Federal Programs Directors' News
March 2024 Edition

Chief of Federal Programs/ ESSER
Director of School Safety & Security
ESSA/Title I, Part A/PFE/Testing
Career & Technical Education (CTE)
McKinney-Vento Homeless / Title I, Part C Migrant
Bilingual/ESL - Title III, Part A
Title I, Part A/ Title I, Part D/ Title II/PNP
Promising Practices
Once the application window closes, all entries are reviewed by a committee, rated using a rubric, and then 3-4 of the top rated are selected to receive an award at the Annual PFE Statewide Conference held each year in October. In addition to receiving the award, selected schools/districts are invited to present their practice at the conference, as well as recognized on the PFE Statewide Initiative’s website and in our newsletter.
To apply or nominate a school you can either scan the QR code below or click the picture. It will take you to a Google form that needs to be completed by March 29, 2024.
Professional Development
The deadline to submit amendments is 5:00 p.m. Central Time, June 3, 2024.
Revised final amounts for programs in the 2023–2024 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application are now available on the Entitlements page.
The entitlements dashboards display entitlement amounts for all federal formula grants, which are calculated by TEA according to federal formulas. The “master” dashboard allows LEAs to see their entitlement amounts for all federal and state grants. The data is organized by grant programs and the applications LEAs use to apply for the funds (ESSA Consolidated Federal, Special Education Consolidated Federal and State, Title V, Part B, Subpart 2, Rural and Low Income School Program, Title I, 1003 School Improvement Grant Program, and Perkins V), and is easily sortable by a variety of filters, including LEA name, county-district number, and ESC region.
Grantees must start an amendment to the 2023–2024 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application in eGrants to budget their revised final amounts, 2022–2023 carryover amounts, and any applicable reallocation amounts. Once an amendment has been initiated, these updated amounts will populate on the BS6001 – Program Budget Summary and Support schedule. Grantees will complete the program and budget schedules as appropriate, then certify and submit the amendment.
Reallocation amounts for the 2023–2024 Title V, Part B Rural and Low-Income School Program Grant Application are now available on the Entitlements page.
Grantees must start an amendment to the 2023–2024 Title V, Part B Rural and Low-Income School Program Grant Application in eGrants to budget their revised final amounts, 2022–2023 carryover amounts, and any applicable reallocation amounts. Once an amendment has been initiated, these updated amounts will populate on the BS6001 – Program Budget Summary and Support schedule. Grantees will complete the program and budget schedules as appropriate, then certify and submit the amendment.
The deadline to submit amendments is 5:00 p.m. Central Time, June 3, 2024.
Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal) Revised Final Amounts and Carryover
TEA anticipates releasing revised final amounts for the 2023–2024 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal) and 2022–2023 carryover funds within the next week. A separate listserv message will be sent when LEAs can submit amendments to apply for these funds.
Now Available: 23-24 Title I, 1003–School Improvement: 22-23 Carryover Amounts
The deadline to submit amendments is 5:00 p.m. Central Time, June 3, 2024
Grantees must start an amendment to the 2023–2024 Title I, 1003 – School Improvement Grant in eGrants to budget their 2022-2023 carryover amount. Once an amendment has been initiated, the carryover will appear on the BS6001 – Program Budget Summary and Support schedule in eGrants. Grantees will complete the program and budget schedules as appropriate, then certify and submit the amendment.
Visit the TEA Grant Opportunities page for detailed information about the 2023–2024 Title I, 1003 – School Improvement Grant. In addition, links to information on administering grants and other resources can be found on the Grants Administration page.
Program Reminders
Title I, Part A (TIA)
Plan: Collaborative Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CCNA) and Campus Improvement Plan (CIP)/District Improvement Plan (DIP): For each TIA, Schoolwide (SW) campus, ensure required STAKEHOLDERS are involved. Review Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) compliance calendar.
Implement: TIA activities for LEA campuses and eligible PNP Students, as approved in the application.
Monitor/Reporting: Participating PNPs: Monitor TIA supplies, materials and equipment to insure secular, neutral, and non-ideological and items are being used for TIA programs, activities and services only, and Periodically monitor campus program implementation timeline (coordination, parental involvement, and professional development activities).
Title I, Part C (TIC)
Plan: Identification and Recruitment planning for strategic use of recruiter's time.
Implement: Conduct MEP activities approved in Consolidated Federal Grant Application; ensure alignment to ESSA Consolidated Application.
- Ensure coding of migratory students in PEIMS is correct.
- Run PFS report and submit to ESC
- Run Migrant P2s turning P# report for Residency Verification
- Enroll children with new COEs into TX-NGS
- Identify and recruit eligible migratory children in school and in the community year-round
- Provide updated list of migratory students with newly identified students to cafeteria manager
- Respond to MSIX move notifications within timelines.
Evaluate: (Best Practice-quarterly) Assessment of the MEP's effectiveness/program evaluations
Title I, Part D (TID, sub 2)
Plan: Use previous year performance data to plan for current year.
- TID program is considered with the District Improvement Plan (DIP) as appropriate as a reaction to needs identified.
Implement: LEA reviews TID Provisions and Assurances for program implementation fidelity.
- TID identify items that need to be addressed for next year.
Monitor/Reporting: Monitor facilities as appropriate and by LEA’s schedule
- Report any new facilities as appropriate
Evaluate: Program outcomes and deliverables
- Review last year’s program outcomes and prepare for current year implementation.
