Parent Newsletter
January 26, 2025
Parent Greetings!
Goal Setting II
The winter iReady assessment reports were sent home with your child on Friday, January 24th. Did you review their winter iReady assessment data and compare it to their fall scores? Is your child on track to meet or exceed academic expectations? Did your child make no progress from fall to winter?
We appreciate your support if your child is on track to meet or exceed expected growth. However, if your child is struggling, here are some tips to help your child at home to ensure progress is being made.
Daily routines to begin with your child:
Check your child’s assignment notebook daily for unfinished class work that should be completed at home and submitted
Check Google classroom daily for each each of your child’s classes so you will know what your child is expected to learn and complete
Check Teacherease weekly for grade updates or for late and/or missing assignments in each class
Reach out to your child’s teacher often for support
Attend Taborn Morning Meet Up or Taborn Takeaways monthly meetings to learn more about how you can support your child at home
*Goal setting tips have been linked in the Parents’ Corner below.
Your support at home is critical to your child’s academic success. We appreciate your support.
Go Stallions!
Ms. Taborn
Parent Town Hall: Social Media Safety
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are excited to invite you to Part 2 of our Social Media Safety Parent Town Hall Series. Last year we had a social media safety presentation that introduced you to various social media apps, features and safety protocols. This year, we are going to have a deeper look and dive into how you can go into specific apps such as TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram to monitor time spent as well as how to adjust settings and features to ensure your child is safe while using them.
The presenter will bring iPads for participants to use. However, you can bring your own cell phone, iPad, or laptop with the apps already downloaded and accounts are created so we are all starting from the same place. Although the same presenter will be attending, this is a separate presentation from last year.
Please RSVP by scanning the QR code on the flyer to reserve your spot to attend! Sandwich wraps and light refreshments will be provided. Free child care is also available. See flyer for more details.
8th Grade Parents
8th Grade Cap and Gown Pictures
The 8th graders will be taking pictures in the cafeteria tomorrow. To ensure your child’s cap and gown picture is taken, please make sure your student is on time for school and follow the guidelines listed in the flyer. We will begin taking pictures at 8:00 am.
8th Grade T-Shirts
The T-Shirt fundraiser for the Class of 2025 is now live on Image Market. You can place your order today using the link below.
Planning Ahead
8th Grade parent donations and volunteers are needed for the EOY activities. Please reach out to Mrs. Thorsen at thorsen@ccsd93.com for more information and how you can support.
Attendance Matters
Tips for Building Positive Attendance Habits
In examining our student data from previous years, we consistently find that:
Students who miss 1 or 0 days of school per month throughout the school year are twice as likely to meet grade level expectations in reading and math than those who miss 2+ days of school per month.
Students who arrive on time to school also generally outperform those who are frequently tardy.
Without question, on-time attendance truly matters to student success. Knowing this, our goal is to help students and their families to build positive attendance habits this school year, and school administrators will be making an extra effort to monitor attendance more closely than ever. Please review this info sheet for some great tips to ensure your child is consistently in attendance and on time this school year.
Middle School Attendance Habits - English
Middle School Attendance Habits - Spanish
CCSD93 News
Please Take Strategic Plan Survey by 1/31!
Each year, CCSD93 gathers valuable feedback from parents, students, and staff through the Strategic Plan Survey. Your input helps us improve programs, services, and measure progress on key Strategic Plan goals.
The survey is now open and takes less than 15 minutes to complete. Responses must be submitted by Friday, January 31. Visit www.ccsd93.com/spsurvey to participate. Thank you for your feedback!
¡Por favor responda la encuesta del plan estratégico antes del 31/1!
Cada año, CCSD93 recopila comentarios valiosos de padres, estudiantes y personal a través de la Encuesta del Plan Estratégico. Sus comentarios nos ayudan a mejorar los programas, los servicios y a medir el progreso en los objetivos clave del Plan Estratégico.
