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The Patriot Press
Volume 3: September 23, 2024
CCA motto: To share the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, preparing hearts and minds to impact the world for Him.
CCA Guiding Principles: We teach 1) Christian Principles and Character, through 2) Christ Centered Academic Excellence, while promoting 3) American Patriotism.
Patriot Press Information
Welcome to the Patriot Press Newsletter. This weekly publication is created by the CCA High School Publication class; it will contain vital information for you as you navigate the 2024-25 CCA school year. If you would like something published in the newsletter, please email stownsend@clintonacademy.org and we will add it. Newsletters will go out every Monday.
If you have photos of field trips, club events, or class activities, please share those pictures with us so we can include them in this year's yearbook. Publication students are pictured below left to right: Jacob, Brooklyn, Maggie, Sophia, Lilly, Carissa, Kynlee, Allie & Miyah.
On this Day in History: Sept 23rd
On September 23, 1806 Lewis and Clark arrived in St. Louis, Missouri. Today is the 213th anniversary of their return.
1846, Planet Neptune was discovered.
In 1875, Billy the Kid was arrested for the first time. --Miyah
Parent Reminders
Tuesday, Sept 24
- Fire Drill
See You at the Pole at 8:10am
- Senior Service Project with Golden Valley Door of Hope from 1-3pm
Thursday, Sept 26
- 9th-12th grades Josten's Class Ring Order Day
- Upper School Student Led Bible Study at 7:30am; all 7th-12th graders are invited --Lilly
September Character Trait of the month is Love
September is the month of love at CCA. I asked Kaylana, Maylie, and Caroline what love meant to them. Kaylana said, “Love is the gift that God gives us and He shows us that through the Bible and through family and other blessings.” Maylie said, "When someone is hurt you help them.” Caroline said, "Love means you are willing to give up anything for anybody that you love.” --Miyah
Devotion Corner
Love Devotion
Parents, Grandparents and Staff, we thought you might enjoy this devotion from Grand Canyon University called: “Unfailing Love,” which is based on Bible verse: 1 John 4:16, “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”
Click on this link to read through it.
https://www.gcu.edu/blog/spiritual-life/weekly-devotional-unfailing-love --Jacob
Class Spotlight: 3rd Grade
Allie observed third grade on September 16th. Students were sitting on a rug watching a video about the Declaration of Independence. They learned from the video about how God gives rights to all people, and how the Declaration of Independence helps give us our freedom. Students learned a song about we the people and how God made us to be free and have liberty. They then learned about what fourth of July means, and what happened in 1776. Third grade talked about when the Declaration of Independence was signed, and how the people felt. After they discussed the video, Mrs. Cotton had students get out their journals and write about what freedom means to them. --Allie
Celebrate Freedom Week
Celebrate Freedom Week began on September 16th with Patriot Day. CCA students were allowed to dress down, by wearing red, white, and blue to commemorate our country. At school, we talked a lot about the Declaration of Independence, Fourth of July, and other things pertaining to patriotism. Several classes watched videos, and discussed freedom throughout the week. In 4th grade, Grey said they learned a lot about history, freedom, and Independence Day. He learned that freedom means you have your own independence, and are able to do what you want, as-long-as you follow the laws. In 5th grade, Samantha said they learned about the men who signed the Declaration of Independence, and how it took awhile for them to get the Declaration signed, because they were all arguing about changing it. Eighth graders, Mackenzie and Micah said they learned about how to be patriotic and loyal to our country, about the history of America, and that the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. In upper school computer classes, Mrs. Townsend had the students answer Patriotic questions throughout the week, and in music students sang "You're a Grand Old Flag" and "America the Beautiful." Many photos from the week can be found on the CCA Facebook page. --Allie
Survey Says:
This week Sophia surveyed CCA students to find out if they, "Would rather spend the day with their favorite movie star, or their favorite athlete? The vote was close; favorite athlete got a whopping 38 votes while favorite movie star received 31. According to AI, the amount of money professional athletes make varies widely, from less than $15,000 annually for most athletes to millions of dollars for the highest-paid athletes.
