Mustang Round-Up
August 23, 2024 Cheyenne Newsletter
Open House August 26 6pm
Open House is a parent-only event. During Open House, you will spend 8 minutes in each of your student's classes. Teachers will share the curriculum goals, skills, objectives, and major themes they plan to cover throughout the year.
Your student's schedule can be accessed through the Parent Portal starting Monday, August 26th. You may print a copy to bring with you, use the digital version through the Parent Portal app on your phone, or your student will come home with a handout of their schedule on Monday afternoon. Maps and handouts will be available as you enter the school.
As a reminder, Open House does not allow for teachers to discuss your student specifically and their class. Parent/Teacher Conferences are a great opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss your student. Mark your calendars, conferences are being held Thursday, October 10th and Monday, October 14th 3:30pm-7:00pm both days.
Principal News
Dear Cheyenne Families,
We have had an amazing first week of school. Our students are doing a great job getting back into school mode. We want to thank all of you for helping make this week go so well.
As we start another full week of school, please help us by continuing to pull all the way to the blue line for pickup and dropoff. This allows for more cars to enter the loop off the road, and many more kids can exit or enter vehicles along the school's sidewalks. We encourage families to have a designated spot for students to charge their Chromebooks every night so they are ready to go each day. Students also wear their ID daily to help with identification, safety, breakfast/lunch, and checking out library books.
Thank you for all you do to support our school, staff and students.
We Are Cheyenne!
We Are Mustangs!
Michelle Grinsteiner
Universal Screeners for Math and Reading 8/27 & 8/28
Aimsweb Universal Screener
Tuesday and Wednesday, we plan to take our Fall benchmark with Aimsweb+. Please get some rest, eat a balanced meal, charge your Chromebook, bring your earbuds if you want them, and then be ready to show what you know!
As part of our goal to ensure that our students receive the best instruction and are making at least a year’s growth academically in a school year, we utilize aimswebPlus as our universal screener for all students 3 times a year. Our elementaries also use aimswebPlus.
Aimsweb+ provides student data that helps us adjust the level and intensity of instruction to the needs of our students. The Aimsweb+ reading and math assessments are used for two main purposes:
Universal Screening, provides a well check on how our students are doing so that we can respond to individual student’s instructional needs or to make adjustments in our overall instruction for all kids in a timely manner.
Progress Monitoring, to track the progress of students receiving extra instructional supports and ensure that they are on schedule to meet their year-end reading and math goals.
Who will be assessed?
Each fall, winter, and spring, every student will take the Aimsweb+ benchmarks for Reading and Math. For students needing additional instruction, we will monitor their progress frequently, checking at least once a month and as often as once a week. If someone is not showing sufficient progress, we are then able to adapt classroom instruction.
What kind of information does the test provide?
AimsWebPlus provides norm-referenced information in the form of percentiles, which represent the percentage of students in the nationally representative sample who scored at or below a given score. For example, a score at the 35th percentile means that 35% of the norm sample achieved a score equal to or lower than this level. Ranging from 1 to 99, percentiles provide a common reference point for interpreting student performance.
What do I need to do to prepare my child for testing?
No special preparation for aimswebPlus testing is required other than preparing for school on any other day. The testing is given in their regular class and will not be a big event for your child. Please get some rest, eat a balanced meal, charge your Chromebook, and then be ready to show what you know!
How can I get additional information on how aimswebPlus is being used by the school?
After we have the scores, we can share them with you. Please contact your child's counselor if you want additional information or have any questions or concerns.
- 6th Gr. Jenny Bynum
- 7th Gr. Lindsey Descher
- 8th Gr. Vicki Barton
Resiliency Makes the Difference!
What makes students persevere despite adversity? Resiliency makes the difference! Resiliency is a set of protective characteristics possessed by those who are able to adapt to hardship and succeed. It determines why one group or individual student succeeds and another does not. Research found six interrelated resiliency skills that are critical to student success. These skills include: valuing education, academic confidence, connectedness, stress, health and well-being, and intrinsic motivation. A student becomes more resilient if they improve performance (includes attendance, behavior, coursework), take ownership of their education, set and work towards goals, take responsibility for their lives, manage adversity, and thrive in school and beyond.
Edmond Public Schools is implementing a Resilience Curriculum and survey called, Intellispark. Our 6th through 12th grade students will take a resiliency survey during Advisory to aid the district in determining student needs and providing proactive, prevention programs. Sample questions from the surveys will be made available for viewing at our schools or the district office.
You may choose to withdraw your child from the surveys at any time. This is NOT a psychological evaluation, and the information will NOT be included in your child’s permanent academic records. Our 6th through 12th grade students will then receive lessons on resilience, through Advisory in middle school and high school.
