Crocker Viking News
November 1, 2021
Upcoming Dates
Nov. 2: 6th, 7th, 8th-grade Retreats
Nov. 8: Principal Chat Digital Citizenship 8:45 am -9:30 am Zoom Link
Nov. 9: HCSD Board Meeting @ 6pm
Nov. 10: 7th Gr Networking Coffee & Conversation @ 9 am
Nov. 11: NO SCHOOL (Veterans Day)
Nov. 12: Last Day of 1st trimester
Nov. 15: 8th gr Networking Parent Walk @ 8:45 am
Nov. 17: Make-up Picture Day
Nov. 17: 6th Gr Networking Bocce @ 6 pm
Nov. 18: School Site Council meeting @ 9:35 am (Virtual)
Nov. 19: Turkey Trot
Nov. 22-26: Thanksgiving Break
Message from our principal
Dear Families,
November brings an opportunity for us all to give thanks and practice gratitude. Studies have shown that the practice of gratitude improves both our physical health and our emotional well-being. As a staff, we are focused on supporting each other through our work in practicing self-care. So this week, we focus on gratitude. One exercise from our work in 180 Days of Self-care for Busy Educators by Tina H. Boogren is to take a photo of something we are grateful for in our lives.
With gratitude,
Maria Brady
Photo Make-up Day Is Coming!
2021-22 Crocker Middle School Make-up Photo Day is in Two Weeks!!
Wednesday, November 17th!!
Absent students are automatically signed up! If you need retakes, you MUST sign up HERE.
There are no envelopes to fill out prior to photo day, and no pre-payment is necessary –You will be able to view and order photos online 5-7 days after photos are taken.
Please contact us with questions at: help@iclicksmiles.com or 888-298-0744
Thank you,
iClickSmiles Team
Student Proof of Vaccination
In the event we are confronted with a COVID case this school year, we are asking parents and guardians to provide their child's proof of vaccination.
To that end, please fill out this Google form.
Tired of making lunches???
Order Choice Lunch A La Carte
Family friendly late order or cancel by 9 AM day before service
Click the link for details Choicelunch.com
THANK YOU to our dedicated parent volunteers
Parent volunteers are welcome. If interested, please email
Tiffany Tsurudome at drtiffanylt@gmail.com
6th Grade Networking Social
6th Grade Parents
come enjoy Bocce and Beer (or a glass of wine!)
at Pinstripes in San Mateo
*this is a no-host event
Wednesday, November 17th
6 PM - 8PMish
An evite will be coming your way!
RSVP by Friday, November 12, 2021
If questions please contact:
Karen Folgner: karen.folgner@gmail.com
Kristen Owen: kowenlaw@gmail.com
7th Grade Networking Social
7th Gr parents,
come enjoy some Coffee and Conversation
and some light morning treats
at the Kollar Residence
899 Sharon Avenue
Wednesday, November 10th
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
An evite will be coming your way!
RSVP by Monday, November 8th, 2021
If questions please contact:
Vanessa Shew: vlshew1972@gmail.com
8th Grade Networking Social
8th Grade Parents
put on your sneakers and join the
“8th Grade Walk and Talk”
Monday, November 15th
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
RSVP by Friday, November 12, 2021
Sign up with the link below
8th Grade Networking Walk And Talk Sign Up
If questions please contact:
Toni Bones toni.bones@gmail.com
Tiffany Tsurudome drtiffanylt@gmail.com
High School Information
Here are some useful links in case you missed these:
8th Grade Networking Recording
Public High School Registration and Shadowing Opportunities
Bay Area Private High School Contacts
Bonnie Slater
Crocker Middle School Counselor
APG is currently seeking nominations from the entire Hillsborough community for the following two awards:
Hillsborough Schools' Citizen of the Year (COY)
Honors a volunteer who has made a sustained and significant contribution to Hillsborough, especially to the education and well- being of our children.
Nominees should be widely recognized as respected leaders who have created a lasting legacy for our community.
Typically the nominee will have served in a variety of volunteer roles with their contributions spanning a decade or more.
Please submit your nomination for the COY here.
Hillsborough Schools' Community Care Award (CCA)
Honors an individual who works for the School District or Town of Hillsborough or other vital community organization.
Nominees will have made a sustained and significant contribution that has broadly touched the lives of our children.
These contributions are widely recognized as having a lasting impact on our community.
Please submit your nomination for the CCA here.
Nominations Deadline: January 1, 2022.
Final recipients will be selected by APG Board Members and will be honored at a reception in Town Hall. Thank you for helping us continue this time-honored tradition of recognizing those whose exceptional efforts have dramatically improved the lives of Hillsborough's children!
Thank you all who attended our RISE High School Articulation Night for parents of 8th graders with IEP/504 plans preparing for the transition to high school. Deepest gratitude to Director of Student Services Bhavna Narula, Crocker Resource teachers Mr. Faraci and Ms. Struble, SMUHS Special Education presenters, and parent panelists Lori Archie, Bobbie Gates, Vanessa Shew, Kim Tramel, Gilbert Wai, Amy Wang, and Linda Willey--for your comments and insights! Recording of the SMUHS presentation is here while slides are here. Those who attended, we would appreciate you taking a minute to complete our brief feedback survey!
RISE Courageous Cookie Awards: RISE invites you to give your child, teacher, or HCSD community member a well-deserved shout-out celebrating efforts, progress, or achievement on goals! Each month RISE will award a delectable Marcosie jumbo cookie to a lucky winner(s). October Courageous Cookies: North Stars Aria S and Benjamin H, and Crocker Viking Evelyn L, who as part of AAC Awareness Month, showed how their communication skills have skyrocketed thanks to these life-changing devices and lots of hard work. Congratulations students!
You came, you shopped, you lunched and you saw your own friends and neighbors walk the runway modeling the latest fall trends at our fashion show. Thank you to everyone who attended the Hillsborough Classic, you made it a Grand Slam! Attending our events is one way to help HSF reach our goal and make it possible for Hillsborough to continue our tradition of excellence in education.
We’ve come so far, but we need everyone’s contribution to achieve our goal of giving $3.5 million to the district. We invite you to be a part of our success story and make your donation today.
Changing Perspectives Parent Nights (TK-12 Families)
First Session is November 9, 5:30pm-7:00pm
The San Mateo County Office of Education invites Sam Drazin, founder and CEO of Changing Perspectives, to lead two virtual family nights on social emotional learning (SEL) and how to incorporate it at home. He will break SEL down into core competencies and share valuable strategies and resources to support students’ well-being and learning. Learn more. Click here for the flyer.
Do you have a 6th grade daughter? The National Charity League is a group of mothers and daughters who have come together in a commitment to community service, leadership development and cultural experiences. Hillsborough has TWO local chapters that are currently having a new membership drive for the Class of 2028, to begin in Spring of 2022. To learn more about each Chapter and membership guidelines, please look below.
Crystal Springs: https://www.nationalcharityleague.org/chapter/crystalsprings/
Skyline: https://www.nationalcharityleague.org/chapter/skyline/
Crocker Middle School
Email: crockervikingnews@gmail.com
Website: http://crocker.hcsd.info/
Location: 2600 Ralston Avenue
Phone: 650-342-6331