BMHS Parent/Family Update
July 24th, 2024
November 29th, 2024
Thanksgiving Break
We hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving break! Just a reminder that school resumes on Monday morning.
Black and Gold Night Celebration
It was a great night at our first annual Black and Gold night as we kicked off the 2024-2025 basketball season. We were able to recognize our elementary, middle school, and high school basketball teams for both the boys and girls. Now that the season is underway, check out the schedules linked below and make plans to come out to Ben Flora gym to support our Tigers! As a reminder, tickets for all games are card or Apple Pay only via Go Fan. Cash is not accepted at the main gate. The home opener for the girls team is on Tuesday, December 3rd vs. Williamstown. The home opener for the boys team is on Thursday, December 26th vs. Dawson Springs.
Student Service Learning
This past week, our Guidance Counselor Mrs. King led some of students in a service learning project for Cincinnati Animal Care. The students made enrichment treats for dogs currently in the care of CAC.
Winter MAP Testing
All students Grades 6-11 will take the Winter MAP test on Monday, December 9th (Reading) and Tuesday, December 10th (Math). The MAP assessment is a benchmark test that we use to measure the academic progress of our students throughout the year. We also use the assessment to determine the Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention groups for our students. It is imperative that our students do their best work and give their best effort on the test so we can get an accurate measurement of where they are at this point in the school year and plan for any interventions or extensions that they may need.
Please make sure your student is at school, on time, and ready to go on the testing days. If possible, please schedule any outside appointments for later the in the week.
After School Tutoring
We are beginning an after school tutoring program on Wednesday, December 4th. The program will run four days a week from 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm on the following schedule:
Monday - Social Studies
Tuesday - Math
Wednesday - Science
Thursday - ELA
We will start the week with Science on Wednesday, December 4th and then ELA on Thursday, December 5th. We will start the full schedule on Monday, December 9th. The program is for students currently failing one of the classes listed above. Priority will be given to high school students who need to get the academic credit. Emails will be going out soon if your child needs to attend the after school tutoring program.
2025-2026 District Calendar Committee
We are looking for a parent from BMHS to serve on the 2025-2026 BISD Calendar Committee. This parent would help develop the calendar for the district for the 2025-2026 school year. The timeline for the process would be:
- Week of December 9th–13th: Initial calendar committee meeting to discuss various aspects of our academic calendar setup.
- By January 10th, 2025: Calendar options sent to committee members.
- January 2025:
- Committee members will share and discuss options with their building staff to gather feedback.
- The committee will meet (up to three times) to review feedback and determine a draft calendar for board approval. Meeting dates and times will be set based on committee availability.
- February or March Board Meeting: Draft calendar presented for the first reading.
If you are interested in serving on the District Calendar Committee, please email Mr. Spicher at by the end of the day on Monday, December 2nd.
Staff Member of the Month Nomination Form
Parent voice is extremely valuable here at Bellevue Middle School/High School. We would like to give you the opportunity to nominate one of our staff members as our Staff Member of the Month for the outstanding work they do to serve our students and our community. To nominate a staff member, please fill out the form below. We will recognize our winners every month at one of our early release day activities.
Attendance Matters
Thank you for the great work during the statewide High Attendance Day! We had a great day with right around 95% attendance across Grades 6-12. 11th and 12th grades were the highest in the building with 98.11% attendance. Let's keep up the great work!
Kentucky Safe Schools Tip Line
In order to promote a safe and health school environment, we encourage all of our students to report suspicious activity, safety concerns, or mental health concerns to a trusted adult. If they do not feel comfortable talking to an adult in the building, they can always report concerns to the Kentucky Safe Schools Tip Line at 1-866-393-6659. All reports to the Kentucky Safe Schools Tip Line are completely anonymous.
Bellevue, Kentucky 41073