Holy Rosary
Our Year 2 students took a dive into the wonders of marine life at AQWA! 🐠🌊 From exploring coral reefs to meeting amazing sea creatures, they learned so much about the underwater world right here in WA. 🌊✨
The ocean and the river befriended me when I was a child. Here I found, alone, a special benediction. The ocean and the night together surrounded my little life with a reassurance that could not be affronted by the behaviour of human beings.
—Howard Thurman
Hi Everyone,
We really appreciate the turnout to the Pre-Kindy and Kindy Parent Information Sessions this week. It makes all the teachers’ work to prepare so worthwhile. Thank you very much.
We had a wonderful weekend of music and dance at the Wembley Fair. We are incredibly grateful to Michelle Kirwan for conducting the choir and Aimee Vivante for leading the dancers. It was a fantastic turnout and an amazing experience for our children.
Yesterday saw our children perform in the Buddy Concert. A big thank you to Michelle Kirwan our teacher of Music who initiated the concert and did so much to prepare the children. It was a monumental effort.
Some tired children returned to school today following the Triathlon Championships. Outstanding effort - well done to everyone involved, and especially to our specialist teacher of Physical Education Rob Flexman who seeks to make these opportunities available to our wonderful children. Thanks, Rob.
We are really looking forward to welcoming our Grandparents (or significant other) to Friday’s lunch and visit. This is a lovely and relaxed opportunity to have lunch with your grandchildren, and visit all of the classrooms to take a good look at just what they have been up to.
Have a great weekend!
Tegan Back
Short-Term Principal
Announcement from School Advisory Council
I am writing to inform you that Mrs Tegan Back has accepted a position as Assistant Principal at St Anthony's School, Greenmount, commencing Term 1 2025. On behalf of the school community, I would like to sincerely thank Tegan for her for dedication, professionalism and contribution to the school over the past three years, and wish her all the very best in her new role.
Ryan Denham, Chair, School Advisory Council
Upholding School Values
This is a reminder that when your child wears their school uniform—whether at school, during excursions, on sports days, or outside of school hours—they are still representing our school.
Thank you for your support in helping our students uphold our school’s values.
Grandparents Day
We invite all grandparents within our school community to join us next Friday 8th November, at 1pm.
If grandparents aren't available, we invite grandparents to 'adopt' children from other families, or for other family members (uncles, aunts, even parents!) to take their place. All are welcome!
1:00pm: Collect a map of the school showing classes, (maps will be available outside the school office) and set up your picnic anywhere on the grounds including the oval.
1:05pm: Lunch with your grandchild
1:50 - 2:00pm: End of lunch
2:00 - 3:00pm: Classrooms open for visits.
Canteen: If any grandparents would like to order lunch from Locavora, please do so under the name of the eldest child in your family. This will ensure that lunches are delivered to the correct location and that no one will go hungry!
We hope this will be a lovely way to spend time with one another and look forward to your company.
School Fees
A reminder that all school fees are required to be fully paid by the 30th November 2024. Please contact the office if you have any queries.
CPSSA Athletics Carnival
Last week, our incredible athletes from Year 3-6 represented Holy Rosary at the CPSSA Athletics Carnival, giving their all on the track and field! 🏅💪 We’re so proud of their hard work, dedication, and team spirit, finishing in an impressive fourth place overall. Well done, team! 👏🌟
Make A Move Dance Lessons and EOY Concert
This term, our students have been engaging with the Make a Move dance company.💃✨ Exploring the dance curriculum together, they’re working creatively in small teams to choreograph and express themselves. We can’t wait to see the amazing routines they come up with! 🎶🌟
This year, the dances that students have learned will be showcased at our end of year concert and we can’t wait to see the amazing routines they come up with! 🎶🌟. Please take the time to read the attached document, as it contains important information about the end of year concert, including costumes and an opt-out privacy statement.
Congratulations to our Performers
Congratulation to all students who participated in the Wembley Downs Fair on the weekend. Our Holy Rosary students gave spectacular performances. Well Done.
Buddy Concert
A huge congratulations to 6D for remembering all their library books and bags this week! It has been a wonderful term with classes trying really hard to be champion borrowers and the Trophy has already been passed from 1D to 4D and now 6D! I see a Dominican theme!
With all books due back in Week 7, can I please ask that all overdue books are returned and missing or damaged books are replaced by the end of Week 5.
We are so lucky at Holy Rosary to have such a beautiful library full of books and resources and it is everyone’s responsibility to look after it so everyone can continue to enjoy it.
The library will remain open at lunchtime on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for reading, chess and other activities.
Mrs Butson
“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.” – Anna Quindlen
School Uniform Orders - Christmas Closure Dates
- Last order date for home deliveries before Perm-A-Pleat Christmas closure is Tuesday 10th December 2024.
- Online orders received from Wednesday 11th December 2024 will be delivered from Monday 13th January 2025.
Parent Volunteer Declaration
Every parent volunteering in a school in any capacity is required to complete this. Please click on the link below and complete the declaration form - it will take you 10 seconds, thank you.
Friday 8th Nov
Grandparents Afternoon 1-3pm
Important Dates
Term 4, 2024 - Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal
Please place your donations in the designated tub in your child's classroom or in reception, thank you for your kind genorosity🎄🥫🧴🪥🎁.
Lapathon Prize Winners
Save the Date - School Carnival
You won’t want to miss this one.
The P&F is holding this amazing event as a massive thank you to all the HR families who have contributed to our school this year. Whether by attending an event, volunteering within the school or helping with fundraisers... Thank You!!
We will have plenty of fun activities for the kids, face painters, a silent disco, stalls, food trucks and rides.
P.S. Please note this is a private event and not open to the public.
P&F Facebook
If you’d like to be kept up to date on current and upcoming events and important information from the P&F please add us on Facebook.
Locavora Lunch Orders
How to setup an account
Please read the attachment below on how to setup an account to order lunch for your child/children from Locavora.
Smartrider Cards
If you need to order a Smartrider Card for your child to travel on public transport, you can now order this online by clicking on the red button below. Please be careful when ordering as there are two Holy Rosary Schools. Our school is listed as per the below screenshot.
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six.