Port Susan Middle School
Student & Family Update 01/15/2023
Be Your Best Self
The Knights Code (above) is communicated daily through morning announcements at Port Susan. The purpose of this reminder is to think about how our decisions impact others. It is our responsibility as adults to find that balance of support and accountability when communicating with students. However, I feel it is very important for us to remember that the work of "doing the right thing" can be difficult for students. Building confidence in our students to make positive decisions and learn from mistakes is crucial. Thank you for supporting our students through conversations to understand that their "best self" is enough and does make a difference.
So often, we think we need to become "something" else to be heard. We believe we need to dress and act and speak like other people to be accepted...I tell students all time to show up as their full selves, even if their selves don't make them cool or popular. - Erin Jones
Student Support
Part of our annual action plan and support for students is for them to begin to advocate for their learning. As we work with middle school students, educating them on what support and/or tools they have to work through a situation is important.
*Attention 8th Grade Families
Girl’s Basketball & Boys/Girls Wrestling Sign-Ups
Girls Basketball (7th & 8th grade) will begin on Tuesday, January 31st from 2:30-4pm at PSMS. Girls and Boys Wrestling (6th, 7th, and 8th grade) will begin on February 6 from 2:30-4pm at Stanwood Middle School. Athletes will take the shuttle to SMS and be picked up there after practice at 4pm.
Athletic Registration: An Athletic Registration Form must be completed either online or by hard copy prior to turning out for practice. This includes emergency contact information, insurance and the Athletic Code.
Sports Physical: All athletes must have a current sports physical (good for 2yrs) turned into the office BEFORE turning out.
ASB Card/Pay to Participate: Each participant must purchase an Associated Student Body card and Pay to Participate fee before the first contest. The ASB card is $20, Pay to Participate is $50 per sport ($100 maximum per year; Free/Reduced options for those who qualify).
Save the Date
Week of January 16th through 20th
Monday 01/16
No School (MLK)
Tuesday 01/17 *Toasty Tuesday
Regular Schedule
Academic Support Advisory
Volleyball vs LaVenture (V @ Lincoln and JV @ PSMS)
Wednesday 01/18 *Cancer Awareness Wednesday
Red Schedule
Thursday 01/19 *Throwback Thursday
Afternoon Assembly Schedule *Rescheduled from last week
Volleyball @ Conway
Friday 01/20 *Family Photo Friday
Afternoon Spirit Assembly Schedule
Academic Support Advisory
Linked below are previous communications. Please continue to reach out with any questions you have. You can email me directly (calmanza@stanwood.wednet.edu) or call our office at 360.629.1360
Spirit Week
District Information
Get school updates via text
The school district is adding text messaging capability to our school communication system, which currently uses phone calls and emails. The system will be configured to send text messages to cell phone numbers whose recipients have agreed to receive them.
Many of you already received a text from 67587 earlier this week requesting you to opt-in to receive important informational text messages from your child’s school. You simply need to Reply Y to confirm (messaging and data rates may apply).
Alternatively, you can text “Y” to 67587 to opt-in to receive texts. In the future, if a recipient’s cellphone number is changed or a new number added to our information system database, the new number will automatically be sent an opt-In message.
Read more about the Highly Capable Program HERE
Nomination packets are available from school building secretaries or can be downloaded HERE. The nominations are due by January 26.
On Monday, January 30th, Stanwood High School will host a free Sports Clinic to celebrate National Girls & Women in Sports Day! 2:00-4:30pm
3-6th grade participants, who attend school (or live) in the Stanwood-Camano School District, are invited to join us for an afternoon of active fun! Everyone is welcome, no experience needed, and we will rotate through stations to introduce skills in a handful of our girls sports!
SIGN UP HERE: https://forms.gle/ifmAUWKedgiTPgaQA
Thanks for helping us to get the word out.
Go Spartans!
Click this link to learn more about National Girls & Women in Sports Day, powered by the Women's Sports Foundation.
