Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

October 11, 2024
BVTV Video Broadcast will be back on Tuesday!
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez -sub Amy Stockett
Chris Lenz – sub Wayne McNally
Becky Stewart – sub Jana Gill
Lesa Young – sub Julia Wickware
Anna Serena – Meridith Coenen
Kirkwell Matthew – sub Ann Nystrom
Beth Dittman – sub Jennifer Hoback
Zara Budenbender (2 & 3) – Timothy Hay
Tiffany Kincer (5 & 6) – sub Meridith Coenen
Kristen Edington (5th) - sub will cover
Christina Schlatter (5 & 6) – sub Osnat Chavez
Aidan Chilcutt – sub Jinee Sargent
Andrea Garman – sub Malia Okin
Cara Dunham – sub Amber Bergen
Garrett Lane – sub Bob Podesta
Cheryl Monaco – no sub
Chris Knapp (2 - 3:30)
Lorraine Shurley – no sub
Jon Perry – no sub
Student Body
Join us for a night of fun as we continue celebrating BV homecoming festivities at Tonight’s JV & Varsity home Football Games against Inderkum. Dress up theme is “Minions!” JV game begins at 5pm, then enjoy HOCO floats and royalty, followed by the varsity game.
- It’s time to dress up and have fun at Tomorrow night’s Homecoming Dance “A Night in Hollywood!” The Dance is from 7:30pm - 10:00pm in the BV Large Gym.
- Students must enter dance by 9pm, *No re-entry.
- Semi-formal Red-Carpet Event (no jeans). Remember No Heels allowed on the gym floor!
- Free Photo Booth and light refreshments
- Attention Seniors: Disney Grad Nite 2025 informational meeting is Wednesday, October 16 at 7pm in the BV Cafeteria. Please bring a parent or guardian.
- Hey Lady Bronco Basketball, it’s almost time for Tryouts! Tryouts will be held in the large gym on Nov. 4th & 5th from 6-8pm and Nov. 6th, 7th & 8th (Time to be TBD)
- Attention Students Who Ride Bikes to School: BIKE RACKS are now LOCATED at the GATED ENCLOSURE by ROOM J6.
Upcoming Meetings
- TONIGHT: JV football, HOCO Parade & Varsity football 5:00-10pm in Stadium
- TOMORROW NIGHT: HOCO Dance "A Night in Hollywood" 7:30-10:00pm Large Gym
- Tuesday, October 15: Lavender Club meeting at Lunch in Room E6
- Tuesday, October 15: College Application Workshop #2 5th/6th period in Library
- Wednesday, October 15: Grad Nite Info Meeting 7pm in Cafeteria
- Monday, October 21: Fall Choir Concert: 7pm Cafeteria
- Wednesday, October 23: Career Day (Adjusted Bell Schedule)
- Monday, October 28: College Application Workshop #3: 5th/6th period in Library
- Wednesday, October 30: PSAT Testing/Senior Meeting (Adjusted Bell Schedule)
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics at these upcoming sporting events! Free home admission with your ASB card!
Tonight come support JV & Varsity home Football Games against Inderkum. Dress up theme is “Minions!” JV starts at 5pm, then HOCO festivities, followed by the varsity game.
Today the Varsity Girls Water Polo heads to the Western States Tournament. Go Broncos!
Wishing BV Cross Country Runners Good Luck at Saturday’s Invitational meet in Fresno!
Saturday JV Girls Water Polo play in the CKM JV Tournament. Wishing them Good Luck!
Students must be cleared through Sports Net before participating in conditioning, tryouts and practices. Physical Forms are available in the front office.
On going Reminders...
- The College & Career Center has updated lists of College & University Representatives visiting BV. Stop by the CCC to sign up for these events.
- Attention Seniors! Do you need help with the ins and outs of applying to college? The College & Career Center is hosting College Application Workshop #2 on Tuesday, October 15 during 5th & 6th period. Students who have a 5th/6th period need to see Mrs. Sloan in the library for a pass.
- PSAT Testing: 10th & 11th grade students - Wednesday, October 30th
- Testing begins at 8:30am. Anyone late will not be able to test.
- 12th grade students arrive at 11:00am for an important Senior Meeting in the large gym
- 9th graders should arrive at 11:40am
- All students will begin Regular Classes at 11:50am
- AP Students who plan to register for May's AP exams must sign up No Later than Wednesday, November 6 at 11:59pm. All exam registrations must be completed through Total Registration, cost per exam $105. Any financial concerns, please email Mrs. Sowa.
- Attention Juniors & Seniors! The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test will be held Thursday, Nov. 14, 11:00am - 2:00pm in BV Library. Sign up in the College & Career Center for a pass to attend.
- Attention Seniors! Schedule your Senior Portraits appointment with Bill Smith Photography ASAP! Appointment Link: https://billsmithphoto.com/bellavista/
- Ordering questions: text or call (916)749-1026
- Did you know student volunteer opportunities are posted & available for sign up on the BV website! There are a few events happening this week, check it out & get signed up to get your hours done!
- SB Cards ($50), Class T-Shirts ($13-limited sizes available) and Student Planners ($5-quantities limited) are still available to purchase in the Finance office with Cash/Check.
- Yearbooks $70: purchase online https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (Use Code 6038) or finance office with Cash/Check.