Weekly Update
August 8th, 2023

May 20-23, 2024
Message From the Principal
Welcome Summer!
This is our last 3 1/2 days! Students will be given the opportunity to turn in any work and bring their grades.
Please check the lost and found at school any items that are left will be donated.
Please make sure you stop by the office on the last day of school and get your child's medications, we can not give them to the students to take home.
Let's Talk About Food
Cost for Breakfast is $2.10- we start serving breakfast at 7:30 am
Lunch cost is $3.25- We are offering a hot meal, a sandwich and a salad option please make sure you let your child know what is on the lunch menu so they know what they would like when their teacher takes lunch count.
JWMS Calendar
Events for the week of May 20-23
Monday- 8th Grade Promotion Practice and Breakfast in the morning, 8th Grade students will need picked up around 10am.
8th Grade Promotion at 7pm at the Middle School
7th Grade iPads and block and cords need to be turned in on Monday. You must return your original block and cord.
Thursday- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!
Award ceremony for 5-7th graders starts at 10am, school will dismiss at noon, you my take your student with you after the awards ceremony.
Few Reminders-
Don't forget to sign up for camps for incoming 7th and 8th graders.
Make sure you get your sports physicals.
Weights will start on June 3rd and go through July 30th.
Middle School weights for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls starts at 8:30-9:30am
8th grade girls ONLY can join the high school girls from 7:30-8:30am if they would like.
Boot Camp for all students who have not lifted before will be on May 29th and 30th from 8:30-9:30am.
Questions please reach out to Scott Campbell at Scott.campbell@usd340.org
24-25 Summer Volleyball Camp for Incoming 7th and 8th Graders
24-25 Girls Basketball Camp for Incoming 7th and 8th Graders
Holton 3 on 3 Summer Basketball League for Incoming 6th, 7th and 8th Graders
24-25 Middle School Football Season- Incoming 7th and 8th Graders
Middle School football players, the time is quickly approaching for our summer football camp. Paper copies were handed out to the future 7th and 8th graders Friday morning. Be sure to check your child’s folder for this. Due date and form is on the last page of the packet. Tear it off. Please include your child’s first and last name on the form, as I don’t teach every one of them this year! If your child didn’t get a form and is interested, please have them see me for a form to send home!