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A Cure for Clara
A Cure for Clara
Clara is the daughter of my good friend, Jenny Bragg. She is a beautiful little girl that is full of life. Two months ago she was diagnosed with GM1, Gangliosidosis. GM1 is a terminal disease that will take away Clara's abilities and eventually, her life.
However, there is hope. Researchers have been successfully treating this disease. Funding is the only thing needed for a human trial to occur, that could potentially save Clara's life. Jenny's family has been working tirelessly to find ways to fund these trials so that Clara and so many other children afflicted with this disease can be cured.
You Can Help
Customers placing orders will have the ability to support Clara and her family's quest for this life saving treatment. If you are an existing customer of mine, you are included in this fundraiser as well. Your order placed in the above time frame will also benefit sweet Clara and the Cure GM1 Foundation.
ALL proceeds from this event will go directly to the Cure GM1 Foundation. All money donated to the Cure GM1 Foundation goes directly toward funding this trial. Every dollar counts!
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Sarah Stone, Stella & Dot Stylist
Email: sarahstonebragg@gmail.com
Website: www.stelladot.com/sarahstonebragg
Phone: 210-663-0881
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarahstonebragg/?fref=ts
Twitter: @sarahmargaret86