HSD News Round-Up
Oct. 11, 2024

Pictured: Members of the HMS Boys and Girls Cross Country Teams race at their Oct. 9 home meet against Woodland Middle School. Both HMS teams will compete in the district championships next Tuesday.
Read on to learn about other exciting athletic updates as well as new book vending machine at HHES, festivities leading up to Unity Day and other news from around the HSD.
HSD News Round-Up
October 12, 2024
HSD Athletics are made Possible by Levy Support
Athletics in Hockinson School District, such as middle school cross country and high school volleyball, are made possible thanks to levy funding. They are 100% levy-funded.
Levy Spotlight: Mallorie Henker Looks to Elevate HHS Volleyball
This season marks Mallorie Henker's debut as HHS' volleyball head coach, and she's already embracing the "Go Hawks!" spirit. She brings over 15 years of coaching experience across various age groups, including a highly successful stint as the varsity coach at Washougal High School. Henker developed a passion for volleyball through her experiences on her own high school team. She later went on to play for Warner Pacific College and is still active in the sport, playing on a competitive women's league team. When asked about her favorite part of coaching at HHS, Henker didn't hesitate: "Of course, the girls!" Henker is excited to coach in Hockinson and building a successful volleyball program that has team spirit and a "competitive mentality." Welcome to Hockinson, Coach Henker!
New HMS Team Tent Unexpectedly Pops Up Mid-Season
The HMS Boys and Girls Cross Country Teams cover a lot of ground. After all, when they aren't running in practice they are racing nearly 2 miles whenever they compete at meets. Unfortunately, they were uncovered when it came to having a team tent. That meant that before and after their races, they were under the sun in 94-degree conditions at the Sept. 4 Run-a-Ree and in the rain at their Sept. 25 meet in Longview, WA. That all changed at their home meet against Woodland this week. The sixteen members of the HMS Boys and Girls Cross Country Teams were able to step out of the weather and store their backpacks and gear under their new team tent.
The 10' x 20' blue and gold tent, emblazoned with the HMS logo, was donated by Hockinson parent and HHS JV Wrestling Assistant Coach Nate Governor. Governor noticed that other school teams had tents so he approached HMS Athletics Director Sid Slom with the idea. He then made the idea a reality by designing, ordering, and paying for it. Thank you for supporting our student-athletes, Nate!
HMS, HHS Athletes Prepare for the Post-Season
The shorter days and cooler temperatures are indicative of the transition from fall to winter. They also signal the conclusion of the fall sports season and the start of the winter sports season in November. Here is a rundown of final contests and upcoming league and district competitions for Hockinson's middle and high school fall sports athletes:
Tues. Oct. 15 SWWMSL District Boys & Girls Cross Country Championships @ Woodland HS
Wed. Oct 16: Final game for HMS Volleyball @ HMS
Boys Golf:
Tues. Oct. 15 League Tournament @ Heron Lakes (Portland)
Mon. Oct. 21/Tues. Oct. 22 District Tournament @ Heron Lakes
Boys Tennis:
Mon. Oct. 14 & Wed.-Fri. Oct. 16-18 GSHL League Pigtail Matches @ Green Meadows
Thu. Oct. 24 & Fri. Oct. 25 District Tennis Tournament @ Vancouver Tennis Center
Cross Country:
Tues. Oct. 22 GSHL League Meet @ Lewisville Park (HHS hosts)
Thu. Oct. 31 District Meet @ Lewis River Golf Course
Tue. Nov. 5 Pigtail GSHL #5 at EVCO #3
Fri. Nov. 9 & Sat. Nov. 10 Top 32 Teams (Seeded by WIAA on 11/3, top 16 host)
Girls Swim:
Wed. Oct. 30 GSHL League Meet @ Mark Morris HS
Fri. Nov. 8 & Sat. Nov. 9 District Meet @ Mark Morris
Girls Soccer:
Thu. Oct. 31 District Pigtail @ TBD
Sat. Nov. 2, Wed. Nov. 6 & Sat. Nov. 9 District Tournament
HHES Book Vending Machine Fuels Love for Reading
Hockinson Heights Elementary School recently installed a new book vending machine in its main office, a “novel” approach to early literacy and reading proficiency. Funded by Parents Working Together (PWT) dollars raised during their annual Fun Run, the vending machine supports the school’s goal of helping every student reach and maintain reading proficiency by grade 3.
The machine also serves a secondary purpose: It helps the HHES community celebrate student birthdays. How does it work? Student birthdays are recognized as part of the school's daily announcements. The birthday "celebrities" are called down to the main office where they are presented with a special token. After inserting the token into the machine, students select the book of their choice from fourteen options. And don't feel bad for those with summer birthdays; they get to use the machine in June before leaving for summer break.
The book vending machine complements other literacy efforts at the school, creating excitement around reading and making book ownership more accessible for students. Read more here!
