:30 in the gym - Enter through door 10
Tuesday, October 15th
- PTO Meeting 6:30pm - 7:30pm in the school library - Enter through Door 10
Wednesday, October 16th
- Early Release 1:30 Dismissal
Friday, October 18th
Friday, October 25th
- RED Event 2:15 - 3:00
Walk to School
Text for translation:
Walk to school day, October 11, 2024.
Join us for fresh air, move your body and walk or ride your bike to school with your friends. If you will be on a bike, wear your helmet. If you need a helmet, call Elise Jones (701)367-6912. We will have special guests, music, and snacks to celebrate in front of the school.
Start at The Betty - 1 Ralph Engelstad Arena Dr.
or you can start at Winterland Apartments - 4275 5th Ave N
Written Notification of School Accountability Report
North Dakota has launched a dashboard called “Insights,” designed to help communities
across the state access important information about K-12 districts and schools. Insights
features easy-to-read reports on multiple measures of school success, including:
· Student Achievement
· Choice Ready Results
· Performance Comparisons
· English Learner Progress
· Graduation Rates
· School and State Accountability Results
· School Improvement Information
· Post-Secondary Education
· School Environment
Volunteers Needed For Kindergarten & 1st Grade Reading Intramurals
We are excited to offer an opportunity for parents and guardians to come and read to our Kindergarten and 1st-grade students in the mornings. From 8:00 - 8:20 AM, volunteers can help kickstart our students’ day with a story as they wait for school to begin. If you'd like to sign up for a morning to read, simply click on the purple box below to register. We appreciate your support in fostering a love for reading!
You are invited to read with your student at school Friday, October 25 at 2:15. Please enter through door 10!
Counselors Corner
A Note From Our Dean's
After School Restraint Collapse
Have you noticed your child coming home from school on edge? Extra emotional? Exhausted? If this sounds familiar to you know that you are not alone. Many students use most of their energy and self control to get through the school day, when they are finally at home with their trusted adults they just totally lose it. There is a name for that, its called after school restraint fatigue. "It happens, says Andrea Loewen Nair, the counselor and parenting educator who coined the term, because kids hold it together all day and only release their true emotions when they get to a safe place. Some kids become weepy, while others scream, throw things and become generally unreasonable. Older kids might act rude and disrespectful, hurling insults at you and their siblings." Some children are more likely to experience after-school restraint collapse than others. “More sensitive and intense kids, and kids struggling with learning and social skills, will be more likely to be affected. That's not to say even your more regulated kids won't display this after a particularly long or challenging day, when they may be getting sick or when they haven't gotten enough sleep. While this fatigue isn't avoidable there are some ways you can help your students and yourself get through it. See the graphic below for some ways to support your kids and adjust your routines for smoother evenings. After School Restraint Collapse Article
Community Events
- Join us to learn how to make looking for foundational literacy skills an engaging detective adventure!
- Snacks provided
- Take home materials Family friendly activities
Lake Agassiz Gym
Monday October 14
5:30-6:30 PM
Families that attend will be entered into a drawing to receive a gift card!
Fire Safety Month
October 6th - 12th is Fire Prevention Week. In a typical home fire, you may have as little as 2 minutes to safely escape from the moment the fire alarm sounds. With your family, discuss, plan, and practice your escape route. As part of your plan, choose an outside meeting place. Test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Have your heating systems inspected by professionals. Carbon monoxide is an odorless gas that only carbon monoxide detectors can sense. is a great resource for fire safety, education, and prevention resources.
Here's another great link full of videos and activities
School Cancellation and Postponement Procedures
Click here for school cancellation and postponement procedures.
The Force of Early Childhood and Community Events
Click here for a fun play calendar and COMMUNITY EVENTS for the entire family!
Any message you leave after hours or early morning hours will get to Miss Laurie. You don't have to wait for our office to open to call our attendance line. As a busy parent (and possibly with a sick kid) this can be very helpful! And it saves Miss Laurie from spending a large amount of time trying to connect with families when a student's absence has not been communicated with us.
If your child will be late or absent from school, please inform the school office by calling the attendance line number above before 8:25 am. You will not speak directly to anyone, it is a message line only (so you can call at any time). Please leave your child's name, teacher, and reason for absence. All students absent or arriving late because of an appointment of any kind will need to have a written excuse from the doctor's office in order for the absence or tardy to be excused. Medically excused absences do not count against a student's absences if a note is provided by the medical provider. Communication between home and school ensures students' safety. If the school does not hear from you, we will give you a call to make sure your child is safe.
Attendance is very important. If your child is not in school, he/she is missing out on very important learning. We monitor student attendance closely and follow the Grand Forks Public Schools "Stay in School" policy.
Lake Agassiz Spirit Wear
Click HERE to order your Lake Agassiz Mustang Gear!
Each Friday is school spirit day. Wear your purple and gold!