Questions? Contact Lauren Amundson (lamundson@stanwood.wednet.edu)
Thank you for all you do!
Cherae Almanza, Principal calmanza@stanwood.wednet.edu
Crysty Auckland, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director cauckland@stanwood.wednet.edu
Teacher Emails
Dave Austin (6-8 Fitness & 6 Leadership) daustin@stanwood.wednet.edu
Jonathan Bletscher (6-8 Band) jbletscher@stanwood.wednet.edu
Joan Campbell (6-7 Math) jcampbell@stanwood.wednet.edu
Tamara Pedersen (6-7 Math) tpedersen@stanwood.wednet.edu
Lori Stunz (7 ELA & 6-8 Art) lstunz@stanwood.wednet.edu
Grace Gale (6 Science & 6-8 STEM/Robotics) GGale@stanwood.wednet.edu
Sub for Grace Gale is Jeffrey Trammell jtrammell2@stanwood.wednet.edu
Chelsea Hanson (6-8 ELA/Humanities) CHanson@stanwood.wednet.edu
Nate Hanson (6-8 Computers/Digital Effects) nhanson@stanwood.wednet.edu
Audrie Harrington (6/7 ELA & 7/8 Leadership) aharrington@stanwood.wednet.edu
Joshua Keaton (7/8 History) jkeaton@stanwood.wednet.edu
Seth Hills (6 Social Studies) shills@stanwood.wednet.edu
Lori Johnson (6-8 Assist) ljohnson@stanwood.wednet.edu
Wade Johnson (7/8 Science) wjohnson@stanwood.wednet.edu
Rebecca Klein (6/7 Science) rklein@stanwood.wednet.edu
Meghan Lawrence (6-8 PBS) mlawrence@stanwood.wednet.edu
Ellianna Martin (6-8 Math) emartin@stanwood.wednet.edu>,
Daniel Mccrumb (6 Math/Science & 7/8 Outdoor Ed) DMccrumb@stanwood.wednet.edu
Sarah Oldow (6 ELA/Social Studies) soldow@stanwood.wednet.edu
Catherine Perry (6-8 EL) cperry@stanwood.wednet.edu
Tracy Riley (6-8 ELA) TRiley@stanwood.wednet.edu
Kelcie Rocha (7/8 Math) krocha@stanwood.wednet.edu
Brad Rochon (7/8 Science) brochon@stanwood.wednet.edu
Connie Schmidt (6-8 Health) cschmidt@stanwood.wednet.edu
Sheri Schroeder (8 History & ELA) sleeschroeder@stanwood.wednet.edu
Kym Shoemaker (7/8 Math) kshoemaker@stanwood.wednet.edu
Crystal Titus (6-8 Fitness) ctitus@stanwood.wednet.edu
Kayte White (8 ELA & 6 Cultures) kwhite@stanwood.wednet.edu
Julia Zurcher (7 History & 7/8 Home Ec) jzurcher@stanwood.wednet.edu
Office Support
Jayde Piggot (6 Counselor) jpiggott@stanwood.wednet.edu
Keli Niegemann (7/8 Counselor) kniegemann@stanwood.wednet.edu
Emily Bowne (School Psychologist) ebowne@stanwood.wednet.edu
Kandyce Hansen (Speech Language Pathologist) khansen@stanwood.wednet.edu
Sara Harlan (Librarian) sharlan@stanwood.wednet.edu
Amy Hart (Student Support Advocate) ahart@stanwood.wednet.edu
Tia Wheatley (Mental Health Therapist) twheatley@stanwood.wednet.edu
The Stanwood-Camano School District does not discriminate in employment, programs, or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District's Title IX/Affirmative Action Officer and Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Maurene Stanton (mstanton@stanwood.wednet.edu), or the Section 504/American Disabilities Act Coordinator, Robert Hascall (rhascall@stanwood.wednet.edu) Stanwood-Camano School District, 26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, WA 98292. Telephone: (360) 629-1200.