Coy Weekly Update
Thank you and congratulations to all on Coy's Ohio Department of Education 4 1/2 Star Grade Card Rating!
Parent Drop-Off Reminder:
If you choose to drop your child off in the morning, drop-off time is 8:40. If you are here and waiting in the parent drop-off loop before the 8:40 drop-off time, you must remain in your vehicles for safety reasons. Please also note that you cannot park in the parent drop-off loop and leave your vehicle unattended at any time.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Mrs. Molnar
Welcome to Chance, Coy's Newest Family Member!
Third Grade Ohio State Testing in October
Third grade students will be taking the online Ohio State Reading Test on October 22-23. Please plan ahead and avoid scheduling appointments or time away from school on these days. Each testing session will be 90 minutes. You will want to make sure that your third grade student is well rested, well fed and prompt to school on October 22nd and 23rd in order to perform their best on the test. Should your child be late on either testing day, he/she will have to wait in the office until after the testing session is complete and take a make-up test at a later time. You may want to check out the 3rd grade sample test questions through the following ODE link- Each third grader must pass the Ohio State Reading Test in order to be promoted to fourth grade. Students will take the test again in April. Please encourage your child to do his/her best on the test!
Nest News...
Has your child turned in their Fridge Friendly Activity for this month?
Happy Friday!
Thank you all so much for bringing in items and money to use for our new therapy dog, Chance! We are so excited to bring him here and have him be a part of the Coy family! He will be here visiting with us next week for a couple of days so your student may get to see him for the first time in person!!
--Mrs. Wilson
Happy Friday!
Just a friendly reminder, all medications (prescriptions and non-prescription) need to be kept in the nursing office. There also needs to be a form completed by a guardian for the school to administer the medication. This includes cough drops, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough and cold medicines.
With the cold and flu season approaching, please familiarize yourself with our District Elementary School Handbook regarding our illness policies. You will find these policies on page 20.
Have a great weekend!
Nurse Nichole
Attention 4th Graders....
PGA Goodies with Grandparents
Thank you to all that helped make our "Goodies with Grandparents" events successful! Collectively, we had over 750 people attend our events!
Do you want to recognize an OCS Employee? Please complete the form below...
Coy Collects...
Kroger Community Rewards
Please remember that our school gets money from your grocery shopping by showing your Kroger Plus card at checkout!
If you have not re-enrolled your Kroger Community Rewards card for this school year, please do so now.
To re-enroll a card, simply go to
· Click “sign-in”
· Put in your email address and password that you used to enroll your card.
· Click on your name at the top right, scroll to the bottom for Community Rewards.
· Put in the group number or part of the name of the organization.
· Choose the correct organization.
· Click Enroll.
You are now enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards.
If you are having an issue with your password and or email address please 1-800-KROGERS, press 5 for customer service, press 5 to speak to a customer service representative.
If you are registering for the first time, you will need to set up an account first.
· For a member to enroll for a card, simply go to
· Click “create an account”
· Put in your email address and password. Confirm your password
· Enter plus card OR alt ID number
· Go to Community Rewards (near bottom)
· Follow through the steps. (Name, address, etc.)
· Put in the group number or part of the name of the organization.
· Choose the correct organization.
· Click Enroll.
Thank you!
Important Upcoming Dates:
3 School Picture Make-Up Day
6-11 National Fire Prevention Week
16 End of 1st Nine Weeks
22-23 3rd Grade Ohio State Reading Test
23 Coy PGA Meeting @ 6:30 - Coy Library
24 Practice School Evacuation
25 Nest Time - Wear Nest Shirts Today!
25 Grade Cards Come Home
28-Nov 1 Right to Read Week
30 Right to Read Family Night
Nov 1 - Fall Festival (more info to come)
Location: 3604 Pickle Road, Oregon, Ohio 43616
Phone: 419-693-0624
Twitter: @Coy_Rams