Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, September 27, 2024
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
The return of fall was the big talk this week along with the constant rain. I want to thank the record-breaking crowd that came out for my volunteer meetings this past week. Wow! Nearly 200 hundred adults came out this week who want to be part of the school as a volunteer. I am beyond proud of our community's willingness to help our students and teachers. As I have said, when families want to be involved in their child's school, good things are happening! For your convenience, I have included my bi-weekly video message in the link below.
Have a great weekend! I am so excited to DJ our Family Night Glow Dance Party from 6-8PM this evening! I am also honored to host Saturday morning's Spirit of Youth Awards Breakfast at Hayshire Elementary as we celebrate another year of big and little people doing amazing things in our community! I am also super excited to see one of my favorites of all-time-Stevie Nicks Saturday night in Hershey! Wishing you a fun-filled weekend as well!
Dr. Miller
Roundtown Principal
This past week....
Kindergarten had fun participating in their color day with "GREEN" day on Wednesday! Thank you to everyone who participated.
Again, a HUGE thank you to all who attended the volunteer meetings. Our office staff will be forwarding the names of those in attendance to our classroom teachers so you may begin to get on a volunteer rotation.
Today was picture day at Roundtown! For any child who missed picture day today, we have a retake day scheduled for Thursday, November 7!
The school is so excited for this evening's dance party from 6-8PM!
Coming next week…
From our Roundtown Librarian, Mrs. Dusich....
Students in Mrs. Peckmann's, Mrs. Smith's, Mrs. Linsey's, and Mrs. Smeltzer's classes should have their library books in school for return on Monday, September 30.
On Monday, September 30, the Skyward Conference Scheduler will open for families. Families may use Skyward to schedule their child's October conference.
Tuesday, October 1 the Health HERO flu shot clinic team will be back to Roundtown to provide flu shots for any family who signed their child up for the shot. Please note, NO child will receive the flu shot unless we have the completed written permission slip sent home during the second week of school.
Tuesday is set for our second grade swimming parent volunteer meeting from 12-1PM. Thank you to all who have RSVP'd to assist with our swimming program this year.
Wednesday, October 3 is National School Custodian Appreciation Day and we honor our four custodians-Miss Daisy, Miss Ran, Mr. Mason, and Miss Sapphire. They keep our world clean and safe! THANK YOU!!
Wednesday is also "PURPLE" day for our kindergarteners and anyone wishing to participate!
Spirit Wear!
Looking for high-quality spirit-wear? Look no further! Use the following link to order Central Spirit Wear all year long! Click here to access the store!
PTO Volunteer Happenings
Our Roundtown PTO is an active committee that works to provide activities and additional opportunities for our Roundtown Students and Staff. Please check out the PTO Newsletter below from PTO President, Khelsea Borror!
Our first Scholastic Book Fair will be launching October 7-11. This is a great opportunity to purchase high-quality books at fairly low costs. Our PTO does an amazing job at putting together an incredible book fair. This year, Klaudia Chilcoat is our book fair chairperson. She is looking to add to our growing number of volunteers for the book fair. If interested, please use the following link to sign-up to help by clicking here.
Students will have opportunities to browse the book fair early in the week and create a special wish list for buying day later in the week. Additionally, we will have a family night for you to come to our fair on the evening of October 9 from 6-8PM if you prefer to purchase the books yourself.
I have included additional details regarding signing up for an “eWallet” which is a great way to have your child shop without the fuss of sending in money. For this fall book fair, EVERY Roundtown student will receive a free book based upon the huge success of previous fairs!
Mrs. Zimmerman, our awesome Roundtown School Counselor, works to assist our students and teachers in a variety of ways. She meets individually with students, meets groups of children who have similar needs, and provides instruction to all students. The month of October is National Bullying Awareness Month and Mrs. Zimmerman will teach the children what exactly bullying is. This is not a term we use loosely at Roundtown. While children will often make a poor choice, not everything can or should be coded as "Bullying." You can read on to see how the school defines bullying and how we teach a common vocabulary to our students about what to do if they suspect someone is being bullied or have experienced it themself. The school takes bullying seriously and investigates and appropriately address all forms of bullying.
Safety and Technology Resources for Families
Central York School District is excited to announce that we have partnered with Linewize by Family Zone, a leading education technology company, to provide District families and students with the highest quality of online safety and digital wellness education.
As members of the Central York Community, you have access to an Online Safety Hub, as well as free parent/guardian access to the Qustodio App, a parental control app that allows families insight and control of their child’s device usage.
Qustodio App
The Qustodio App allows parents access to monitor and supervise their child’s time online. By signing up, parents can monitor their child’s activity on their school-issued device, as well as up to two additional personal devices at no cost.
The app enables parents to:
- Receive reports and alerts on your child’s school-time activity
- Enable and disable internet access
- Receive guidance and tips on digital trends and threats
Access to features on your child’s school-issued device will be effective during non-school hours. Usage on two free personal devices is 24/7. Parents must use the email associated with their Skyward account.
Online Safety Hub
The Online Safety Hub includes helpful parent advice guides, app and game reviews, online safety quizzes, resources, and access to information about the Qustodio App.
Please note that you may receive an invite or email from the Qustodio App. This is an optional service offered to District families.
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
9/27 - Family Night Glow Dance Party 6-8PM
9/30 - Skyward Conference Scheduler Opens
10/1 - Health HERO Flu Shot Clinic
10/1 - Second Grade Swimming Volunteer Meeting 12-1PM
10/2 - National School Custodian Day
10/2 - Kindergarten's "Purple" Day-wear something purple
10/7-10/11 - Scholastic Book Fair
10/7-10/11 - Homecoming Spirit Week