BHS Counseling Newsletter:
Friday, October 4th, 2024
Upcoming Dates:
October 7th: Post High Planning Day (Juniors)
October 10th: PSAT, Auxiliary Gym, Morning
October 11th: Staff Development - NO SCHOOL
October 14th: Native American Day - NO SCHOOL
October 22nd: Picture Retake Day
October 22nd: SD Air National Guard @ BHS Commons during Bobcat Time
October 21st-25th: BHS College Application Week (Seniors)
October 29th: Pre-ACT, all 10th graders
October 31st: ASVAB, in the BHS Library from 8:15 to 11:20. For 10th through 12th-grade students, by choice, if registered.
November 19th: Grand Canyon University - @ BHS Commons during Bobcat Time
Counseling Office Happenings
Programs To Be Aware Of:
National Young Arts Competition: Are you a 15 to 18 year old visual, literary or performing artist? Enter the National Young Arts Competition. See the link for more details. October 17th deadline.
The College JumpStart Scholarship Program: This is an annual, merit-based competition, (financial need is not considered) that is open to 10th-12th graders, college students, and non-traditional students. The deadline for the competition is October 17.
HOBY Youth Leadership Seminar: HOBY is a youth leadership organization that identifies the leadership abilities of high school students and helps them apply those skills in their communities and the world. Sophomores (10th-grade students), if you are looking to make a difference, and inspire positivity, explore more about HOBY here. Participants will stay on campus at Dakota State University, and learn about leadership during the 2025 seminar, held June 6th-9th! To be considered for this opportunity, students must submit their application to the BHS Counseling and Student Services Offices no later than 3:25, on Friday, October 18th, 2024
VFW Voice of Democracy Scholarship: students from grades 9–12th-grade are eligible. The 2024-25 theme is “Is America Today Our Forefathers’ Vision?”. All student entries must be submitted to the local VFW Post by midnight, October 31st.
The Big Idea Competition: As a young entrepreneur, what business would you start in your world to make it a better place to live? Put your best business idea forward and compete for cash prizes and scholarships in the BIG Idea Competition-over $5000 to be awarded! October 31, 2024 is the final date for each business idea and marketing design to be submitted.
SD Governor's Student Art Competition: All K-12 students in SD are eligible to participate. Each entry must be original in concept, design, and execution. Competition rules may be found here. Submissions are open until Monday, November 4th.
NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing: The NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing (AiC) honors 9th-12th grade women, genderqueer, or non-binary students for their computing-related achievements and interests, and encourages them to pursue their passions. Applications must be submitted by the final deadline of October 29th.
South Dakota Legislative Page Program: If you are interested in this opportunity, students are encouraged to apply early as it is a competitive program. Early application is encouraged due by October 4th, the final deadline is October 18th.
Notre Dame Pre-College Programs- Plan your 2025 Summer Now! See website for more details!
John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest-Grades 9-12 are eligible to participate; must write an original and creative essay demonstrating an understanding of political courage by a US elected official who served during or after 1917; $10,000 first place. The contest deadline is January 17, 2025.
High School Study Abroad Opportunities: The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) provides more than 1,000 merit-based fully-funded opportunities for U.S. high school students to study abroad for a summer or an academic year in more than 25 countries. These exchange programs prepare young Americans to succeed in the 21st century’s global economy by developing their foreign language skills, increasing their cross-cultural understanding, strengthening their confidence and leadership capacity, and fostering new academic insights and ambitions.
The application periods are now open and vary by program/location. See website for more information.
Academic Information:
Finding Your Fit: Researching & Choosing the Right College
📅 Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2024
🕕 Time: 6:00 p.m. CT
Register: Here
ASVAB: The Armed Services Vocational Services Aptitude Battery test will be given at BHS on Thursday, October 31st, during periods 1 & 3.
Sign Up Here For The ASVAB
ACT-Prep Courses: Please note the change to the ACT Prep dates below.
10/2 6-8 pm - English
10/9 6-8 pm - Math
10/16 6-8 pm - Science
10/23 - 4-8 pm ACT Prep Test
PSAT/NMSQT: Sophomores & Juniors who signed up. Thursday, October 10th. Students who have signed up should report immediately to the BHS Auxiliary Gym in between 8:00 and 8:10 a.m. Make sure to charge your computer the night before. Bring a water bottle and snack (if you would like), writing utensil and computer and charger. The PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide is available online: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/psat-nmsqt-student-guide.pdf
Pre-ACT- Save the date! On Tuesday, October 29th, 2024, the PreACT® will be given, during regular school hours, to all 10th-grade (second-year) students. This is at no cost to you and a step in preparing our students for their post-high plans, exploring careers, choosing appropriate classes in high school, and thinking about future plans.
College Prep Checklists:
School Exploration Opportunities:
12 Study Tips For Back To School
Struggling to be a successful student? Don't get discouraged, it isn't magic! But it does require desire, dedication and a lot of work. Active listening, reading comprehension, note-taking, time management, test taking, and memorization are a few study skills for students.
Here are some valuable strategies for effective study skills from, Princeton Review:
- Identify more than one study space. Variety helps!