La encuesta ya está abierta y tarda menos de 15 minutos en completarse. Las respuestas deben enviarse antes del viernes 31 de enero. Visite www.ccsd93.com/spsurvey para realizar la encuesta antes de esa fecha. Para realizarlo en español, después de visitar la página web, cambie el menú desplegable "Language" de "English" a "Español". ¡Gracias por su asistencia!
Be Seen & Heard
Free Be Seen & Heard Programming Resources for Parents
As previously shared, our school recently hosted the Be Seen and Heard© child sexual abuse prevention program. Students learned about the difference between safe and unsafe touch, the difference between safe and unsafe secrets and the importance of speaking up to trusted heroes in an age-appropriate, safe and engaging environment.
If you wish to continue this valuable conversation about body safety and prevention with your child, you are invited to create a free membership with Be Seen & Heard by completing the signup form linked here. By joining, you will receive a number of free resources.
Recursos gratuitos de programación para padres para ser visto y escuchado
Como se compartió anteriormente, nuestra escuela organizó recientemente el programa de prevención de abuso sexual infantil Be Seen and Heard©. Los estudiantes aprendieron sobre la diferencia entre contacto seguro e inseguro, la diferencia entre secretos seguros e inseguros y la importancia de hablar con héroes confiables en un ambiente atractivo, seguro y apropiado para su edad.
Si desea continuar esta valiosa conversación sobre seguridad y prevención corporal con su hijo, lo invitamos a crear una membresía gratuita en Be Seen & Heard completando el formulario de registro vinculado aquí. Al unirte, recibirás una serie de recursos gratuitos.
Welcome to Stratford: Student Teacher Mr. Villareal
Dear Stratford 6th Grade Families,
I am happy to share that we have the privilege of welcoming Mr. Raul Villarreal as our student teacher from January 21 to May 2, 2025. Mr. Villarreal is joining us from Roosevelt University, and he brings enthusiasm and a passion for teaching that I’m confident will resonate with our students.
Students have already met Mr. Villarreal, as he completed observation hours in our classroom this past fall. He’s had the opportunity to get to know the students and social studies curriculum. I’m sure he will quickly become an integral part of our learning community.
During his time with us, Mr. Villarreal will gradually take on teaching responsibilities, allowing him to gain valuable hands-on experience while working closely with me to ensure a smooth transition. This collaboration will also provide our students with the benefit of an additional teacher’s perspective and support.
We’re excited to support Mr. Villarreal on this important step in his teaching journey. Please join me in giving him a warm welcome!
Thank you!
-Mara Thanos
Reminder Headphones/AirPods/Cell Phone Expectations
Students are required to remove their airpods/headphones when they enter the building and place their cell phones in their locker before they enter their advisory class.
All students are required to have wired headphones in their classes for assignments. Please ensure your child has a pair of wired headphones to use with their iPad (6th/7th grade) and MacBook (8th grade). Wireless headphones cannot be used for class assignments.
Cell phones
Students are required to put their cell phones in their locker for the day before they enter their advisory class and it should be turned off.
Unless it’s for a medical reason, no student can have their phone on their person. If a student does not comply with that expectation, their parents will be contacted and their cell phone will be kept in the office each day.
Parent/Student Communication During the Day
If your child is not feeling well, they should not text you to be picked up for an early dismissal. Instead, the student must be seen by our school nurse. If it is necessary for your child to go home, the nurse will contact you. If you need to contact your child, please call the office. The secretary will deliver the message to your child’s teacher.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Junior Achievement
On January 31st, all 6th grade students will be participating in a career activity hosted by Junior Achievement. Students will be assigned a career and then take a tour through JA Town.
In JA Town, students will visit life-expense stations such as transportation, insurance, self-care, housing, and education to name a few. At the expense stations students will make choices on how they spend their salary in order to budget their money.
Please join us! Our next meeting is Monday, January 27th at 6:30 pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 5841 5933
Passcode: 624716
Parents' Corner
Planning Ahead: January
Wednesday 1.29.25
Elementary Feeder School Band Concert 6:30
Thursday 1.30.25
GBB Tryouts 3:30
Friday 1.31.25
JA Town - 6th grade
GBB Tryouts 3:30