Homecoming at HHS: Community Partners Provide Unforgettable Experiences
This year’s Homecoming theme was “Glo-Co, Out of This World,” and the festivities lived up to the name. Spirit Week brought creative dress-up themes like Cowboys vs. Aliens and Construction Destruction leading up to the dance. The Homecoming Royalty Court, comprised of 8 seniors nominated by their peers, were spotlighted during the halftime of the HHS-Woodland football game, entering the stadium in convertible Corvettes courtesy of the Northwest Corvette Association.
The celebration wasn’t over after the game. ASB students have been hard at work planning the Homecoming Dance and preparing decorations for the over 400 students who attended. A special shoutout to Ben Holmes and Chris Bryden of Alberbrook Park for donating their time and DJ services to help make Saturday a memorable event.
A New Quest for Mr. Olson: HHES Assistant Principal Steps Up as HMS After-School Club Advisor
Michael Olson, Assistant Principal at Hockinson Heights Elementary School, is taking on an unexpected new role—volunteering as the advisor for the Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) club at Hockinson Middle School. “I’m excited about the opportunity to reconnect with former HHES students and also learn about a game I was not very familiar with,” said Olson. “I also hope this club allows students to connect and build new friendships while learning how to play a game they like.”
Mr. Olson stepped up to fill a need, and his commitment is already making a difference. The DnD club is open to all HMS students, and meets on Mondays at 3:30 to 5:00 pm.
Shoe Tying Tutorial Ties Together HHES Students & HHS Mentors
It's that time of year again! HHS Key Club members went back to elementary school to help teach first graders the important skill of tying their shoes. This annual tradition not only brings smiles to both our oldest and youngest learners but also fosters a sense of unity across Hockinson schools. By lending a helping hand, Key Club members help to develop a lasting life and set a positive example for younger students.
HMS Volleyball-a-thon a Night of Fun & Fundraising
At this year’s Volleyball-a-thon on September 27, Hockinson Middle School students competed in volleyball matches from 6 p.m. until midnight. The ASB-sponsored event raised over $5,430 for school programs and events - a new record! A whopping 194 students were in attendance and competed in 22 teams. Go, Hornets!
Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 6-12
Did you know that Fire Prevention Week is the longest-running public health observance in U.S. history? Having been instated nationally in 1925, the week of October 9 is dedicated to reminding people of the danger fires pose, share prevention strategies, and promote the work of fire departments.
Facilities Planning Committee Spotlight: Courtney Tomlinson
The HSD Facilities Planning Committee (FPC) has been meeting for the past two years to gather research and community feedback to create solutions the district's most pressing facilities needs. The committee consists of school leaders and community members. FPC member Courtney Tomlinson is a Hockinson parent who enjoys volunteering with local arts organizations, learning about the world, and enjoying time with her family.
Tomlinson acknowledges that the planning process has been long, but she appreciates that it's been thorough and inclusive. "Having so many opportunities for community members to get involved and make their voice heard makes me feel confident in the whole facilities planning process," said Tomlinson. "It’s important to me that our facility solutions are fiscally responsible, preserve Hockinson traditions, and pave the way for future Hockinson students’ success.”
Don't forget to share your input on FPC Survey #4, which closes on Oct. 23!
Oct. 18 HSD Tour Focuses on Learning, School Culture, and Facilities
The HSD is extending an invitation to our community to take a look inside Hockinson’s schools as part of its “Focus on Learning … & Facilities Tour” this coming Friday, Oct. 18.
According to HSD Superintendent Steve Marshall, the Hockinson School District “focuses its efforts on three priority areas: Student Learning, Facilities and the school culture inside our facilities, and Communication and connecting with the community. This tour is an opportunity for our community to see how our schools are pursuing those goals firsthand.”
Participants will get better acquainted with each school’s campus, learn about academic and culture initiatives, and see firsthand how the schools are maintaining their buildings and coping with facility needs. They will also meet members of the HSD School Board, Superintendent Steve Marshall, and Principals Meredith Gannon, Bess Colpron, and Tim Fox. Food samples will also be provided by our Nutrition Services Team.
We would love to have you join us on this year’s tour. Click HERE to register and preview the tour itinerary.
Three HHS Students Serve on 2024-25 Clark County Youth Commission
This year, HHS students Pavann Ou (Grade 11), Hunter Bledsoe (Grade 10), and Kaylin Truong (Grade 12) are sitting on the Clark County Youth Commission. They work alongside 27 other students to advise local organizations and departments, like the Clark County Council, on how their work can best impact local youth. The commission is currently focusing on behavioral health and addressing generational needs across Clark County in hope that their recommendations can create policies that have a positive impact on county residents.
HHS Principal Tim Fox and Associate Principal Kathy Pacheco are very proud of these three for their service on the commission. “Not only are they representing their peers, but they are gaining valuable leadership experience that will benefit them throughout their lives,” shared Pacheco.
Read more here!
These three students are most looking forward to…
Pavann Ou
"[hearing] the many ideas of my fellow Youth Commissioners, and I am looking forward to meeting with the Clark County Council to present our upcoming ideas!"
Hunter Bledsoe
"working with various youth from different parts of Clark County and drafting our policy work to present with government officials."
Kaylin Truong
"[hearing] others' points of view from all over Clark County. I really am excited to do cool volunteering, campaigns, and filming our Youth Achievement Awards."