Click here to opt your child out of the resiliency surveys. Complete this form for opt-out by Monday, August 26th.
If you have any questions, you can email the following grade-level counselors by Monday, August 26, 2024.
Counselor Contact Information 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade
Signs of Suicide Curriculum
This Fall Semester Edmond Public School Middle and High School Counselors are working to teach students about mental health and how to seek help if they are worried about themselves or a friend. We are using a program called SOS Signs of Suicide. The program teaches students about this difficult topic and encourages them to seek help.
SOS has been used by thousands of schools for over 20 years. Studies have shown that it effectively teaches students about depression and suicide while reducing the number of students’ self-reported suicide attempts.
Through the program, students learn:
how to identify potential suicide risk in themselves or another student
to ACT (Acknowledge, Care and Tell a trusted adult) if concerned about themselves or a friend
who they can turn to at school for help
SOS curriculum is conducted in a classroom setting by a School Counselor. During this one time 45 minute lesson, students will watch age-appropriate video clips and participate in a guided discussion about depression, suicide, and what to do if they are concerned about a fellow student. Following the video, students will complete a brief depression screening form. This form cannot provide a diagnosis of depression but does indicate whether a young person should seek help from a mental health professional.
We encourage you to visit for information on warning signs for youth suicide, useful resources, and some of the key messages students will learn.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s participation in this program please contact your student’s school counselor at
6th grade-
7th grade-
8th grade-
Opt-out of the SOS Curriculum by completing this form.
Dropping Off Items (No Food Deliveries)
We ask that you check with your student before they walk out the door and make sure they are prepared for the day. This includes having their, Chromebook, ID and Lunch. If your student does forget their lunch or something they need for school, we have a cart in our front lobby with grade levels. This will be rolled back into the common area for the students to pick up their items during passing. Please drop off LUNCHES or SCHOOL SUPPLIES ONLY.
If you are dropping off an instrument or athletic equipment we will place this by the back office door for them to come up and get during their passing or after school. Please make arrangements with your student regarding these items and where to retrieve them.
We do not accept any outside deliveries for students. No door dash, grubhub, etc.
Dress Code
Please take a few minutes to look over the Edmond Public Schools Dress Code policy #4510. and STUDENT DRESS CODE (REGULATION) Here are a few key points.
Hats/Headwear: Students shall not wear hats or headwear in classrooms unless a medical or religious exception exists.
Clothing: Clothing must cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit, down to the upper thighs. Tops must have shoulder straps. Rips or tears in clothing should be below the pocket area of jeans or pants. The top and bottom clothing items must be touching (No mid-drift).
Shirts may not be sheer or mesh and must cover the entire trunk of the body. Messages on shirts shall not include illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco or other products that may not be utilized by children. Vulgar and/or obscene messages are prohibited and will be subject to discipline under the student discipline code.
Pants, shorts, skirts, and skorts shall be worn at the waist and must be no shorter than mid-thigh.
Over the past school year, we have observed more students bringing blankets to school. We would like to remind everyone that blankets are not encouraged. If a student brings a blanket to school, it will be confiscated and returned to them at the end of the school day. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Student IDs who forget their student ID are asked to call home when they don't have it. If parents are able to bring it to school great. But, if not students will print a sticker for the day. If students have to print up to 3 stickers they will be receiving a new ID and $5 charged to their student account.
Cheyenne Return to School Plans
- School Start Date and Time: School starts August 15th. School Instructional hours are from 7:40-2:20. You can access a complete bell schedule here or on our school website. Our building will open for breakfast and early entry at 7:10am. All students should report to breakfast or their Advisory class when they arrive. Advisory is a class and counts towards attendance.
Lockers: Students do not have access to lockers. This eliminates the majority of class tardy issues, hallway issues, and having to leave the room because a student forgot something in their locker. One Chromebook replaces the 5 textbooks they used to carry. We are lucky student classes are mainly located in one hallway just a few steps from each other. We will continue offering medical, athletic, and music equipment drop-off room locations. Please keep this in mind when you purchase school supplies. Keep purchases limited to needs only. Grade levels will collect the shared items and tell students what to keep at home. Backpacks should carry the essentials only from class to class.
Refillable Water Bottles: Students may also carry a refillable water container. It is important to put their name on the container. Refillable water containers should not contain other liquids. Do not send squeeze bottles or bottled water. Students arriving to school with outside drinks will be asked to finish them in the office or cafeteria before reporting to class. We have had too many spills and disruptions involving squeeze water bottles, bottled water, outside drinks, and drinks other than water.
Backpacks: Backpacks are allowed in the classroom. Female students may also carry a small purse with personal items. Students are encouraged to only bring the essential items to school with them daily.
