Catching Up with the Coyotes
September 1, 2024

Subscribe to the Canyon View Elementary School Website Calendar!
We are working hard to make school news and information easier to find. Click on the link above to go directly to the live Canyon View Elementary School Calendar. Subscribe to make sure you never miss an event or important date.
September Events
- September 2: Labor Day - No School
- September 5: Team CV Meeting, 6:00 p.m., in person or Zoom
- September 6: Host Sign-Up deadline for Around the World Night*
- September 9: Registration Deadline for Great Wolf Lodge Event (event 9/29-9/30)*
- September 13: Around the World Night 5:30-7:00 p.m. (5:00 p.m. sensory friendly start)*
- September 16-20: Start With Hello! Week
- September 19: Kebab Shop CMR Dine-Out Fundraiser*
- September 27: Red Envelope Kick-Off Fundraiser and Movie Night 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.*
CATCHING UP WITH... Ms. Simek, Assistant Principal
Thank you for welcoming our wonderful guest principal, Mr. Doug Johnson, who is on site until Principal Edmonston's expected return on September 12th. Mrs. Edmonston's daughter's surgery was successful. and she is braving the road to recovery. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact the Canyon View front office if you are in need of administrative support from Mr. Johnson or myself.
Thank you for following the parking lot safety rules, and thank you for displaying your sign on your passenger side dashboard during pick-up. It has been a huge help!
Let's Make it another GREAT WEEK!
Sheryl Simek
Assistant Principal, Canyon View Elementary School
Healthy Food Choices
School Breakfast and Lunch are great ways to help students eat healthy. (Just a reminder that if your children would like to enjoy school breakfast, please drop them off at 8:20 when the gates open so that they have time to eat. The breakfast line closes at 8:30.)
We strongly discourage families from sending in food treats for birthdays. We have a number of students with severe allergies and other dietary restrictions. Please check with the teacher for individual class protocols before sending in treats. If you want to celebrate a birthday, please consider ways other than food - like donating a book or ball - for the classroom.
Classroom parties will follow nutritional guidelines from the District.
PUSD Closed Campus Policy
PUSD campuses will remain ‘closed campuses’ to ensure safety of our students and staff. On the first day of school only, parents/guardians will be able to walk their child(ren) to class or the field. Beginning August 22, all children will be dropped off and picked up at the gate at all campuses.
Parking Lot Reminders - CROSSWALK & GREEN CONE ZONE
- Parking in our lot? Cross ONLY at the Cross-Walk, located near the Flag Pole in the center of the lot.
- The GREEN CONE ZONE is the assisted loading/unloading area for our Special Needs students ONLY. If your child requires curb-side assistance from our staff, please make arrangements with their Teacher so staff can meet you there. Unless you have received special authorization to use the GREEN CONE ZONE, please refrain from parking or loading/unloading in this area.
CATCHING UP WITH... School News and Events
News and Events are now on the Canyon View Elementary School Website!
Click on the News and Events link above, or visit the Canyon View Elementary School Website "Announcements" Section on the bottom of the front page for the most up-to-date information about school news and events.
Our district’s Caring Connections Parent Education website has new and exciting courses being offered this Fall. Each term we have different parent education courses, therefore, feel free to periodically check the website at the beginning of each term for the new courses offered to parents, families, and our school community. Beginning next week, click HERE to view the PUSD CCC Parent Education Fall Courses.
Join the PTO or Sponsor an Event!
9/5/24 - Team CV Meeting
Friendship Garden Volunteers Needed
Around the World Night - Sign Up to Host!
Great Wolf Lodge Event... Register Now!
9/19/24 - The Kebab Shop Dine-Out Fundraiser
9/16/24-9/20/24 - Start with Hello Week
10/5/24 - Annual Family Pancake Breakfast
CATCHING UP WITH... Ms. Gamelson, School Counselor
CATCHING UP WITH... Poway Unified School District
Extended Student Services - Before and After School Care
Click on the link below for information about PUSD's Extended Student Services Program at Canyon View Elementary. For non-PUSD before and afterschool programs, be sure to check Peach Jar for community flyers.
Student Enrollment and Registration
PUSD Enrollment is an on-line process. Packets are completed digitally using any computer, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection. You can contact your assigned school of residence to schedule an appointment if you do not have access to a device/internet or if you need assistance with completing the online enrollment packet. Please visit the PUSD Enrollment and Registration page linked below for more information.
Learn S'MORE about the PTO!
Become a PTO Member, Sponsor an Event, or Volunteer your time! Take a look at the flyers below to learn more about how your membership and sponsorship fees help to support Canyon View Elementary School.
*Participation in fundraisers and fundraising events is voluntary and not required.
PTO Membership
Learn S'more About The PTO
Sponsorship or Membership
CATCHING UP WITH... Peach Jar Flyers
Check Peach Jar for Flyers from the Community
- PUSD News
- After School Programs
- Community Events
- Clubs/Sports/Recreation
CATCHING UP WITH... Ms. Burge, Library and Media Tech
Picture Books for Our Families, Ms. Alice Burge's Monthly Book Recommendations
The first few weeks of school are an exciting time for kids to connect with friends, both old and new! These funny friendship stories are great family conversation starters for sharing what it means to be a good, helpful and patient friend.
Ricky, the Rock that Couldn’t Roll by Jay Miletsky, illustrated by Erin Wozniak
Ricky, the Rock that Couldn’t Roll, is the first book in a delightful series by Jay Miletsky, illustrated by Erin Wozniak. From zippy little pebbles to big strong boulders, the rock friends get together to play and roll around their favorite hill, only to find that one of their friends, Ricky, can't roll with them. Unlike all of the other rocks, who are all round, Ricky can't roll because he's flat on one side.
Determined not to leave their friend behind, the rocks set out to help Ricky roll -- one way or another! This sweet, imaginative picture book, written in verse, brings a fresh set of characters to life in a story that celebrates inclusion, perseverance and the power of true friendship.
Making a Friend by Tammi Sauer and Alison Friend
This sweet story from Tammi Sauer and Alison Friend will warm the hearts of young readers. Beaver is good at making just about everything...but not friends. One winter day, Beaver sees some snowflakes in the sky and gets a great idea: he’ll make a friend. Yes! A snowman will be a great friend!
Raccoon passes by as Beaver sets to work and offers a helping hand. The two work side by side to give their snowman everything a friend needs. But when the snowman proves to be a little cold, Beaver discovers that he may have unknowingly “made” another buddy instead.
Peanut Butter & Cupcake by Terry Border
What’s a little piece of bread to do when he’s feeling lonely? Find a friend, of course! And that’s exactly what Peanut Butter tries to do. But sometimes friends are hard to come by, especially when Hamburger has to walk his (hot) dogs, Cupcake is too busy building castles in her sprinkle box, and Egg laughs so hard he starts to crack up! Does Peanut Butter have a soulmate?
Young readers will know the answer long before Peanut Butter does and laugh along with each mismatched pairing in this funny and poignant book by author and photographer Terry Border.
CATCHING UP WITH... School Site Council
Nondiscrimination Philosophy and Policy Statement
The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program. PUSD prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, immigration status, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For more information, please contact: Title IX/Equity Compliance Officer, James Jimenez, Associate Superintendent of Personnel support Services, Poway Unified School District, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128, 1-858-521-2800, extension 2121, jjimenez@powayusd.com. For students, you may contact Title IX Coordinator/504 Coordinator Jamie Dayhoff, Director of Attendance and Discipline, Poway Unified School District, 1-858-521-2840, jdayhoff@powayusd.com.