Unity Day Celebrations Across the HSD
Hockinson schools celebrate Unity Day (called Kindness Day at HHES) each October in observance of National Bullying Prevention Month, which was founded by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. The kindness campaigns and spirit weeks hosted by our schools leading up to Unity Day help us reach our goal of providing "a safe, welcoming, and positive learning environment that supports high behavioral and academic expectations for all.”
Kindness Month at HHES
HHES Hornets are buzzing with kindness! Students and staff have been focusing on themes of anti-bullying and belonging through weekly spirit days, activities, and challenges leading up to Kindness Day. Emphasizing the importance of these topics at the beginning of the school year creates a wave of kindness that students continue to build on throughout the year. Associate Principal Michael Olson visited a classroom recently and read “How Full is Your Bucket?” Students followed Felix as he learned how easy and fulfilling uplifting those around him is. Follow HHES’ Facebook page to see Spirit Week updates each week!
School Spirit Soars at HMS
School spirit is running rampant at HMS! Their first Spirit Week was a success, with 367 students participating in the Nike vs. Adidas dress-up day and nearly 300 dressing up for the following Sports Day. The week culminated in an 8th-grade Color Wars victory! Each day, staff walked through the cafeteria to count how many students dressed up for Spirit Week, and this number was divided by the number of students present at school that day. The tallies were closer than they had ever been before. HMS is hosting James Layman, the director of the Association of Washington State Leaders) at their Unity Day Assembly, who will speak about creating a positive, welcoming school community where all students feel like they belong.
HHS Leadership Demonstrates Importance of Kindness at HHES and HMS
HHS’ leadership students are helping to bring the themes of kindness and belonging to the forefront for Hockinson's younger students. On Unity Day, HHS students will greet the HHES Hornets with posters, music, smiley stickers, and appearances by mascots Howie the Hawk and Buzz the Hornet.
The Leadership Team is currently working on recording videos of themselves reading books featuring themes relating to acceptance and friendship. These recordings will be played in all HHES classes. HHS students will then move to HMS to greet students and hand out stickers. On Unity Day at HHS, students will lead lunch games, hand out inspirational tokens, and listen to James Layman’s presentation during Focus. Pictured above are leadership students at HHES for Unity Day last school year.
News Bites
- ICYMI: HHS's Taylor named Athlete of the Week: Nominated for a series of strong performances beginning with her 1st place finish at the Steve Maas Run-a-Ree, HHS Junior Lyla Taylor won the voting for the Week 1 Columbian Athlete of the Week! Watch the presentation here.
- Shout Out for Sawyer and "Student" Teachers: Jennifer Sawyer, HSD's Teaching & Learning Coordinator organized a day of professional learning and reflection on the Friday, Oct. 11 State Teachers Inservice Day. Over 30 HSD teachers shifted into student mode and attended sessions taught by fellow teachers. Others traveled outside the district to attend seminars around the state
- Thank you, Dr. Krumpschidt: Maile Krumpschmidt, MD has stepped in to support HHS athletes while the school looks to hire an athletic aide. Krumpschmidt, a standout track athlete at the collegiate and professional levels, is also a HHS assistant track coach.
- 1st Year Boys Tennis Team Nets 1st Varsity Victory: The HHS Boys Tennis Team made school history by posting their first-ever varsity win, defeating Mark Morris 4-1 on Sept. 27. The team is coached by Scott Fish and Carrie Willis.
- Show your spirit and sign up for the 11/2 Booster Fun Run: Everyone is invited to participate in the Saturday, Nov. 2 Dia de los Muertos Fun Run organized by the AAA Boosters. This is a fun (and healthy) event that brings our community together and raises funds for HHS sports and activities. Sign up here.
Upcoming Events
- Fri. Oct. 11: In-Service Day - NO SCHOOL
- Mon. Oct. 14: HSD School Board Work Session at 6 pm: Zoom only
- Wed. Oct. 16: Unity Day at all three HSD schools
- Fri. Oct. 18: HSD Community Tour starting at 8 am at HCC
- Thu. Oct. 24: Facilities Open House at HMS Cafeteria
- Oct. 26 - Nov. 2: AAA Booster Online Auction
- Mon. Oct. 28: HSD School Board Regular Meeting at 6 pm @ HCC or Zoom
- Nov. 1, 2 & 7, 8, 9: HHS Fall Play - The Giver at 7 pm @ MPR
- Sat. Nov. 2: AAA Boosters' Dia de los Muertos Fun Run
- Mon. Nov. 11: Veteran's Day - NO SCHOOL
- Nov. 21, 22, 23: HSD School Board at Annual WSSDA Conference in Spokane
- Nov. 27, 28, 29: Thanksgiving Break
- Save the Date: Thurs. Dec. 5 at 6:30 @ HHS...Stay tuned, Hockinson!
Contact Us
Email: justine.hanrahan@esd112.org
Website: https://www.hocksd.org/
Location: 17912 NE 159th St, Brush Prairie, WA 98606, USA
Phone: (360) 448-6400