Newsletter 2nd June 2022
Taradale Primary School
Principal's Prattle
'Believe you can, and you're halfway there'
Theodore Roosevelt
Kia ora whānau
Please...thank you...excuse're welcome...such simple wee phrases but ever so powerful and ever so effective. They tell me that we live in a world where the norm can sometimes be based around a sense of entitlement and a sense of self. Does that have to be the way? Nah, no way! The one thing that is consistently fed back to me is that the TPS akonga (learners) are very respectful, that their taringa's (ears!) actually work and that their manners are pretty darn good. That fills me with pride that does! We can take a great deal of credit for that as we expect , promote and model those behaviours at school at all times. But by the same token, we need to also share the truth that those same manners are also a direct reflection of how our tamariki are raised at home too.
A classic example of those manners is the way that our tamariki will come and thank me after a game of bullrush or a game of kickball. Did they have to do that? Nope, they did not! They also show those same manners when they are asked to go and pick up many do this so willingly. Another example? We ask that our tamariki respond to our "How are you?", "Kei te pehea koe?" questions with a truthful response and then with the reply in return, "How are you?", "Kei te pehea koe?". A simple thing that but one which shows clearly that we do indeed all care for and about each other. Another example, already stated above, is that ability to listen to instructions, ask questions and act upon the information or directions given. Watching our akonga listening intently, waiting to raise hands and ask questions, and then responding appropriately is a fantastic thing.
When I am told that kids these days have no manners at all, I am very quick to respond in a way that shoots that argument right down. Yes, it is true that there are plenty of people around who could work on their manners but if we were to surround them with those expectations of having and using manners then I am sure that they would! Isn't that the truth!
Manners are like smiles. The more we see them the more we use them. The more we use them the better we feel as we note the impact that they have on others. Old fashioned? Maybe, but never out of fashion either! Thank you for ensuring that your whānau live and breathe those simple values...manners make a world of difference!
Ngā manaakitanga
Marty Hantz
A Note from the Board of Trustees
Thank you for your continued support in reminding akonga about maintaining additional Covid-19 hygiene measures.
As there has been a slight increase in cases at school we have reviewed our Health and Safety plan. If a critical mass of cases is reached, TPS may need to request that akonga, years 4 and above, wear a mask when indoors at school. This will help to keep everybody safe and healthy at school.
He aha te mea nui a te ao?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
Upcoming Events
- Queens Birthday - Monday 6th June
- Matariki Public Holiday - Friday 24th June
- End of Term 2 - Friday 8th July 3pm
Water Only!
What a wonderful thing water is, even when we don't want when it rains! Taradale Primary loves water so much that we are a Water Only school. No juices or 'fizzies' for us in our lunch boxes please! Why is that? Because we know how important it is for our tamariki to be hydrated and we also know that drinks containing high levels of sugar are not only bad for the teeth, but also don't assist with our concentration levels. We love the fact that this makes a do our Dental Nurses! So, keep on assisting your tamariki and us by ensuring that our kids only get to drink water at school.
Navigating the Journey Whānau Evening
It was another great turn out for our annual Navigating the Journey information evening, thank you to all the whānau who came along and for all the pātai (questions) you shared with us.
This programme is an important part of our New Zealand Curriculum, health and physical education programme. It helps us to support and develop the emotional, social, physical and mental well-being of our tamariki, and also links to our learning and understanding of Te Whare Tapa Whā. It is important for us to work in partnership with our whānau to ensure the correct, accurate and age appropriate messages and information are given to our tamariki in response to an ever changing world. If at any stage you have any pātai (questions) please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher.
Creative Mask Challenge 2022
On Sunday I was privileged to be invited to the Creative Mask Challenge 2022 in which quite a number of TPS learners were represented through Meerlot Creations, an art school run by Cherie Meerlot. The theme was an 'Open Theme', each Mask had to be made mainly with recycled materials, fibres (such as wool, cotton, alpaca, silk, flax or man-made fibres) & any other interesting items. Items purchased from shops were discouraged. All masks will be exhibited for 2 weeks at 'Arts Inc Heretaunga'/ Hastings Community Arts Centre from Mon 30th May to Sat 11th June.
In the Year 1 and 2 category Samuel Morgan was runner-up and received a fabulous bag of artistic goodies sponsored by School Supplies. Kapai mahi, Samuel, and a big thank you to School Supplies.
Other akonga taking part were as follows: Eilidh Morgan, Indy-Rose Benson, Mila Wood, Roman Little, Connor Joblin, Alexis Joblin, Asha Laird, Jaxon Laird, MacLaine Firth, Charli Coleske, Brooklyn Hogan, William Hogan, Ansheer Parmar, Jasmine Parmar, Timur Owen, Benji Taylor, Zoe Johnston, Paige Johnston, Sophia Pouwhare, Baylee Ngawati , Arlo Grierson, and Indie Mason.
