RRHS Senior Update Week of 9/2/24
Buy Your Yearbook!
Yearbooks are on sale for the LOWEST price of the year. You can go to www.yearbookforever.com to buy yours now. Prices will continue to go up throughout the year, so buy yours at the lowest price now while you still can.
Senior Ads- Buy Now Before Early Bird Pricing Ends!
Place a senior/baby ad in this year’s yearbook to commemorate your senior’s hard work and success! Ad space is available now and must be purchased online. You can go to www.yearbookforever.com to choose your ad size, upload your pictures and message, and pay for the ad. The yearbook staff will design the ad and send parents a proof. Ad space is limited and available on a first-come, first serve basis. Once the ads are sold out, we cannot accommodate any more. Buy your ad now to ensure you get your pictures and message of congratulations in the book!
Last Call for Senior Pictures- Sept. 23 & 24
Victor O’Neill Studios, Rock Ridge’s official photographer, will be taking senior portraits at Rock Ridge on Sept. 23 & 24. This is the LAST time they will be at Rock Ridge.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be photographed for the yearbook! The attire for the school’s yearbook pose is traditional tuxedos and drapes, which are provided by the photography company! In addition to the free yearbook session, they also offer sessions that include casual/personality portraits and cap and gown portraits.
Please follow the link below to choose your session type and appointment time here.
As a friendly reminder, appointments are needed for Senior Portraits. This is the LAST round of pictures here, if you do not get your picture taken at school, you will have to arrange with Victor O’Neill for a different time, and you may not be included in the yearbook.
If you have any questions, please email the senior portraits team at seniors@vosphoto.com. Please kindly include your senior’s first and last name and “Rock Ridge Class of 2025” when emailing, for faster assistance.