Program Reminders
Title II, Part A (TIIA)
Plan: Planning for Meaningful Consultation, Coordination of Professional Development
Implement: Work on the DIP description for TIIA activities and their alignment with challenging State academic standards.
- Meaningful Consultation
- PNP participation
Monitor/Reporting: Retain documentation that can be used to establish compliance.
Evaluate: Meaningful Consultation.
Private Nonprofits (PNP)
Plan: Consult with Private School Officials on equitable services being provided for current year.
- Consult with private school officials on applicable Title program requirements for upcoming school year.
- LEA Manager: discusses service options toward next year’s services.
- collect K-1-2 proposed roasters from PK-K-1 teachers in anticipation of next year’s roster.
- CONSULT with PNP officials to review budgets for equitable services, program specifics, and timelines/deadlines.
Implement: Ongoing consultation with PNP school officials.
Monitor/Reporting: LEA Manager: consult with private school officials on budgets for equitable services, program specifics, TIIAPD, and timelines/deadlines.
- document third party contractor(s) requests of private schools, research third party contractor(s) and respond appropriately to PNP regarding third party contractor(s).
- Maintain documentation of ongoing consultation.
Evaluate: Consult with participating private school officials on Title program equitable services, implementation and effectiveness.
Maria Mata, Consultant
Title III, Part A Carryover & Reallocations Funds
Additional guidance can be found here
For the following topics, email questions to:
Final Amounts - Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division entitlements@tea.texas.gov.
BS6000s – contact your assigned negotiator listed on the Grants Administration Contacts page
PS3106 or PS3114 – EmergentBilingualSupport@tea.texas.gov
Request to open PS3114 – Grants Administration Division grants@tea.texas.gov
Best Practice - Title III
Carryover & Reallocation Funds
When revising your budget schedule to allocate the additional funds, consider these questions:
Needs Assessment
The CNNA toolkit is a means for the LAs to work collaboratively with a common purpose. The objective of engaging in a CNNA process is to ensure the following:
- federal programs compliance;
- coordination of federal programs;
- efficient use of time;
- the CCNA is a comprehensive process rather than an event; and
- a culture of continuous improvement to maximize the use of federal funds.
2023-2024 Statewide T3 Engagement Series
Free opportunities for emergent bilingual families of school districts and open-enrollment charters
Parent Engagement Watch Party
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Registration closed
Family Engagement Watch Party
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Registration closed
Community Engagement Watch Party
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Parent Flyers
Title IV, Part A, LEA Special Data Collection for Public Reporting
Report Guidance - ESSA Consolidated Compliance Reports Resources &
TEA Unsafe School Choice Option Guidance Handbook
TEA released information from the Department of Grant Compliance and Administration regarding the upcoming Title IV, Part A, LEA Special Data Collection for Public Reporting. This report OPENED on October 1, 2023, in the TEA WorkApp. Please use the link to access the TEA News Bulletin.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this required reporting, please don't hesitate to contact me and/or Ray Vasquez (ray.vasquez@esc18.net).
Program Reminders
Title IV, Part A (TIVA)
Plan: Consult with required stakeholders and gather input/feedback on the TIVA program and activities being supported with funds.
- Consult with private school officials on TIVA program needs, objectives, intended outcomes, implementation and effectiveness of equitable services provided.
- Begin to develop a CCNA based on review of relevant district data, required consultation with stakeholders, and other data sources for upcoming year.
- Consult with private school officials on TIVA program requirements for the following school year.
- Start discussions and draft TIVA program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness tool with stakeholder, for upcoming year.
Implement: Consult with required stakeholders and gather input/feedback on the TIVA program and activities being supported with funds.
- Set and prepare data collection/documentation for the TIVA program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness data for activities to be implemented the upcoming year.
- Consult with required stakeholders and gather input/feedback on the TIVA program and activities being supported with funds in the developing Consolidated Federal Grant Application for the upcoming year.
Monitoring/Reporting: Consult with participating private school officials on TIVA program implementation and effectiveness of equitable services provided.
- For participating PNPs, monitor the use of TIVA program supplies, materials, and equipment to ensure use is secular, neutral and non-ideological.
- Review and document with PNP school officials the current PNP school officials the current PNP data collection/data for TIVA activities.
Evaluate: Program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness data for the activities funded with TIVA in the past year.
- Review and evaluate program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness data for the activities funded with TIVA.
- Consult with participating private school officials on TIVA program implementation and effectiveness of current services provided.
- Consult with stakeholders and provide updates on TIVA activities for current year. Document stakeholders input and feedback.
TAA - School Safety Allotment Data Collection and SAFE Grant Cycle 2 Information
Click below to register for the McKinney-Vento and the Migrant Education Program (EOY) Session.
Texas Virtual School Network
The Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) can help meet students’ curricular needs through TEA-approved online courses. The TXVSN statewide course catalog provides schools and students access to high school, Advanced Placement, career and technical education, and dual credit courses for initial credit or credit recovery. The TXVSN courses are aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and taught by Texas-certified teachers trained in best practices in online instruction.
Work Based Learning - Revised TEKS
Be Remarkable with Sandra Adams
In this workshop, Sandra will share the Design Thinking Models for the Alpha and Z Generations of students. She will discuss the "way it has always been" mentality and teach how to create in depth experiences for students. Fundamental mindsets will be introduced as well as instructional strategies for today's youth. Lesson development and sharing best practices will also be addressed. This is open to ALL Teachers and CTE Admin!