Vermilion Elementary
Sailor Scoop - November 2024
Principals' Message
VES Families,
It has been a wild beginning to fall! The Vermilion Sailors are playing football in November, we are still having many days warm enough to wear shorts, our school was honored with a Gold Rating for Step Up to Quality for our preschool program and Silver Rating for our PBIS initiatives. These are big accomplishments and we are excited to share more about the recognitions below.
Step Up to Quality is a quality rating and improvement system administered by the Ohio Department of Children and Youth. The program recognizes and promotes learning and development programs that meet quality program standards that exceed preschool licensing and school-age child care licensing health and safety regulations. Step Up to Quality program standards are based on national research identifying standards which lead to improved outcomes for children.This year, our Pre-Kindergarten was awarded the gold rating, the highest possible honorable rating. Special shout-out to Ms. Tester, Ms. Hall, Mrs. Schon, Mrs. Wentworth, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Casper and our director Mrs. Spafford for their hard work in the Pre-K program!
Thank you, VES community and families, for achieving this gold rating right alongside us!
Ohio’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Recognition System provides an opportunity to celebrate schools and districts. Each year, the Department of Education and Workforce and the Ohio PBIS Network recognize schools and districts for their quality and fidelity of PBIS implementation. Schools and districts are eligible to receive awards at the bronze, silver, gold, or district levels of distinction. Our Positive Behavior Intervention and Support initiative earned a silver rating this year, up from bronze a year ago. Things that you may recognize from PBIS include citizen of the month, positive office referrals, book machine rewards, our golden spatula initiative, the VES promise, and monthly classroom visits from the school counselor. Mrs. Rebman, Mrs. Bartlome, Mrs. McCurdy, Mr. Schafer, Ms. Varga, Mrs. Delia, Mrs Schofield, Mr. Hayes, Mr. Kacur and Mrs. Austin meet regularly to review our processes and develop school wide plans to improve student behaviors, support students with behavioral needs, and reinforce expectations here at school. This year we will be working towards the highest ranking of gold.
With the fall, comes wacky weather. Please make sure you are checking the forecast and planning for the chilly days ahead. We go out for recess unless it is under 20 degrees. Please dress accordingly.
Lastly, November kicks off the holiday season. This can be a challenging time for many of our students and families. You will be hearing about lots of different opportunities to support local families through out the holiday season. We appreciate the generosity of our school community and thank you for always supporting these programs that benefit our students.
Our next Sailor Scoop will be out for December, so have a great Thanksgiving and don't forget to pick up your PTO pies on 11/26. More details to come.
Mr. Malear and Mrs. Rebman
Tales with a Teacher is Cancelled for November & will return in on December 18th
We not hold Tales with a Teacher so that families can attend the Safety and Security Night.
VLSD Safety and Security Night
Dear Vermilion Parent and Guardian:
Vermilion Local Schools is hosting a School Safety and Security Night for our parents and guardians at 7 pm on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 in the VHS auditorium. We invite you to come and learn about the safety and security protocols we are teaching and practicing with your students in the event of a school-based emergency. We will present our leveled lockdown protocols, and there will be a demonstration of the 911Inform system. We will also discuss our parent-student reunification processes that will be implemented this school year. All of our administrators will be here to answer your questions no matter what grade level your student attends. Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 20 at 7 pm. We hope to see you here!
Dr. Dave Hile
Mobile Dentist
Picture Retakes are Wednesday, November 13th
The District has declared that November 13, 2024 and March 5, 2025 will be Family First Nights for the VLSD. On these nights Vermilion Local Schools will not assign homework or hold any after-school events, practices or activities so that our families can have a night to spend time doing things as a family.
11/27-11/29 - Thanksgiving
12/23-1/3 - Winter Break
1/10 - NO SCHOOL - End of Quarter 2 Teacher Workday
1/20 - NO SCHOOL - MLK Jr. Day
2/13 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Development and Conferences
2/14 - NO SCHOOL
2/17 - NO SCHOOL - President's Day
3/7 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Development
3/21 - NO SCHOOL - End of Quarter 3 Teacher Workday
3/24-3/28 - Spring Break
4/18 - NO SCHOOL
5/26 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
PBIS Corner
What are the goals for PBIS this year?
2024-2025 Goals
Clarify definitions and procedures for behavior supports and provide discipline strategies using restorative practices and Conscious Discipline.
Increase family involvement in the PBIS program.
What are some ways we celebrate positive actions at VES?
Citizen of the Month - Teachers and/or students choose one student each month who exemplifies the character trait for that month. Citizens are awarded certificates, pencils and buttons. Their picture is proudly displayed in the trophy case for the entire month. They are also invited to say the pledge at the board meeting where they introduce themselves, tell what grade they are in and what they want to be when they grow up. They also have pizza with the principals. As leaders in the school they share feedback with us about what they love about VES and what can change to make it even better.
Positive Office Referrals for Staff and Students - Staff members can nominate any student or staff member that they catch being responsible, respectful or safe. They look for students who are going above and beyond to meet the VES Promise Expectations. When students are nominated they get their picture on the wall of fame, get to sit in a principal's chair and call home to tell their families all of the wonderful things they have done at school. It is one of our favorite days of the week! Students who receive more than one are invited to lead the VES Promise on the morning announcements. Staff members can even nominate and celebrate each other and it's definitely catching on.
Classrooms have their own ways they celebrate as well and they work toward class incentives such as pj day, popcorn, bring a stuffy, etc.
All of these incentives help to support, model and affirm positive behavior at VES and recognize how hard our students work each day.
We would love to seek feedback from our families to gather input and determine how we can best include families in PBIS. Please email me at brebman@vermilionschools.org if you would like your feedback and questions to be included in the process. Thank you!
Set Sail with Ms. Naill
The holidays are coming!
Is your family in need of extra support? The district school counselors will be releasing their annual "Holiday Resource Guide" later this month. Stay tuned!
Are you seeking opportunities to give back to those in need? Please consider donating to our upcoming drives at VES.
PTO Gift Card Drive
Dates: Monday, November 11th-Friday, December 13th
Consider donating a gift card
Operation Christmas Joy Collection Day
Date: Wednesday, November 20th
Consider bringing in a monetary donation
One Day, One Bag Challenge
Date: Wednesday, December 11th
Consider donating non-perishable food items
Thank you for your consideration and support of the VES Counseling Program!
Important November Dates
- 11/4 Holiday Gift Card Drive Begins
- 11/7 K to Children's Museum
- 11/7 1st Grade 2 Pod to Osborn Park
- 11/7 Pizza Galley Night
- 11/8 1st Grade 3 Pod to Osborn Park
- 11/11 Board Meeting - October Citizens of the Month invited to lead Pledge of Allegiance
- 11/12 3rd Grade Music Program 6:30 PM @ VHS Auditorium
- 11/13 Picture Retake Day
- 11/15 Miss Aimee to visit K
- 11/20 Operation Christmas Joy Collection Day
- 11/20 VLSD School Safety and Security Parent Meeting @ VHS 7 PM
- 11/25 Mama Jos Pies Delivered
- 11/26 Donut Party for Operation Christmas Joy Homeroom Winners
- 11/26 Mama Jo Pie Pickup
- 11/27-11/29 Thanksgiving Break
Past Sailor Scoop Editions
About Us
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Doors Open for students: 8:30 am
Student Hours: 8:50 am - 3:30 pm
Email: mmalear@vermilionschools.org
Website: https://www.vermilionschools.org/vermilionelementary_home.aspx
Location: 1285 Douglas Street, Vermilion, OH, USA
Phone: 440-204-1703
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063691387394
Twitter: @VESAsstPrin