Food: Breakfast and lunch are available for purchase each day in the cafeteria. We also have a snack bar with additional items for purchase. We do not allow Door Dash items, group lunches, or deliveries. Students arriving at school with outside breakfast items will be asked to remain in the office or cafeteria to complete them before reporting to class. Students should not bring full-size bags of food to school. Classrooms are a no-food zone. Exceptions will be made for class or school activities. Students may bring their lunch in a lunchbox or disposable containers. Student names should be written inside lunchboxes for easy identification.
See below for lunch pay plan, lunch applications, and transportation details.
No Cell Phone During the School Day
No Outside Food or Drink in the Classroom
Lunch Account Program
Please take advantage of the options to prepay your student's meal accounts.
Meal Applications
Applications may be complete through the new school cafe program link or
Bus Information
TSA Informational Meeting
TSA Information Meeting for parents and students at 6 pm on August 28. Come learn all about the competitions and events available for you to compete in. Competitions include cybersecurity, engineering, coding, catapults, robotics, Computer-Aided Drafting and more. We will meet in Ms. Davis's Room #403. We look forward to seeing you!
Weekly Reminders
Monday 8/26 Parent Night
Open House 6-7:30
Orchestra Rental Night SFe HS 4-7pm
Tuesday 8/27
Orchestra Rental Night SFe HS 4-7pm
Cheyenne at Sequoyah Softball 4:30pm
Cheyenne at Sequoyah Volleyball 5pm
Wednesday 8/28 Popsicle Day $1
TSA Parent Information Night 5:30-7pm
Thursday 8/29 Cheyenne Spirit Day
Cheyenne vs. Summit Softball Home 4:30pm
Cheyenne vs. Summit Girls Volleyball Home 5pm
7th Grade Cheyenne vs. Sequoyah Football 5:30pm
8th Grade Cheyenne vs. Sequoyah Football Home 7pm
Friday 8/30 College Colors Day
8th Grade Boys Cheyenne at Mustang HS Cross Country 8am
Monday 9/2- No School
Tuesday 9/3- No School
Staff Development
Labor Day - September 2 & 3 No School
September 4 & 5 - Cheyenne Spotlight Auditions 2:30-7pm
September 6 - Fun Food Friday!
September 10 - Fall Picture Day, Softball & Volleyball PINKOUT!
October 10 & 14 - Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:30-7pm
Chromebook Technology Protection Plan (STPP)
Best $20 you will ever spend!
All PK - 12th grade students will be issued a district device to use for learning this year. At times, PK - 5th grade students may be given the option to take their district-issued device home with them to use, but they will mostly use their device in the classroom. All 6th - 12th grade students will be required to take their devices home each day.
All devices have a case to prevent accidental damage, however, we strongly recommend that families purchase the Student Technology Protection Plan (STPP) for each student. STPP will cost $10/year for all students in PK - 5th grade, and will cost $20/year for all students in 6th - 12th grades. Parents/Guardians will be financially responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged Chromebooks and/or iPads, as well as chargers and cases. This plan covers your student’s device at school and outside of school. You may pay for the STPP online via our InTouch payment system. If you have difficulties using the payment portal, these directions should be able to help. The last day to purchase this coverage is Friday, September 20, 2024.
Thank you for your time,
EPS Technology Department
Middle School Sporting Event Regulations
Students must have their student ID on. (no stickers)
Adults must be present and remain at the game for students without IDs.
Adults must be present with Elementary Age Students
$5 for entry
Purchase tickets or a pass online through Hometown ticketing or pay cash at the door.
No outside food can be brought in.
We do not have concessions at softball or volleyball games.
High School Sporting Event Regulations
2024 Edmond North Football Future Husky Membership
Membership will include a t-shirt, a free popcorn & drink at all HOME Football games, Freshman, JV and Varsity. Future Huskies will also meet at the North end of the stadium to high five the players/coaches before each varsity home game. **Wear the 2024 t-shirt to any home FOOTBALL (Freshman/JV/Varsity) game to receive the popcorn and drink.**
Sign up here:
Edmond Public Schools Webpage
Edmond Public Schools Communication Platforms
Download our district app from google or apple.
Cheyenne Web Page
Cheyenne Middle School
Michelle Grinsteiner, Lead Principal, 6th grade
Stacey Ruston, Assistant Principal & 7th grade
David Wheeler, Assistant Principal & Athletic Director, 8th grade
Grace Cassell, Assistant Principal
Siomara Davis, Behavior Interventionist
Jenny Bynum, Counselor 6th
Lindsey Descher, Counselor 7th
Vicki Barton, Counselor 8th
Location: 1271 West Covell Road, Edmond, 73003 OK, USA
Phone: (405) 340-2940
School Facebook Page:
Like @EdmondCheyenne
Like @CheyenneMiddleSchoolPTO