Ms. Barrington's Newsletter
Grade 3 is the Place to Be!
This Week
Monday (Day 4):
Take Home Folders (Please Return Folders)
Leader in Me
Choir (Cancelled)
Tuesday (Day 5):
Hot Lunch: Boston Pizza
Div. 1 Dress Rehearsal (9:00 am)
Phys. Ed.
Div. 1 Christmas Concert (6:00 pm)
Wednesday (Day 1):
Div. 2 Dress Rehearsal (9:00 am)
Take Me Outside (Please Dress for the Weather)
Library (Please Return Books and Book Bags)
Tech Time
Thursday (Day 2):
Hot Lunch: Cora's
Phys. Ed.
Ms. Cleo Visiting
Friday (Day 3):
Take Home Folders (Take Home Folders Go Home)
What We've Been Up To
We Constructed
We Designed
northern lights inspired chalk drawings of CeeGee travelling through the cold and snow to make it to our concert.
We Watched
Assignments for the Week
Calendar Items
December 10th- Div. 1 Christmas Concert (6:00 pm)
December 11th- Div. 2 Christmas Concert (6:00 pm)
December 12th- Early Learning Christmas Concerts
December 16-19th - Winter Spirit Week & Food Bank Drive
December 20th- No School (Staff PLF #6)
December 23rd-January 3rd - No School (Winter Break)
January 6th- Students Return
January 9th- Gr. 4 Vista Ridge Field Trip
January 9th- Popcorn Orders Due (Bring $2)
January 10th- Gr. 5 Vista Ridge Field Trip
January 10th- Popcorn Day
January 15th- Gr. 6 Vista Ridge Field Trip
January 24th- No School (Staff PLF #7)
January 27th- Spirit Day: Book Character Day
January 28th- Term 1 Report Cards Released
January 30th- Spirit Day: Scrabble Day
January 31st- No School (FMPSD PD Day)
Notes From the Office
Absences or Late Arrivals: Please email: if you are aware that your student will be absent or late. For early pickups or changes to pickups, families should contact the office via phone.
CG Gear: Our online store is up and running for the year. Check out to order school clothing. There is a wide variety of styles, logos, and colours to choose from!
Hot Lunch Program: Hot Lunch ordering for the month of November is now open. Ordering will be open from the 1st to the 20th of each month in order to order for the following month. When placing your order you may notice a button to Volunteer for Hot Lunch days. Please consider volunteering to help sort and organize Hot Lunch from 11:30 am-12:30 pm. This program will not continue to run without the support of parent volunteers. To place your order click on the following link ( and refer to the instructions below (Digital Take Home Folder). If you have any questions you can contact our Hot Lunch team at
Angel Tree Update: It is with immense gratitude and love that we thank you for the overwhelming generosity shown with this year's Angel Tree. Please see the photo attached (Digital Take Home Folder) which shows all of the presents donated and the love shown to ensure everyone has a gift under the tree this season. The kind spirit shown by our families never ceases to amaze us and when the Salvation Army came to collect, they had tears in their eyes. Again, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
Lifetouch Discount Codes: As a token of appreciation this holiday season, Lifetouch is offering discounts on school photography!
- 50% off a purchase of $50+ with code CDEC50
- 40% off a purchase of $40+ with code CDEC40
- 30% off a purchase of $30+ with code CDEC30
Valid through December 14th, 2024. To order, log in to your account on or create an online account. Thank you!
Food Bank Drive: Christina Gordon Public School will collect non-perishable food items for the Food Bank until Tuesday, December 17th. The attached visual (Digital Take Home Folder) gives a list of their current most needed items. Additional items that they are getting low on can be found on their website: Please be sure to check that the food isn't expired! Thank you for your support!
Christmas Concerts: Attached is a poster with the dates for the CG Christmas Concerts for 2024. Grs. 1-3 will be rehearsing the morning of their concert (December 10th) and Grs. 3-6 will be doing the same (December 11th). Classes will be invited to watch the rehearsals. Classroom teachers will supervise their classes the evening of the concerts. Doors will open at 5:30 pm so that the concerts can begin promptly at 6:00 pm. Our class does not have anything specific that we need to wear for their performance such as a costume. Students are invited to dress up and look their best. Our song is "CG is Coming to Town" and is not a Christmas song; we wanted all of our classmates to be able to participate. Students have been practicing everyday and even the actions were created by students. Students are encouraged to continue practicing at home throughout the week (see Digital Take Home Folder). We hope to see you all at the concert!
Popcorn Day: Popcorn days are back on for the year and have been set by the Fundraising Association. Please note the following:
- Not all days are on Friday.
- There is no online payment for popcorn. Students can bring $2 to their classroom teachers.
- Students are welcome to pay for the full year in advance rather than trying to remember to pay each time. The remaining popcorn dates will be January 10th, February 6th, March 21st, April 3rd, May 23rd, and June 13th. There are 6 dates remaining. To pay for all dates, please send a total of $12 with your student.
The next Popcorn Day will be Friday, January 10th. Please send $2 to your student's teacher by Thursday, January 9th to order popcorn.
Digital Take Home Folder
Need to Contact Me?
Ashley Barrington, Grade 3 Teacher
Pronouns: she/they
Christina Gordon School | Website:
106 Parsons Creek Drive, Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0B4
Telephone: (587) 276-2017 | Email:
CG Twitter: @ChristinaGFMPSD | CG Instagram: @christinagfmpsd
Website: | Twitter: @MsBarringtonCG | Instagram: @msbarringtoncg