Kestrel Heights Newsletter
Seats Available! SOAR with us!
Do you know someone who might be interested in applying for the 2024-25 school year? We are currently accepting new scholar applications.
If seats are available, they will be offered to new applicants. Otherwise, they will be added to the grade level waitlist. You can find the applications on our website at https://kestrelheights.org/apply-now/.
And here's some exciting news: every time you refer a family to our school and their scholar enrolls, you will have a chance to win Kestrel Merchandise!
Required Immunizations and Health Assessment Forms
All Immunization and Health Assessment Forms are due by September 19th.
New Kestrel scholars are required to submit an up to date Immunization Record.
7th Grade scholars - All 7th grade scholars are required to submit an updated immunization record showing receipt of the Tdap and Meningococcal (MCV) immunizations.
Kindergarten scholars and scholars who are enrolling into a public school for the 1st time are required to submit the NC Health Assessment Form
Immunization Records and the NC Health Assessment form may be scanned and emailed to Vargas@kestrelheights.org, dropped off to the front office.
Required Health Notice Information
Across the Grades...
Math: Scholars will review Chapter 1 Represent numbers 0-5
ELA: Scholars will review the Main Idea of a story
Social Studies: Scholars will review Being a Good Citizen's Traits
Science: N/A
1st grade
Social Studies: Scholars have been discussing rules and laws throughout the communities and schools. Scholars can distinguish the differences between rules and laws and present examples of both.
2nd Grade
Math: Scholars are working on even and odd numbers. Next week we will move into different names for numbers as well as tens and ones.
ELA: Scholars are working on short a and i vowel sounds this week. Next week we will look at short o, u, and e vowel sounds.
Social Studies: N/A
Science: Scholars are working on learning about engineering and the design process.
3rd Grade
Math: Scholars are working on using the break-apart strategy to add. Next week, we will move on to using place value to add
ELA: Scholars are working on using the text details the author provides to predict what might happen in the story. Next week, we will describe the characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
4th Grade
Math: The scholars began their i-Ready diagnostic test this week and also learned how to round off numbers. Next week, they will interpret multiplication equations as comparisons and solve two-step word problems involving the four operations with whole numbers.
ELA: This week in ELA we will be looking at standard RI 4.1 “Ask and answer questions about a text based on directly stated details.” Scholars will learn how to use evidence and reasoning to reach conclusions or make educated guesses, based on what is already known. Additionally, scholars will begin their first Iready reading diagnostic next week Monday.
5th Grade
Math: The scholars started their i-Ready diagnostic test this week and also learned how to write using the exponential form. Next week, they will learn about numerical expressions and how to evaluate them.
ELA: This week in ELA we will be looking at standard RI 5.1 “Identify tact evidence that supports the inference made about the text.” Scholars will learn how to use evidence and reasoning to reach conclusions or make educated guesses, based on what is already known. Additionally, scholars will begin their first Iready reading diagnostic next week Monday.
6th grade
Math: This week we are going over areas of Triangles and Trapezoids. Scholars have assignments in Google Classroom they need to complete and an iReady lesson this week. Next week we will be covering areas of composite shapes.
ELA: We’ve greatly enjoyed getting to know your children during these first weeks of school and are excited to guide them through new and enriching reading adventures. In the first week, our scholars learned about the 6 Safety Procedures: Fire, Tornado, Soft Lockdown, Hard Lockdown, and Bullying. The following week, we focused on developing key values such as Ownership, Attitude, and Respect. This week, our scholars have been learning how to use Context Clues to interpret the meanings of unfamiliar words.
Q1 - Week 3: 9/2 - 9/6 "Context Clues"
9/3 - Flocabulary “Context Clues” Video, Vocab Game, Read & Respond, Quiz = 300 Points
9/4 - Flocabulary “Synonyms & Antonyms” Video, Vocab Game, Read & Respond, Quiz = 300 Points
9/5 - Flocabulary “Roots” Video, Vocab Game, Read & Respond, Quiz = 300 Points
9/6 - iReady “Building Sentence Comprehension: Identifying Replaced Words and Ideas in Literary Texts” = 100 Points
9/6 - iReady “Building Sentence Comprehension: Identifying Replaced Words and Ideas in Informational Texts” = 100 Points
9/3 - 9/5 Intervention - Blooket “Context Clues” Practice = 0 Points
9/6 - Intervention: Grade Check, Assignment Make-Up or Redo, DEAR Time on Epic = 0 Points
SPEECH ELECTIVE ONLY - 1st Speech Typed using MLA Format = 100 Points
Social Studies: We are currently working our way through our first unit of the year which involves introducing students to geography, history, economics, and government. Later next week we will begin talking about early human culture and the old, middle, and new stone ages. Students need to take or keep notes on information as it is being presented throughout the school year.
Science: Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! Last week we covered Lab Safety and scholars created their own Lab Safety Slogan. This week we are covering Atoms, Molecules and the Periodic Table of Elements. This week we will work on coloring our Periodic Table of Elements and understanding the difference between groups versus periods.
7th Grade
Math: Compacted Math (Core 1) We are moving along through our first unit and took our Quiz on Integers today. We will continue with Operations Involving Rational Numbers next week and take Quiz 3 the week of Sept 16th.
