LCMS Newsletter
Friday, August 30, 2024
Dear Lubbock-Cooper Middle School Families,
Your LCMS Administration Team,
Mrs. Jess McReynolds - Principal - jmcreynolds@lcisd.net
Mrs. Heather Tressler - 6th Grade Administrator - htressler@lcisd.net
Mrs. Tracye McCallister - 7th Grade Administrator - tmccallister@lcisd.net
Mr. Jeffrey Thompson - 8th Grade Administrator - jcthompson@lcisd.net
Pictures are ready for you to view and purchase!
UIL is near!
Students interested in participating in the 2023 academic UIL competition may view the UIL Event Descriptions and fill out the Online Event Sign-up Form no later than 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 25.
Many events require tryouts. Listing that you are interested in an event does not guarantee a seat on the team.
The middle school competition will be hosted at Frenship MS on Monday, November 4.
UIL Event Descriptions Enter the Web address or click the link to view the description of events offered. Click HERE to view descriptions or Enter link: https://shorturl.at/vYPRM
Online Event Sign-up Form Enter the Web address or click the link to access the Online Event Sign-up Form. Please fill out the digital form by 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25. No paper forms will be collected this year. Click HERE to view form Enter Link: https://forms.gle/KgEtDiBXh22Xsh2t6
Questions? Please contact the LCMS UIL Campus Coordinators:
Kaitlyn Gossett - kgossett@lcisd.net
Taylor Umstot - tumstot@lcisd.net
2nd Annual Homecoming Tailgate Information!
Want to purchase LCP Gear?
Be sure to check out the PTO Merchandise Site for all your LCP Gear!
LCMS Communities in Schools Information
Here are some items that our Pirate Pantry is in need of if you would like to drop them off in the front office:
- shampoo/conditioner
- toothbrushes
- laundry soap (that can fit in backpack)
- case of water
- durable reusable bags
Pick-up & Drop-off Information
As part of our ongoing commitment to student safety, please see the attached map for specific locations for drop off and pick up locations. Students will only be allowed to exit the building through the main entrance (north) and the cafeteria (south) doors. The only students entering or exiting on the west side of the building are bus riders. NO PICK UP or DROP OFF will allowed in the BUS LANES at any time! Second, parents will not be allowed to park on the east side of State Highway Loop 493 for student pick up or block Loop 493 at anytime. The safest places to pick up students are in the pick up lines on the north side and south side of the campus including the parking lot between LCMS and South Elementary.
If you are needing to pick up your student from school early, we will be using our Safe Visitor System. You must physically come into the building and present a valid drivers license. At that time a staff member in the front office will verify you are on the students pick up list, your picture will be taken, and you will be asked the reason for the early release (i.e. Doctor, Dentist, Family, etc.). The student will be called down and may leave with you at that time. Remember you can add up to a total 5 adults other than parent/guardian on Skyward.This video explains the process for parents to add and change emergency contacts and also add people that are able to check out a student.
We appreciate your understanding and support of student safety. Have a great evening.
Dress Code & Badges
All students MUST WEAR their badge at ALL TIMES! NO EXCEPTIONS! This is for safety purposes as well as access to many things to include: checking out books, lunch purchases, bus riders, etc.
The badging system serves as an identification tool for all LCP students and teachers. Students must wear their badges at all times during the school day. In an emergency, the badge system will help us locate and/or identify students. If a student forgets their badge at home, the following steps will be taken:
The student will be asked to call home and notify their parents.
If possible, someone should bring the badge to school.
If the badge can be delivered within 15 minutes, the student will be sent back to class with a pass after contacting their parents. Once the badge arrives, an office aide will deliver it to the student.
If the badge cannot be brought to school, a new badge will be printed and issued at a cost of $5.00 (badge, sleeve, lanyard). If the student is unable to pay, the fee will be added to their Skyward account.
Once a student has accrued $15 in badge fines, no further copies will be printed until one or more badges have been paid for. The student will be given a temporary badge (letter label). Parents will be contacted and disciplinary action will be assigned due to the persistent issue.
Students who accumulate several copies (i.e. lost and found) may keep their “extra” copies in the office for future use.
Cell Phone Policy
Please read as this is a NEW PROCEDURE that WILL BE FOLLOWED this year!
Mrs. Baird's Teacher On The Rise program
The Mrs Baird’s Teachers On The Rise program is returning to the Lubbock and South Plains area for our 13th school year! To celebrate, we are continuing to honor more of our great teachers this year because we know great things happen in our classrooms every single day. Since we began this program in the South Plains in 2012, we have honored 324 teachers in our area. We are very excited to honor 27 more this school year and hope to visit your school to surprise one of your great educators!
If you or your student would like to nominate their teacher, please log onto www.MrsBTeacher.com or simply google Teachers On The Rise. Once at the nomination site, you will enter in a little information about themselves and then tell us why their teacher deserves special recognition. Tip: We know teachers are nice, funny and great, but we want to know why they are nice, funny and great. Please be a detailed as possible on your nomination.
