Cougar Weekly
What's Happening the week of February 18-21
PLCs meet this week!
Tuesday, Feb. 18 - Pre-K, Kinder, 1st, and 2nd will meet during conference time, in a classroom of your grade level's choice.
Items to discuss:
- HB3 Phonics (F&P kits) - bring your kit!
- Computer lab use - teaching students to use apps AND developing computer literacy
- ST Math - getting back "at it" if we've lagged with it
- Census 2020 information for parents
Wednesday, Feb. 19 - SPED and Interventionists at 7:05 in Carranza's office; CASTLE 3 at 8:00 in Carranza's office. Items to discuss: Technology use for students; STAAR accommodations OR STAAR ALT 2 arrangements
Thursday, Feb. 20 - Music and PE will meet at 7:05 in Carranza's office. Agenda TBD.
3rd, 4th, and 5th will meet during conference time, in Carranza's office.
Items to discuss:
- Data Protocol from last CUA (reading, math, or science); this will need to be done prior to meeting. Please don't stress about this! Just get with your partner, look at the data, and quickly capture data for the FRONT PAGE of the protocol only. Have discussions about what you see, and then bring that protocol AND your computer to the meeting.
- Tutors will begin the week of Feb. 24. We will discuss plans for what they will use with students.
- Census 2020 information for parents
It will be cold this week.
No snow, of course, but this picture looks like they are making the most of it - so we will, too, with special pants. :)
Happy Presidents' Day!
Hope you enjoy a day of relaxation!
No fire drill this week - RAIN in forecast!
How about special pants Wed and Thurs with team shirts? Maybe rain boots? Science shirt in honor of Science Olympiad? Show your spirit with your pants!
It's going to RAIN pretty much all week... with highs in the '40s...again, how about special pants Wed and Thurs!
NEW Instructional Assistant - beginning Wednesday, Feb. 19!
We will be welcoming Gabriela Gonzalez on Wednesday as a new addition to our team! Gabby was a student teacher last semester with Mrs. Barnum and Mrs. Dusek. She will be working with 3rd grade in the morning, and after lunch with 1st or 2nd, then 4th AND 5th.
Clifton Park Elementary - Learning is for Everyone!
Location: 2200 Trimmier Road, Killeen, TX, USA
Phone: 254-336-1580
SCIENCE OLYMPIAD is next Saturday, Feb. 22nd
Wish our 4th and 5th grade students and coaches good luck - they have worked so hard for this day!
Facebook account for all Clifton Park staff is coming soon...
Please join when you get the invite. It will be a great way to post ideas, motivational messages, and information that we all would benefit from. Our jobs are so rewarding, but so tough... we need all the inspiration and support we can get! The more members, the more likely we are to really encourage each other.
We love walking into your classrooms and seeing great things! We are in the countdown range to spring break - three weeks from now - but that also means STAAR is not far behind. We are planning a pep rally for our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders (for the week of April 6th) - and we'd like the little ones (pre-K through 2nd) to help us encourage them! Mrs. Evans is planning this event; she will be letting you know details very soon.