Great work everyone and such awesome creativity! Thank you Cherie for unlocking and feeding that potential!
Tall Poppies
One of the great things about being involved in a kura like ours is that we get to see our tamariki, the present and the past, do so well. Every day should be a day in which we celebrate success. For some that strive in particular areas of their lives there will be successes on a higher stage again. As much as we focus on those in our school right now, we never ever forget those that have moved on. Part of celebrating that turangawaewae (sense of belonging) is celebrating alongside them as they succeed.
If you know of our learners who have succeeded in their endeavours, won awards and suchlike then let us know! We would love to celebrate with them...and with you!
Congratulations to Ethan Spencer, now Year 10 at NBHS, who was selected to trial for the New Zealand U17 Football Team...Ethan hasn't heard yet how successful he was however as he is only 14 years old he does have a bit of time on his side! Awesome stuff, Ethan.
Matariki Day 2022
Tēnā koutou whānau!
This year we have a national day to celebrate Matariki. This is Friday 24th June. So exciting! As a school we will be holding a Matariki day. Wednesday 22nd June. We would love it if parents and whānau could join us throughout the day. However due to the rising numbers of COVID cases in our school and community, we might have to taihoa/wait on this. We will make a call closer to the day. We will be having a shared morning tea on this day and tamariki are invited to bring a small plate of food which is important to their family. They are also invited to wear their own clothes from home. This could be any clothing that is important to them, or maybe from their culture. It should be a great day.
Jammies 4 June Information
On Friday 10th June (next Friday) Taradale Primary School will be supporting the local fundraiser "Jammies 4 June". This is a locally organised fundraiser that helps children in need in our community. We will be having a PJ Day at TPS and the tamariki can wear their PJ's to school for a gold coin donation. You can, if you wish, also donate new (non-flammable) PJ's to this amazing cause.
“He aroha whakatō
He aroha puta maiIf kindness is sown
Then kindness you shall receive”
COVID-19 Update
Kia ora whānau,
As you will notice our numbers have not increased greatly and we thank you for your mahi in keeping your tamariki at home if they are unwell. We have been impressed with the way our community has stuck to the rules regarding isolation and we feel that this has made a big difference. In our most recent Board meeting we decided that at any stage our numbers increase rapidly we will make wearing masks compulsory for tamariki in Years 4 - 6 unless they have an exemption. This is a strategy which we feel has been successful and we will continue to use it as and when we feel necessary.
Thanks for the great job you are all doing keeping our school community safe.
Te Reo Phrase of the Week
Nō wai tēnei? Who does this belong to?
Creative Writing - by Lyric 5K
My creative sandwich
Peanut butter
Potato chips
Plain white bread with soft crusts
Fairy bread
Get the bread- one piece of soft white and one fairy bread.
Spread thick yellow butter on the bottom piece.
Add a little bit of marmite and honey to the bottom piece.
Add the crunchy potato chips and cover with some lumpy peanut butter.
Cover the sandwich with some black olives.
Save the date - 2022 DISCO
“Dear Parents,
The Countdown is on…The PTA has got together to plan a “Glow in the Dark” Disco for the kids.
Please save the date in your diaries for Friday 10th June 2022, at the TPS School Hall.
Junior Disco (Y1-3): 5:30-6:30Pm
Senior Disco (Y4-6): 6:45-8Pm
This is such a special event for little and big Tamarikis who have not been able to have one since 2020. So get ready to have some fun!
We guarantee a safe and fun environment for the kids. We will have a DJ as well as glow sticks and food for sale (Prices and more info to come soon).
As always, these events can’t proceed without the help of our fantastic volunteer parents.
We will publish soon the list of volunteer positions on our PTA Facebook page and we hope we can count on your help
Dolphin Academy
Part time swim instructor
Matariki Games Night at the Faraday Museum
To celebrate our first Matariki public holiday, we are opening the museum up at night for a “Matariki Games Night”.
· Have a blast at the museum with your friends and family
· Beat your opponents while playing games from the past
· Hunt for clues while exploring our museum doing our Matariki scavenger Hunt
· Sign up to our newsletter on the night and go into the draw to win a cool prize
· Buy snacks and treats in our cool Museum store
Date: Friday, 24 June, 2022 (Matariki public holiday) from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Venue: Faraday Museum of Technology, 2b Faraday Street, Napier
Admission: $10 per adult / $5 per child
View on map
Enquiry: 06 835 2338 /