The Howl
SPWHS Student/Parent/Caregiver Newsletter Vol 2:14 5/15/23
Welcome to Prom Week!
Greetings West Wolves and Parent/Caregivers,
Thank you to everyone that helped celebrate our staff last week. They are incredible and have done an incredible feat this year opening a brand new comprehensive High School, and it hasn't been easy. Please continue to Shout Out and recognize our staff as we continue through the end of the year.
I recently heard May referred to as Maycember, all the business and events of December without the cookies and twinkling lights... but there often is cake!!! A shout out to so many amazing things that are happening right now: AVID Senior Showcase, Jazz Band performing in New York, the beginning of the post season for spring sports, scholarship night this week and the list goes on and on. Congratulations on all of your hard work! Finish strong.
May also brings us Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Check out these beautiful resources as we celebrate our AAPI community.
Jen Ploeger- Principal-
Chai Lee- Associate Principal-
Chad Whalley- Associate Principal-
Teacher Appreciation
Attention Seniors!
Thank you to everyone that picked up their senior yard signs on Friday. If you have not gotten your sign yet, please pick it up TODAY at dismissal in the PAC lobby.
We are excited to share with you our Graduation FAQ with all of the information you need to prepare for our 2023 Graduation Ceremony!
SP West's First Ever Prom!
Prom is THIS Saturday, May 20, 2023 at the Monona Terrace.
Check in starts at 7:45pm, no entrance after 9:30pm (hard deadline).
If you are hoping to attend another school's Prom and need your guest form signed please bring it to the admin office during lunch and deliver it to Ms. Blank.
Students and Prom Guests attending prom must have: Current Student ID/Photo ID/Infinite Campus proof and your Prom Guest must arrive with you, with a Student ID/Photo ID.
There will not be a coat check at prom. If you chose to leave your belongings somewhere at prom, you do so at your own risk. No carry in bags will be allowed, with the exception of a small bag for necessities. Your small bag will be subject to search.
SP30 Grades
Summer School
Summer School
Summer school registration is now open. To be eligible for summer school transportation, you must register by May 16. We have numerous summer opportunities for students:
Initial Credit classes (meaning it is the first time the student is taking a credit-earning class)
Credit Recovery options (students who have previously failed a class may have the option to retake it in the summer)
Enrichment classes (no credit offered; students take these classes for personal enrichment)
Registration is in Infinite Campus. See here for more info: High School Summer School Information
AVID Senior Celebration
Upcoming Important Dates
The end of the school year is quickly approaching! Here are some very important upcoming dates.
May 26th- In-person learning day with ALL students. It's an "A" day!
May 30th/May 31st- Last day for 2nd- semester late work
June 1st/June 2nd- Last day for course summatives
Parent/Caregiver Partnership Meeting
Upcoming Parent/Caregiver Partnership Events:
- Tuesday, May 23rd- 6:00pm in person at West
Upcoming Events this Week
In Case You Missed it Last Week...
Coach Needed- Stomp and Shake
IMPORTANT: Parking Reminders
A few reminders as we continue 2nd semester:
Parents/Caregivers be sure to use the pick-up/drop-off lane for dropping off and picking up your scholar. DO NOT pull into the student lot or the staff/visitor lot as this causes congestion and potential accidents.
Handicap stalls are ALWAYS reserved for vehicles with a license plate or placard. Never pull into a handicap stall to wait for someone you are picking up or dropping off. We have had several instances where our scholars are unable to be picked up by their accessible vehicle because other vehicles were in those spaces.
Students: make sure you have your parking pass and parking in the student lot.
As we continue 2nd semester we will be rebooting parking lot enforcement including tickets. Please reach out with what questions you have.