Alumni Spotlight: Emily Ballard
The CCA alumni spotlight for this month is Emily Ballard. She attended CCA for 3 years during her 6th, 7th, and 8th grade years. Her favorite teacher was Mr. Bancroft and her favorite part of CCA was the friendly atmosphere and the sports! Emily is now living in Aiken, South Carolina and is working as a teacher's aid at Jefferson Elementary! --Carissa
On Friday, September 20th, some members of the 6th grade class opened chapel with pledges to the American flag, Christian flag, Bible and prayer. Chapel was lead by Pastor, Justin Wright, from Allen Street Baptist Church. Pastor Justin spoke on Matthew 5:13, and how we are to have salt and be the light of the world. People are naturally drawn to light, therefore we should strive to be lights for Christ, and let others see Christ through us. He said how salt cannot lose its saltiness. If we are the salt of the earth others will see that. For the rest of the week Pastor Justin encouraged everyone to let others see Christ through you, and whatever you are doing, do it to glorify God. --Maggie
Happy Birthday Students & CCA Staff
Happy birthday to Avery in 8th grade on 9/23, Ilaina in 7th grade on 9/24, and Maylie in 2nd grade on 9/28. --Lilly
Soccer Action: JH vs. St. Peter
Clinton Christian Academy Patriots Junior High soccer had their season opener against St. Peter's from Marshall, Missouri on September 19th. It was a high energy, intense game, with CCA being very aggressive on offensive. The Patriots took the win; the ending score was 4-1, Leo scored 3 goals and Micah had one. It was a fun game to watch, and it was nice to see students from 5th-8th grades out in the field! --Brooklyn
Varsity falls to Overland Christian
On Friday, September 20th, CCA traveled to Overland Park, Kansas to compete against the Overland Christian School Eagles. The Patriots started off strong with collective and controlled offense. CCA scored early off in the game; an assist by Mason led to a goal by Collin. Overland returned the score with a penalty kick, tying the game 1-1. The Eagles then went on to score 4 more goals. Despite the Patriots having injuries during the game, they still continued to battle, but fell short leaving the score 5-1. Your next opportunity to come support the Patriots is today, Monday, September 23rd, at Heartland Christian School in Belton. --Brooklyn
Volleyball Action: JH & V
Volleyball traveled to Overland Park, Kansas on Friday, September 20th to take on Overland Christian. Junior High won the first set, 7-25, but they lost the second set, 26-24, which forced a third set that they won 12-15. Varsity won both the first set, 15-25 and the second set, 19-25. It was a very warm game, as Overland's air conditioner wasn't working; however, everyone played very well. --Kynlee
Volleyball & Soccer Game Calendar
Sept. 23
Away volleyball game JH/JV & V vs Heartland, JH- 4:30, JV- 5:15, V- 6:00, bus departs at 3:00
Away soccer game V, Game time 5:00PM, bus departs at 3:00
Sept. 24
Home volleyball game JH & V vs Outreach Christian, JH- 4:30, V- 5:30
Home soccer game JH vs St. Paul, Game time 5:00
Sept. 26
Home volleyball game JH/JV & V vs Applewood Christian -Senior Night, JH- 4:30, JV- 5:15, V- 6:00
V Home soccer game vs Applewood -Senior Night, Game time 5:00PM
Sept. 27
Away volleyball game JH & V vs Christian Heights, JH- 4:30, V- 5:15 bus departs at 2:15
Senior Fundraising
Our 2025 CCA Seniors are raising money for their senior trip which is partly a mission trip and partly a fun trip. They will be going to southeast Georgia to work in a food pantry, and Christian camp for foster children.
This year, our seniors also have an opportunity to go on CCA's very first out of country mission trip to Belize. Money raised will first go towards the Senior trip to Georgia/Florida but we have hope that if enough money is raised it will cover some of the cost to their Belize trip.
Orders have been placed for the Laundry Soap fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who supported our seniors by purchasing.
CCA Seniors also sell homemade cookies every Thursday morning! Students love this! Just $1
The CCA Seniors will have a Yard Sale in November. Mrs. Hyke will send out more information later but please fill free to save and donate your yard sale items to them to sell!
Thank you so so much for all the love, prayers and support!
Club Information
Patriot Honor Society
The second induction ceremony for the Patriot Honor Society was held on September 19, 2024. The ceremony was opened with a word of prayer by Mrs. Ritchie. The pledges were then led by inductee Mason. Board member, Barry Bullock, following by reading an inspirational message to the students. He included the verses Proverbs 1:1-7, which talks about having knowledge and how to gain wisdom. It also talks on how the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and that fools will despise wisdom and instruction. He also included Proverbs 18:15 and Titus 2:7. Proverbs 18:15 talks about how the wise search for more knowledge. Titus 2:7 says that we should set an example by doing the right thing.
Mrs. Schumpert, CCA's Guidance Counselor, talked about what the induction is about and how members will each light a candle to show the four qualities of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Christ-like Character. Clara and Audrey, the current President and Vice President of Patriot Honor Society, lit the main candle. Colten lit the scholarship candle, which means having a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Audrey lit the leadership candle, which is crucial quality, she talked about Philippians 2:4 and not looking into your own interests, but the interests of the people around you. Matthew lit the service candle, which means that we are to serve others through love and making ourselves available. Clara lit the Christ-like candle, which is the force inside each person that gives them differences. We should always ask ourselves throughout the day, What Would Jesus Do? The new inductees then recited the PHS pledge and they were given a certificate. They then lit their candle, which showed that they would exemplify these four traits. --Carissa
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- 10/4 High School FCA at 8:30am
- 10/18 Junior High School FCA at 8:30am
- The next meeting will be held on October 6th at Darby and Sarah Kernohan's house at 2pm.
If you have any questions or are interested in joining 4-H, please contact Rosalyn Wisniewski @ 660-525-2346. --Allie
FBLA is the largest business Career and Technical Student organization in the world. Each year FBLA helps members prepare for careers in business and business-related fields through leadership development, academic competitions and educational programs. All high school students have the opportunity to participate in FBLA. CCA advisor is Tara Dull.
Student Council is offered at CCA for 5th & 6th grades, Junior High and High School students. Students who were interested in being in student council filled out applications for membership and turned them in last week. A decision will be made soon on who our newest Student Council members will be.
CCA's performing arts club is sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Neal. It was first started in the 2023-24 school year and was a big hit among CCA students! Practices will be on Mondays, from 3:15-4:30pm in the CCA Art Room. This club is open to any CCA student who would like to join. There is no cost.
Ways to Connect with CCA
Email: office@clintonacademy.org
Website: www.clintonacademy.org
Location: 271 West Division Road, Clinton, MO, USA
Phone: 660-890-2111
Facebook: facebook.com/ClintonAcademy/
Twitter: @theCCApatriots