We will continue to honor three teachers every month this school year—one from elementary, one from middle school/junior high, and one teacher from high school. The teachers will receive a great prize packet from our sponsors including a $100 United Supermarkets gift card, a meal for two to the Texas Tech Club and a basket full of Mrs Baird’s goodies! The student or family who nominates a winning teacher also receives a $50 American Express gift card. So it pays to enter!
Teachers deserve the recognition, so again, please tell take time to honor teachers all school year long www.MrsBTeacher.com. We can’t wait to honor your teachers this school year!
A Note from the Nurse:
All seventh grade students must be up-to-date on 7th grade required vaccines (tDap & MCV) before they will receive their schedules. If you have any questions, please contact Kristy Rose, Director of Health Services at krose@lcisd.net.
Student Handbook & Code of Conduct
Just a few reminders:
- Dress Code - be sure to familiarize yourself with the dress code found in the Student Handbook
- Badges - ALL students will be required to WEAR their school issued badge everyday!
- Cell Phones/AirPods - Cell phones must be powered down and stored in backpacks. This goes for AirPods too.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, September 3 - LCMS 7th Grade Football vs. LBMS
- 7th Grade - 5:00 @ LCMS
Wednesday, September 4 - LCMS 8th Grade Football vs. LBMS
- 8th Grade - 5:00 @ LCMS
Thursday, September 5 - LCMS Volleyball vs. Irons MS
- 7th B Team - 5:30 @ LCMS
- 7th A Team - 6:30 @ LCMS
- 8th B Team - 5:30 @ Irons MS
- 8th A Team - 6:30 @ Irons MS
Monday, September 9 - LCMS Tennis vs. LBMS
- Boys & Girls Red Team - 4:00 @ Lubbock-Cooper HS
Monday, September 9 - LCMS 7th Grade Football vs. Alcove Trails MS
- 7th B Team - 5:30 @ Alcove Trails MS
- 7th A Team - 7:00 @ Alcove Trails MS
Tuesday, September 10 - LCMS 8th Grade Football vs. Alcove Trails MS
- 8th B Team - 5:30 @ Alcove Trails MS
- 8th A Team - 7:00 @ Alcove Trails MS
Thursday, September 12 - LCMS Tennis vs. LBMS
- Boys & Girls Black Team - 4:30 @ Lubbock-Cooper HS
- Boys & Girls White Team - 4:30 @ Lubbock-Cooper HS
Thursday, September 12 - LCMS Volleyball vs. Terra Vista MS
- 7th B Team - 5:30 @ Terra Vista MS
- 7th A Team - 6:30 @ Terra Vista MS
- 8th B Team - 5:30 @ LCMS
- 8th A Team - 6:30 @ LCMS
Saturday, September 14 - LCMS 8th A&B Volleyball Super Saturday -10:00AM @ Alcove MS
Monday, September 16 - LCMS 7th Grade Football vs. Monterey
- 7th B Team - 6:00 @ Monterey
- 7th A Team - 7:30 @ Monterey
Tuesday, September 17 - LCMS 8th Grade Football vs. Monterey
- 8th B Team - 6:00 @ Monterey
- 8th A Team - 7:30 @ Monterey
Wednesday, September 18 - LCMS Cross Country Meet
- 7th & 8th Girls - 5:00 @ Plains Capital
- 7th & 8th Boys - 5:00 @ Plains Capital
Thursday, September 19 - LCMS Volleyball vs. Evans MS
- 7th B Team - 5:30 @ LCMS
- 7th A Team - 6:30 @ LCMS
- 8th B Team - 5:30 @ Evans MS
- 8th A Team - 6:30 @ Evans MS
School Information
Absences - Parents are to report student absences including early outs/late arrivals in their Skyward Family Access via an attendance request. This can be done in the app or on a desktop. Click here to view a how to video When submitting an Early Out or Late Arrival absence request, please be sure to UNSELECT the ‘all day check mark’. This ensures the attendance office knows what time your child will be leaving and/or arriving. Campus attendance email is for submitting documentation, such as a doctors note. If you have any questions please contact Annie Young ayoung@lcisd.net or by calling the front office.
Outside Food Delivery - Due to security concerns, no outside entity (DoorDash, Pizza delivery, etc.) will not be allowed to drop off lunches for students. Parents/Guardians may bring a lunch for their students. Lunches can be dropped off in the front office in the marked shelving area. Please be sure your student knows they are getting lunch so they can come pick it up in the office.
Skyward - Lubbock-Cooper ISD provides parents access to their children's records via our student information system, Skyward Family Access. Skyward Family Access maintains an open line of communication between school and home, and allows parents and students the opportunity to view grades, attendance information, schedules, calendars, and additional information any time of day. Skyward Family Access is available any place with an internet connection. Skyward Parent Link
Student Badges - All students must have their badges on them at all times. Badges will be used everyday to include: Bus Riding, Lunch Purchase, Library Checkout, etc.
Transportation - If your child will be riding the bus this year, you MUST complete the Transportation Request Form that can be found here. Student badges will be used to ensure the safety of your students this year. Campuses will be able to know exactly where and when students are dropped off and/or picked up.
Other Organization Information Disclaimer
Special Note: Lubbock-Cooper ISD provides space in its newsletters for organizations to post their events and messages. Such posting does not indicate any endorsement by the District. This newsletter may contain such content.