Monroe-Gregg School District
School Reopening Plan
(Note: The E-Learning curriculum will be limited and cannot mirror the full curriculum/experience of in-person instruction.)
Link to E-Learning request form:
- Mask: See Govenor's Executive Order 20-37 below
- Training: Professional development will be provided to all staff at the start of the school year on symptoms and screening measures.
- Divided Clinic Locations: There will be an area for students displaying symptoms who are waiting to be picked up and another area for medication distribution, etc.
- Seating Charts: Seating charts will be required on buses, in classrooms, and in the cafeteria.
- Hand Washing: Hand washing will be required throughout the day. Additional hand sanitizer will be available in each classroom.
- Water Bottles: Students will be allowed to carry water bottles. All water fountains will be shut down.
- Stay Home If Sick: Families must screen their children and keep them home if ill. Sick children will be directed immediately upon arrival to the nurse who will require him/her to be picked up if exhibiting symptoms. (Specific guidelines will be sent on or before the first day of school.)
- School events will primarily be held virtually. Specific details will be posted on the individual school website and social media.
- Changes will be made to classrooms to create more personal space (reduce furniture, spread out desks, define areas, etc.). Students will face the same direction in classrooms as much as possible.
- Students will be required to immediately report to classrooms upon entering school and not allowed to congregate in hallways.
- We will minimize sharing supplies.
- No visitors for lunch.
- Adjustments made to serving lines.
- Extra cleaning precautions will be implemented in all cafeterias.
- Seating charts will be used in all cafeterias.
Students will not be required to dress for P.E. to minimize locker room interactions.
Extra precautions are in place to insure the health and safety of our students and staff.
- No external field trips or convocations until further notice .
- Visitors/Guests will be limited to main office and must wear a mask upon entry.
- Volunteers will not be scheduled until further notice.
- Students participating in E-Learning may not be permitted to participate in extra-curricular activities.
- Parent conferences will be held by phone or virtually until further notice.
- Eliminate perfect attendance incentives for staff and students for 2020-2021.
Health Plan
The Monroe Gregg School Corporation 2020-2021 Health Plan
The Morgan County Health Department has developed the return to school health plan in
accordance with CDC and Indiana State Board of Health guidelines which will be strictly
enforced by the Monroe Gregg School district.
Signs and Symptoms of Covid-19
● Fever (100.4 or higher)
● Dry Cough
● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
● Fatigue
● Muscle or body aches
● Headache
● New loss of taste or smell
● Sore throat
● Nausea or vomiting
● Diarrhea
● Congestion or runny nose
Any student or staff member having a fever above 100.4 degrees, or two Covid symptoms will
be required to leave school immediately. They must self isolate at home for 10 days and follow
the guidelines below.
When is it safe to return to School
Neither the Morgan County Health Department or the Monroe Gregg School District can
require your student to be tested for Covid-19.
If your student has a fever or two or more Covid symptoms and is untested.
1. Student may return after 10 calendar days and must be fever free for 24 hours (without
a. Scenario 1- Your student wakes up on Monday morning with a fever of 101.0
degrees. Your student must stay at home for 10 days if you opt to NOT have
them tested for Covid-19. If you opt to have your student tested and they test
negative they still must isolate for 10 days at home.
2. Student may return with a doctor’s statement saying it is safe to attend school and
giving an alternate diagnosis.
a. Scenario 2- You receive a call from the school nurse, your child has a fever
greater than 100.4 degrees. Your student must leave the school immediately. If
you take your student to see their physician and it is determined they have an
alternate diagnosis (Strep throat, ear infection, etc.) They may return 24 hours
after the symptoms are resolved and have been fever free for 24 hour without
medication. Student must have a statement from the doctor stating it is safe for
the student to return to school. If you opt to not see a physician, your student will
be treated as Covid positive and must remain at home for 10 days from the onset
of symptoms.
Tested with Negative result
1. Student may return after 10 calendar days and must be fever free for 24 hours (without
medication) and symptoms improving.
2. Student may return with a doctor’s statement saying it is safe to attend school and
giving an alternate diagnosis.
3. Student who has tested negative for Covid but was a known close contact (defined
below) of a covid positive person, must complete a 14 day quarantine.
Test with a Positive result
1. Student must remain home and in isolation for 10 days from the day the test was taken.
a. Scenario: Student tests positive and has been in isolation. On day 7 of isolation
new Covid symptoms appear, with the new onset of symptoms a new 10 day
isolation start date will begin.
Close Contact
Covid- 19 positive person (within 6 ft. for more than 15 minutes)
1. Quarantine for 14 days before returning to school. Must remain symptom free or follow
the previous guidelines.
a. Scenario: Student tests positive and has 3 siblings at other schools. Siblings
should be quarantined for 14 days before returning to school. Testing is
recommended and results should be reported to the siblings school
Cleaning Protocol
- Student desks and door knobs will be cleaned after every class/student change.
- Tables in the cafeteria will be cleaned after each lunch period.
- Custodians will clean the restrooms after each passing period.
- Handles on the doors for entering and exiting the buildings will be cleaned before school, after school, and periodically during the school day.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be at every classroom entrance, cafeteria entrance, restroom entrance, gymnasium entrance, doors entering/exiting the building, and at the playground.
- Increased number of hand sanitizer stations in key locations.
- Safe, effective cleaning products used on schedule throughout the day at all high touch areas in school/classroom and on bus.
Monroe-Gregg School District
Phone: 317-996-3720