Superintendent Weekly Update
Shelby-Rising Public Schools
Volume 1/Issue 17 - November 7th, 2021
Up Next at S-RC:
- Monday (Nov. 8th) - Start of JH Practices, Unified Bowling @ Westbrook Lanes (Columbus)
- Tuesday (Nov. 9th) - One-Act @ Humphrey St. Francis, FBLA Dodgeball Tournament
- Wednesday (Nov. 10th) - Middle School Quiz Bowl @ Seward
- Thursday (Nov. 11th) - Veteran's Day Program (9am), Unified Bowling Triangular (Columbus)
- Friday (Nov. 12th) - FFA Temple Grandin @ Kearney (9am), Unified Bowling (Central Valley) @ 1030am, JH Wrestling @ David City (5:15pm)
- Saturday (Nov. 13th) - One-Act @ Fairbury (9am)
Staff Shoutouts
- Danielle Luettel - Thank you for all your help with both of our second grade classes. We have plenty that we lean on you for and you have been amazing. Thank you for everything you have done for our students and our district.
- Mandy Peterson - Our librarian is amazing! The amount of work that she does behind the scenes for our students both in the library and in her exploratory classes. Thank you for always putting our students first and looking to improve our library!
- Adam Nissen - Thank you for all the art skills you teach our K-12 students! Not many teachers are asked to teach all students in each grade level but you do an amazing job! Keep up the great work!
Recap of the Week!
Band Practice!
Band's turn!!!
Our 6-12th graders put on a great practice as they prepare for our Veteran's Day program which is November 11th at 9am!
Book-It Rally!!!
95% of our K-5 students met their reading goal for the month of October! Great work to all of our students! Thank you to our parents, teachers & volunteers! Let's get to % next month!
Bring those items!
Please bring items to help support Middle School Student Council!
National Convention!
Battle Of The Bridges
Mrs. Schueth's math class are currently testing whose design can hold the most weight! The competition is fierce and winners will be announced later!
National Convention (2 of 2)
Battle Of The Bridges
Mrs. Schueth's math class are currently testing whose design can hold the most weight! The competition is fierce and winners will be announced later!
Choir Practice!
Veteran's Day Practice
Practice with our 6-12 choir students this morning to prepare for our program on November 11th at 9am.
Sounding great!
Mime Skits about Egyptians
Great class period in Mr. Schoenrock's class today for the 6th graders! They did egyptian mime scenes to explain different Egyptian Deitie stories! Great actors & actresses in this group!
Halloween Nigh, Circle to the Right!
Mollie and Mental Health!
It's a GREAT start to the day learning with Mollie from
- Goldilocks levels of stress vs high level fight or flight... Where do YOU stand?
PAW Winners!
Congratulations to these elementary students for earning their gift certificates for their positiveness!
Elementary Pizza Winners!
Pizza with the Principal today!! These kiddos were drawn as winners from ALL students who met their Book-It goals!!
Students of the Month
Great lunch with our October Students of the Month today! Really enjoyed the conversations. Keep up the great work and pushing yourselves that extra degree!
Softball Award!
Congrats to Carissa Schoenrock for being selected LJS All-State Honorable Mention!
Veteran's Day Program
Veterans Day Program
Come join us at SRC on Thursday, November 11 at 9:00 am in the South gym! It will also be on our Striv channel. Our entire community is welcome to come honor our veterans!
Virtual College Fair!
Virtual College Fair set for November 10
EducationQuest will host a free Virtual College Fair from 5-8 pm. CT Wednesday, Nov. 10. Counselors, students, and parents are invited to register now at eqf.org/collegefair. There's no need to re-register if you previously registered for October's Virtual College Fair.
Students who visit at least five booths are entered to win a $500 scholarship! Attendees can visit 78 college booths, chat with college reps, and view live college-prep presentations. View a list of participating colleges here.
A live presentation, Successful Scholarship Essay Tips, will begin at 7 p.m. CT.
Please share this information with your students and their parents.
Questions? Contact Jodi Vanden Berge at 308.234.6310 ext. 201 or email JodiVB@educationquest.org.
ICU Setup
ICU Done!
And the completed project!
ICU so far
Where in the World is Tejkl?
November 8th - In/Out of District
- Unified Bowling (9:30am)
- Admin Meeting (2:30pm)
- Adaptive Schools Training in Columbus (9:30am)
- After school meeting (4:15pm)
- FBLA Dodgeball Tournament (6pm)
November 10th - In District
November 11th - In District -
- Veteran's Day Program (9am)
- Coffee w/ Veterans in RC (2pm)
November 12th - In District -
- CIP Meeting (7:30am)
- Covid 19 Update w/ Four Corners (9:30am)
Message from Mr. Tejkl
“What are you willing to do for change..."
Good morning!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and that you took advantage of the great weather! I am hopeful that those that needed to get items done outside that you were able to do that injury free or breakdown free! Be careful to all the gentlemen out there who are heading up to put Christmas lights on their house because their wives down't believe in respecting the turkey :).
I wanted to tell you how proud I am of our staff. As you are aware, we had no school on Friday but that doesn't mean our great staff wasn't in and doing work! Our staff was in discussion our mission/vision statements, discussed the importance of our own mental health, principal meetings and then a gathering of our two committees that discussed grading and data. Our staff continues to go above and beyond and I could not be prouder of their efforts for our students and district!
Along those lines, what do we focus on? If the end results is all you care about, you will never change or grow as an individual. If you focus on that change, you will get results one way or another. What we strive to do is help our students realize that tests are not the end all be all. Although our state wants us to test, we continue to push our kids to go beyond the test. We want them to grow socially, emotionally and academically that will help them become successful young adults.
As a staff, we need to focus on us getting better professionally while also become the best person we can to support those around us. We love our students and will continue to be there for them as they grow. The end result we may not see in them for another 5, 10, 15 years but we want to see our students become successful young adults that carve their own way into this world. The result isn't about how well they do on a state test (although we do want them to do their best!) but we want them to grow as individuals.
We focus on change...for the best and we continue to strive for that! If you are looking for results, focus on the change and you will get the results!
Have a great Sunday and let's have a great week!
Quote of the week to make you think:
"If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results."
- Jack Dixon
Tucker Tejkl
Staff of the Month
Innovation- Grant Gabel
Integrity- Shelly Denbo
Accountability- Matt Carley
Service- Steve Stewart (not pictured)
Do you have events coming up? (Community)
November Newsletter (Elementary)
Activities Update through the week:
One-Act: Practice continues as their first contest approaches on November 9th!
Basketball shoot-around is currently on going! Official practice begins on November 15th!
SRC- Preschool and Kindergarten Pages!
Husky Hoops for 3rd - 6th graders
Find me
Email: ttejkl@shelby.esu7.org
Website: https://www.shelby.esu7.org/
Location: 650 North Walnut Street, Shelby, NE, USA
Phone: 402-527-5946
Facebook: facebook.com/tucker.tejkl
Twitter: @SuptTejkl