Action of the School Board 1.27.25

January 27, 2025
Kindness poster winners by grade level
Winners in the 21st annual kindness poster contest were recognized. Students at all grade levels are invited to submit artwork at each school and then a district level representative is selected. Students' work is posted at buildings throughout the district and winners receive a Kindle courtesy of the Horace Mann Insurance Company in appreciation of their winning effort. This year’s theme “Make Kindness Your Purpose” generated 170 submissions. Winning posters were selected by a vote of district staff at the Educational Service Center on election day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024.
This year’s winners are Lillian Raschke, kindergarten - Sunrise Elementary School; Gabe Zuk, first grade -McKinley Elementary School; Ollie Miller, second grade - Sunrise Elementary School; Mayvis Yang, third grade - McKinley Elementary School; Addison Bartley, fourth grade - Dayton Elementary School; Sabreen Zeinu, fifth grade - Sunrise Elementary School; Madeline Parrott, sixth grade - Anoka Middle School for the Arts; Ada Hammond, seventh grade -Northdale Middle School; Fatima Muhamed, eighth grade - Northdale Middle School; and Katie Tran, 9th grade - Andover High School. The annual event supports a districtwide initiative to support safe and welcoming schools for all students.
The School Board received testimony from Lorie Schuetzle, Carolyn Beahen, Mark Duffy and Emily McCollor.
Annual audit
Aaron Nielsen, a certified public accountant with the accounting firm Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich and Company (MMKR), reviewed the annual audit his firm conducted of the district’s financial statements for the fiscal year 2024. The auditor gave the district an unmodified opinion on its basic financial statements and said the district is in a strong financial position with an adequate fund balance and provided trend data along with current financial measures to provide context. No findings, material weaknesses, or instances of noncompliance were reported. The analysis and report of district funds by an independent firm provides information for School Board consideration in financial planning and management of business affairs and compliance with legal requirements and mandates.
- Minutes from the Jan. 13, 2024 School Board meeting.
- Retirements, resignations, terminations, layoffs and recalls, leaves and modified leaves of absence, appointments.
- Cash disbursements report.
- Cash balance report.
- Monthly revenue and expenditures.
- Pay equity report.
- Blaine property revised purchase agreement 2025.
- Immunization exclusions as required by statute 121a.15.
School Board work session, Feb. 10 at 5:30 p.m. at the Educational Service Center, 2727 Ferry St., Anoka, MN 55303.
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