Math 7 (Core 2,3,4) We are moving through our first unit with Integers and will take Quiz 1&2 (add/sub/mult/div) on Tuesday, Sept 10th, then continue with Operations Involving Rational Numbers.
Social Studies: We will continue working on early Americas; covering the Maya, Aztec, and Inca empires. Scholars will end the unit by producing a brochure of their selected society to demonstrate mastery of this unit.
Science: We have started our unit on Earth Systems. This week scholars have learned about the Ozone Layer, Greenhouse Gases, and the Layers of the Atmosphere. Next week we will continue the lesson with introductions to the Weather.
8th Grade
In Math 8, we completed Standard 8, EE7, Two-Step Inequalities. Next week, we will work on EE.7, Transformations, which includes Translations, Rotations, and Reflections on the coordinate plan.
In Math 1, we will continue with the unit on systems of equations using graphing, substitution, and elimination.
Continue to check Google Classroom for any updates.
ELA: We’re off to a great start in 8th Grade ELA! Initially, we focused on building a strong classroom community, getting to know one another, and setting the tone for a successful year. This week, our scholars were introduced to our playlist process, which outlines their weekly assignments, vocabulary practice, and ongoing learning goals.
We’ve also been reviewing how to effectively use textual evidence to support ideas in reading and writing—an essential skill that will be reinforced throughout the year.
Looking forward to continued growth and success!
Social Studies: We are working on New Empires in the Americas. Scholars will finish this unit by completing an infographic of the timeline and brochure to persuade someone to join their expedition. We have been rocking playlists and small groups through data.
Science: Continue to check Google Classroom for weekly assignments.
Visual Arts:
K-8 scholars have been creating some truly inspiring and creative works of art in a wide variety of mediums these last two weeks!
Fall Picture Day!
Fall Picture Day is September 25th! All scholars should be in uniform for Fall picture day. Picture order forms will be available from the homeroom teacher and the pdf form below.
This link below allows you to sign up to receive updates via email regarding your child's school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time. When entering student information, parents should be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file at the school.
Reminders from the Front Office
Tardiness: If your child is tardy, please remember that you must walk them into the school and sign them in at the front office. This is a requirement upon ALL parents.
Early Release: There will be no early releases permitted after 2:30 PM. Please plan accordingly for any necessary appointments or early pick-ups.
Food Deliveries: We will not accept any third-party food deliveries for scholars. Please ensure your child has their lunch with them or make arrangements through the school’s meal program. Parents are also allowed to drop off lunches at the front office.
AIG Program
Now accepting nominations (referrals) for scholars to be screened for Kestrel's AIG program. The nomination window will be open the entire month of September and AIG testing will take place in October for potential candidates.
Please contact Mr. Love (love@kestrelheights.org) with questions or nominations for AIG screening and testing. More information about Kestrel's AIG program can be found at www.kestrelheights.org/aig
Welcome Back Hawk Families,
Important news! We will no longer be using the Big Teams platform for our athletic website. The current link; https://kestrelhawks.bigteams.com will expire on September 30th.
Our new athletic website domain will be www.kestrelheights.org/athletics. You can also access our new athletics page by clicking the “Athletics” tab at the top of Kestrelheights.org home page.
All Fall season schedules and athletic registration paperwork have been posted to our new webpage. Winter and Spring schedules as well as tryout information will be posted as it becomes available.
You can also purchase Hawks gear from our spirit store, linked at the top of the new athletics webpage.
Email hess@kestrelheights.org if you have any questions.
2024-25 School Calendars
The Kestrel Heights Charter School Calendars and the Parent and Family Engagement Calendar are located on our website at https://kestrelheights.org/calendar/
Please make sure you check it often to stay informed of all the amazing events taking place within our Kestrel Community!
Kestrel Heights School PTA
The PTA consists of parents/caregivers and school staff. As an organization, the PTA takes an active role in supporting the school and providing special funds for the school. We aim to enable and support a partnership between parents and staff; home and school.
How does the PTA benefit my children?
The PTA funds and supports school projects such as: purchasing equipment for our music and athletics programs as well as classroom technology and furnishings. We also organize events and social functions such as: Book Fairs, Spirit Nights, and School Festivals.
How can I keep up with the PTA?
If you would like additional information or if you are interested in joining the PTA, please email us at pta@kestrelheights.org
You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter @khcspta
Upcoming School Events
September 10 - KHCS Board of Directors Meeting
September 19 - Kestrel PTA Meeting
September 20 - Quarter 1 Progress Reports
September 23 - Teacher Workday - No school for scholars
September 25 - Picture Day!
Follow us on Social Media!
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/KestrelHeightsSchool/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KestrelHeights
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/kestrelheights/
NextDoor: https://nextdoor.com/pages//pages/kestrel-heights-charter-school-durham-nc/recommend/
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/school/kestrel-heights-school
Email: Vargas@kestrelheights.org
Website: www.kestrelheights.org
Location: 4700 South Alston Avenue, Durham, NC, USA
Phone: 919-484-1300
Facebook: facebook.com/KestrelHeightsSchool
Twitter: @kestrelheights