Rowe PTO News
January, 2025
Important Dates
Important Dates
- Wednesday, 1/15: Rowe Community Dinner at 6:00 PM
- Thursday, 2/6: PTO Meeting. "High School of the Future" presentation with Superntedent Scallon at 6:00 PM in the Rowe Library and on Zoom
- Wednesday, 2/12: Pokemon Night at 5:45 at Rowe
- Tuesday, 3/4: Rowe Fundraiser Night at Flatbread
- Saturday, 4/12: RoweFest (save the date!)
Upcoming Events
Rowe Community Dinner
Join other Rowe families for an evening meal and activities!
January 15th, 6-7:30 pm
Catered by Wayside Food Programs
Transportation will be available
Interested in volunteering to support the community dinner or donating supplies? Sign up here!
Please reach out to Lara Rosen (lara.k.rosen@gmail.com) with any questions.
We look forward to seeing folks then!
February PTO Meeting
Our next PTO meeting will be on Wednesday, February 6 pm in the Rowe Library and Zoom. Our guest speaker this month will be Superintendent Ryan Scallon, who will lead a discussion about the “High School for the Future” plan for Portland Public Schools. We will also have an agenda for PTO business. Childcare for school-aged children will be available, and we will have snacks for those attending in person! Please contact Ashley with questions at president@roweschoolpto.org.
Pokemon Night
Join us for the 2nd Annual Pokemon Night at Rowe Wednesday, February 12th at 5:45pm! Kids will have a chance to make a binder to keep their cards, trade cards, get new ones and more! Volunteers are needed to make this event happen. Please sign up HERE or email Emily at communitybuilding@roweschoolpto.org if you’re able to help make this awesome event a success.
Call for Volunteers/Donations
RoweFest Sponsorships
If you or anyone you know works at an organization or business that wants to be a corporate sponsor for this year's RoweFest, please pass their information along to Melanie/Jay at fundraising@roweschoolpto.org. Our corporate sponsors help offset the costs to make RoweFest happen and really make this a community event with lots of fun games to be had. We have a lofty goal and would appreciate any help to get us there.
Calendar Raffle Volunteers Needed
We are looking for a handful of volunteers to assist with reaching out to businesses in our community to ask for donations (gift cards, tickets, items, etc…). We have everything you need to be successful (spreadsheet with contacts and emails, letter template to email). This doesn’t require a lot of time and it would be very helpful to share the load to fill our calendar with some amazing prizes. Please contact Melanie/Jay at fundraising@roweschoolpto.org if interested.
Hannford Community Bag Program
During the month of January, the Rowe School PTO will receive $1 for each $2.50 reusable Community Bag sold at the Hannaford located at 787 Riverside Street in Portland. Thanks for your support!
School Directory
Parents are invited to sign up for the Rowe School Directory to connect with other families. This directory is meant for social purposes, such as organizing birthday parties, car pools, and other similar activities. Please be mindful of this when reaching out to other families.
Sign up here to start connecting with fellow parents! For questions or edits, please email vicepresident@roweschoolpto.org.Rowe Champions
Support the PTO by joining our monthly giving program and becoming a Rowe Champion! The PTO provides vital funding to our teachers and staff for enrichment programming, field trips, classroom supplies, and school safety projects. As just a few examples, the PTO last year:
Helped fund the new fence at the school to improve student safety
Provided Puberty Packs for all 4th Grade Students
Funded 3d Grade field trip to Portland Ovations and Maine Wildlife Park
Funded 2d Grade field trip to the Children’s Museum and new books
Paid for supplies for 1st Grade classes to raise chicks and build bird curriculum
Sponsored the Kindergarten Passamoquody guest speaker
Please consider giving $10 per month for each student you have at Rowe, and, if you have the capacity, please consider giving an extra $10 to support another student. Become a Rowe Champion today!
Support the PTO
You can help by:
Join Rowe Champions by setting up a monthly donation
Use PTO Clynk bags for cans and bottles
Support our fundraisers