BCE Parents Club, Bear E-News#5
Welcome Bears!

BCE Parents Club Updates
Square1 Art Fundraiser ๐จ๐ฉ๐ปโ๐จ
All student's should have came home with a custom catalog for the Square 1 Art fundraiser with their artwork. Get a head start, and start ordering keepsakes and gifts featuring your child's art online NOW, if you like!
Can't find it? No problem! Simply search for your child's art using Art Search, and enter state, school name, and your student's name. Your student's art and code will appear, and you may order!
Order by: Friday November 22, 2024
Upload additional art if you like, using Art Upload! If you have questions, or need anything at all, contact customer care online directly. We do receive a % from the sales that goes directly towards BCE Art Program!
๐ธThank Yous
Congratulations to Teacher Marc Koenig & BCE Parent Chelsea Nelson for being listed as one of the winners!
Thank you all for donating towards our Drive for Schools. We raised $2,525 and 100% went back to our BCE Parents Club! The drawing was held on Sun, 10/27 at Boardwalk.
Click the link to see who won.
We are still counting the monies from all the donations. Check out our next newsletter for the final numbers!
๐Scholastic Book Fair
Thank you to all our volunteers and those that shopped during our Scholastic Book Fair!
We are still counting the monies from all the donations. Check out our next newsletter for the final numbers!
๐ Lost & Found
Big shout out to our 4th Grade Families' that helped with the Lost & Found for the month of October!
Next Parents Club Meeting - NEXT WEEK ๐ผ
Parents Club Meeting [Virtual]
Join Zoom Meeting ๐: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81849285825
Meeting ID: 818 4928 5825
Passcode: BCE
Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024, 06:00 PM
Lost & Found UPDATE ๐๐
November 23rd all Lost & Found items will be donated
On November 23rd all Lost & Found items will be donated. Please be sure to check the lost and found. Our storage areas for them are overflowing and the school is no longer able to hold on to these items.
For the rest of the month of November - December it will be 3rd Grade Families to help pick up lost & found items. Please spread the word. We store all lost and found items next to the MP Room.
Part-TIme Sub Position Opening for Student Nutrition Services
Are you looking for a part-time substitute position during school hours? Our Student Nutrition Service Department is hiring subs.
Contact: Alisia Muรฑoz-Rojas
Director of Student Nutrition Services
San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District
(831) 335-5384
BCE Parents Club loved treating the Teachers and Staff!
Thanks to all you BCE Families we were able to treat the BCE Teachers and Staff because we love all that they do for our kids!
๐ All The Ways You Can Support the Parents Club & BCE
๐พBear Paw Store Next, Fri Dec 13th
Our students work hard every day and are rewarded with Bear Paws. We have Bear Paw Store about every 4-6 weeks. If you are able, please consider donating items from BCE's PBIS Amazon wish list.
๐ Birthday Marquee Fundraiser
Help us raise money for a new Marquee by giving a student or staff member a special Birthday Shout Out! Suggested donation is $50.
To make a request fill out this form and follow the steps.
๐BCE Spirit Wear
๐ฌYum Raising | See's Candies Online Fundraiser!
Buy delicious See's Candies to show your support for BCE Parents Club All-Year Fundraiser.
Visit our Yum-Raising Shop to purchase your favorites today.
Seasonal selections vary as they become available. Feel free to share this friend and family!
๐ Sign up for WildRoots Rewards and select our school to ensure 5% of your purchases support BCE. It's easy: just register and choose Boulder Creek Elementary! Every time you shop using your phone number, 5% goes directly to BCE.
Learn more at: http://wildrootsmarket.com/rewards
Scan the label and use the app to scan your receipt. Box Tops are worth 10 cents each! All money raised goes towards PE!!
๐ฉน๐ค BCE Health Aide Supplies
Our dedicated Health Aide, Kat Gafford, often purchases essential supplies out of her own pocket to support our students' well-being. If you'd like to help, please consider donating items from her Amazon Wishlist. Your support would make a big difference!