Principal & Dean of Students Notes
Schoolwide Expectations
Here at CPS, the students are doing so well with the expectations in the hallway, cafeteria and playground. These expectations are the same as last year. This year, we are asking for consistency from the students to ensure safety and learning happens throughout the school day. There have been some questions regarding our expectations and we are here to answer any you have. Please feel free to reach out to us. Thank you for all that you do.
~Liz and Kahlie
Liz Pattershall - ewakem@rsu18.org 445.1550 ext 7102
Kahlie Desrosiers - kdesrosiers@rsu18.org. 445.1550 ext 7101
School Wide Expectations
When traveling the hallway -
Walk down the right of the hallway
Hands are by your side while walking
Head behind head - facing forward
The hallway is meant for you to get from once place to another - walk with purpose
Level 0 Voice - classrooms are working and learning
Quiet feet
Say Hi to others by giving a quiet wave
When eating in the cafeteria -
- All classes will come to the cafeteria in alphabetical order - this helps out our kitchen crew with entering students into the lunch tracking system
While waiting for your turn to get lunch, the line is a voice level 1 - a whisper
Both legs are under the table when eating
Keep hands on your own food
Pick up after yourself
Once every student has their lunch, there will be a focus on eating
Quiet when adults are talking - when lights are off, voices off
When talking takes place words need to be friendly, kind, and calm
Raise your hand to leave the table
Line up on the tape for the lunch line
Ms. Pattershall and Mrs. Desrosiers are new to the school and learning the students names is a goal for both of us. Having students sit with their class during lunch time has allowed us the opportunity to learn names quicker. We are getting there and we hope to know all names really soon.
When out at recess -
Use playground equipment the correct way
Solve playground issues on the playground before entering the school - get an adult involved if needed
Report any unsafe behavior to recess monitor ASAP
When the bell rings, activities stop and line up
Line up quietly on the basketball court and dismiss by class
Use kind words when talking to each other
Respect the boundaries of the playground - cones
Walk on the sidewalk pavement
Leave the trees and critters be
Keep your hands to yourself
Games such as tag are played on the grass
Stay on the playground - it starts past the walkway
Wood chips and rocks stay on the ground
Recess Soccer and Basketball
The 4th grade classrooms met on Friday of last week and created expectations around soccer. The students quickly realized that many of the expectations for soccer could also be implemented for basketball. Feedback from staff and students was that soccer and basketball during recess in years past created issues around fairness, sportsmanship, and safety. Setting soccer expectations are to assist with students enjoying the game at recess time and to reduce conflicts. We want students to have fun while being safe and kind to each other. At our Rise and Shine assembly on Monday the 23rd, the school will be introduced to the soccer expectations and grades will be able to play during lunch recess.