Confidence Elementary School News
May 13, 2024
Congrats to Mrs. Jeanette and Mr. Alan on upcoming retirements!
Upcoming Dates and Events
13, 15, 16- Third Grade Teachers and Resource Teachers at a Math Training
14- Election Day, no school
16- Mr. Lyon's CES School Choir Concert at Buffalo High School at 7:00 (Everyone is invited to come and watch). Choir students need to arrive at 6:00 for final rehearsals.
17- Principals at the Board Office for an iReady Training
17- Second Grade's Bike Rodeo (Don't park around the back lot of the school today. After morning drop offs, we will be blocking off the back lot for bike/scooter stations. We could use extra helmets and bikes if you have any we can borrow that are appropriate for 2nd graders to ride today. Please reach out to us if so).
20- AR points due for End of Year grade level goals, 2:20 p.m.
21- Dress Rehearsal for Talent Show (students need to have everything they need for their talent show act at school today for a dress rehearsal-- no guests today, just practice)
21- Pre-K's End of Year Party 12:05
22- Math Placement Test for 5th Graders (the middle school administers this test and uses this data along with WVGSA info to place students in the best math class for next year)
23- Pre-K's last day for the year
23- Talent Show 8:00-10:30ish (guests welcome, in gym). All students will perform something from music class, and we have some individual and group acts as well.
23- For students in grades 3-5 who gave extraordinary effort on their end of year test, we have the giant plastic slip and slide out from 12:40-2:00. Those students will need to bring swimwear and a towel. Watch for a note from your child's teacher if your child is one of the extraordinary workers who earned this reward.
24- AR and iReady Reward Day (we are no longer allowed to do during school field trips for reward days, so we had to change it up this year). We have two events happening today. All of our students in grades K-5 met the Super Mario Board iReady Yearly Challenge of 80 iReady lessons completed! We have a VIDEO GAME TRUCK COMING THIS MORNING! All students will rotate through this station. For students who met their AR yearly point goals in grades 1-5, we have a dance glow party happening too.
24- Volunteer Luncheon 11:30-12:30 (If you have helped with any event at all this year, please come out to the school library so that our staff can treat you to a lunch today).
24- Graduating Senior Clap-Out- Confidence Elementary will host a clap out of all of our graduating high school seniors at 1:30 pm today.
27- Memorial Day, no school
28- Field Day 9:00-lunch time
29- PTO's Fun Day at School (Waterslides, inflatables, etc. Plan to wear swimwear. Bring a towel and sunscreen. We are outside almost all day. PTO will send home a schedule of workers).
30- Step Up Day (5th graders to middle schools, and our students will visit next year's teachers from 1:30-2:00 today)
30- Fifth Grade Graduation 5:30 at the school (Mrs. Good is assigning each 5th grader an item to bring for the Taco Bar dinner for tonight. Ask your child to show you what you are supposed to bring).
31- Awards Assembly Day 8:15 K-2, 10:00 3-5 (all students will be recognized on this day)
31- Staff vs. Fifth Grade Kickball Game (afternoon)
3- 5th Grade Trip to Columbus Zoo and Zoombezi Bay
4- Last day of school, report cards, 2 hour early dismissal
Congrats to Employees of the Year
Mrs. Helper, Mrs. Shilot, Mrs. Good (with Ms. Barker)