- Get real. Be realistic about how long your assignments should take
- Track more than homework in a school planner. Include all activities and social commitments and plan accordingly.
- Use class time wisely. If you have time after class, ask your teacher to clarify a concept that seems fuzzy.
- Start small. Complete assignments in small chunks.
- Create a simple system to stay organized. Try separate folders for handouts for each subject. Nothing fancy!
- Look over your notes each night. Fill in details. Highlight key concepts. Interacting with your notes will help you remember them.
- Establish a routine. Try to do homework around the same time every day.
- Study a little every day.
- Don’t let a disappointing grade keep you down. Take proactive steps to improve.
- Create a distraction-free zone. Turn off the devices! Or at least turn off the notifications until homework is done.
- Make a friend in every class. Help and support each other!
● Website: Common Sense Media: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/
● Article: Why it’s never too early to teach your children about social media: https://www.parents.com/parenting/better-parenting/advice/why-its-never-too-early-to-teach-your-child-good-social-media/
● Article: Teens aren't socializing in the real world. And that's making them super lonely: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2019/03/20/teen-loneliness-social-media-cell-phones-suicide-isolation-gaming-cigna/3208845002/
● 20/20 Special: ScreenTime, Diane Sawyer:https://6abc.com/technology/abc-special-challenges-families-to-rethink-screen-time/5282005/
● Scholastic Article: How to set smart screen time rules: https://www.scholastic.com/parents/family-life/parent-child/how-to-set-smart-screen-time-rules.html
● A wealth of developmental skills (by grade), articles, clips found on this website: Parent Tool Kit: https://www.parenttoolkit.com/topics/social-and-emotional
Project Joy of Brookings, SD
Project Joy is a charitable, non-profit organization, dedicated to providing children and families living in Brookings County, who are in need, an opportunity to receive holiday gifts through the generous donations of individuals, businesses, and organizations.
Christmas is a time of year when family needs are intensified. Initiated by volunteers over 20 years ago, the Helping Hands Christmas Project/Angel Tree ensures that children of Brookings County have an opportunity to receive holiday gifts. In 2006, the Helping Hands Christmas Project underwent some renovations to meet the needs of even more children in Brookings County.
The 2024 Application is available here. Applications are due by midnight on Friday, November 15, 2024.
If you are interested in donating to this great cause, please visit Project Joy, Brookings Amazon Wishlist.
Seniors, here are some things to think about....
🐾 Get and stay organized!
🐾 Keep a file of all your information.
🐾 Focus on your grades.
🐾 Exercise time management skills.
🐾 Start narrowing your college list.
🐾 Consider if early admissions is for you! (If yes, get started).
🐾 If applying to a 2 year or competitive program at a technical school, apply now!
🐾 Obtain letters of recommendation (make sure you ask recommenders in advance).
🐾 Start finalizing your college essays.
🐾 Gather any required documents.
🐾 Fill out the common application/apply to schools!
🐾 Double check your transcripts.
🐾 Keep applying for scholarships.
🐾 Arrange campus visits.
🐾 Update your resume.
College Application Week at BHS!
Seniors, have you been putting off filling out those college applications? Now is the time! You can apply for free to SD institutions from Oct. 3rd - Nov. 30th! BHS will be holding College Application Week October 21st through Oct. 25th. During that week, your BHS Counselors are dedicated to working to assist you in filling out college applications! (Remember, “college” refers to any post-secondary education, 1 year, 2 year or 4 year.) We challenge all BHS seniors to submit at least 1 application to a 2 or 4 year school! There will be designated blocks for assistance, prizes, and fun! More information to come!
Free Application Opportunities at Minnesota Colleges and Universities: https://bit.ly/3Bt0rhR
Scholarships To Be Thinking About:
Below are current scholarships that have been brought to the attention of our office. The date next to the scholarship is the deadline for the application. Any scholarship with an asterisk next to it denotes a Brookings or South Dakota Scholarship.
Oct. 1st - Be Bold Scholarship
Oct. 8th - AES Engineers Scholarship
Oct. 13th - Young Arts Scholarship
Oct. 17th - College JumpStart Scholarship
Oct. 24th - Big Ideas SD Scholarship
Oct. 31st - Veterans of Foreign Wars Voice of Democracy Scholarship
Nov. 1st - National Space Club Scholarship
Nov. 12th - Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Nov. 15th - Students with Disabilities Scholarship
Nov. 15th - 10 Words or Less Scholarship
Nov. 30th - Common App Scholarship
Dec. 1st - South Dakota DAR Scholarship for Military Descendants
Apr. 1st - SDAPHCC Educational Foundation Scholarship
Requesting A Transcript:
Requesting Your Transcript (Parchment):
BHS Counseling And Student Services Team:
Counseling Office Assistant:
Mrs. Victoria Brockel victoria.brockel@k12.sd.us, Phone Number: 605-696-4124
BHS School Counselors:
Mrs. Linda Johnson: linda.johnson@k12.sd.us
Mr. Gary Mork: gary.mork@k12.sd.us
Mrs. Angela Bucholz: angela.bucholz@k12.sd.us
Other Ways To Get Information From Us!