September and October, 2024
Purdy Elementary, Home of the Panthers!
Early Release TODAY (9/23). Students dismiss at 1:30 PM
Welcome back to a new school year!
Office Reminders and news!
This newsletter will come out at the end of each month and provide some celebrations and reflections on the happenings of the month before, along with reminders of the month ahead! We hope you enjoy each newsletter, and it provides you with up to date information as we move along our year together!
Just a few reminders of before and after school. Doors open at 7:30 for breakfast eaters. All other students not eating breakfast, should head to the designated playground to wait for the 7:55 AM bell. The playgrounds are the ones they use throughout the day and do not change. At the 7:55 AM bell, all staff line students up outside to prepare to come in. If you walk your child in to school, please kindly wait until the 7:55 AM bell before entering the halls. The 8:00 bell indicates the start of school and students are tardy after that bell. Should your child be late to school, they must check in at the main office (off the parking lot) to receive a slip for class, and provide their lunch choice.
Attendance is so important to the development of our learners! You will see many reminders of attendance and the positive impacts of being at school throughout the year. Please help your child develop a routine so that getting to school on time happens. Thank you!
Attendance at school matters!
Family and Teacher Conferences coming up!
Family and teacher conferences are coming up on September 24 and 26! If you have not yet connected back with your child's teacher, please make time to do that. We love having 100% connection at conferences.
PTO is sponsoring a teacher dinner on Tuesday, September 24th and is looking for families to send in the desserts and drinks! If this is something you would like to support, please click this LINK and sign up! Donations should be sent to the Purdy Main Office by Tuesday, September 24th at 8:00 AM.
Orchestra and Band Information
5th Graders Interested in Joining Band:
The Sign-up for Band Open House is on Sept. 26th from 3:15-6:30 pm at Luther Elementary. Students will be able to get registered and get an instrument lined up to play. Not sure what to do? Come and find out that evening!
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Haffelder at or at 920-563-7828, ext. 6101.
5th Grade Orchestra:
There is a 5th Grade Orchestra PARENT NIGHT
taking place on Monday, September 23rd at the High School.
All current 5th grade orchestra students and their parents should attend.
Orchestra expectations and procedures will be explained and students will demonstrate new concepts and will even play a few songs!! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Loved Welcoming Families to Open House!
Picture Retake Day is October 16!
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)!
Every family is part of our PTO! You can help in small and big ways throughout the year. This help ranges from sending in treats or supplies for PTO sponsored events, working behind the scenes, and/or volunteering at the events or field trips!
Our PTO is extremely supportive of our school, educators and students! PTO provides support for student trips, classroom wish lists, school events (Palooza, Monster Mash, Movie Nights, No Cook Nights, etc) and much more! If you wish to become a more active participant in PTO, please let the office know and we can connect you! More information on events and members of the Board will be coming soon!
Apparel Ordering is live now!
If you would like to order Purdy apparel, please click this link and place your order!
When your child is sick, we understand the need to keep them at home. Here is a handy flyer on when to keep your child home!
Working together is fun!
Finding GREAT books in the library!
Playground Fun!
Music Fun!
Safety Expectations Revisited!
We spent some time reviewing all our safety rules to be sure our year is safe for all!
Math Resources!
We will always share various resources throughout the year! Here are some math resources to enjoy!
Our School Lunch Rocks! Fresh and Local Often!
Office information
If your child is ill or has an appointment and must miss school, come late, or leave early, you are asked to call the office by 8:00 AM. The office number is 920-563-7822. Should your child not be in school by the 8:00 AM bell and marked absent (and we have not heard from you), an automated message will go out to the primary contact. If you receive this call, we ask that you please make contact with the school office, as we will continue to contact emergency numbers to locate the student. While we make every attempt to enter late attendance into our system, there are times when automated calls go out before a student arriving late (or educator submits attendance) is entered. We apologize in advance if this occurs. Safety is our top priority, so timely notification of an absence or tardy will help. Thank you!
🗓 Coming Up!
We can't wait to see you at conferences September 24 or 26! If you have not scheduled your conference with your child's teacher, please reach out today!
Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024, 03:30 PM
Our School
💡 Reminders
23 Early Release- dismissal at 1:30 PM
23 Orchestra sign up-Parent night 6:00 PM at FAHS
24 Parent/Teacher Conferences
26 Parent/Teacher Conferences, Band Sign-Up 3:15-6-Luther
11 Purdy Pride Day
14 Early Release
16 Retake Picture Day
21 5th Grade Band Parent Night 6:00 PM
30 Monster Mash (more details coming)
30 End of 1st Quarter
31 No School for students- Professional Development Day- staff
Staff to Know!
While you know your child's classroom teacher, there are other staff members that are helpful to know!
Art Teacher: Ms. Keri Hill
Music Teacher: Ms. Amanda Hein
Physical Ed.: Mr. Jeff Jensen (Student Teacher Ms. Brooke Bonnell)
School Counselor: Ms. Ashley Stewart
Behavior Interventionist: Ms. Molly Bare
Reading Team: Ms. Marcia Jordahl, Ms. Michelle Blau
Math Team: Ms. Caitlin Duncan, Ms. Megan Eske
School Office: Ms. Judy McDonald, Ms. Sue Deuster, Ms. Kris Hofer
Library: Ms. Carolyn Barels, Ms. Sarah Dewing
Elementary Social Wkr.: Ms. Steph Belzer (Student Intern: Ms. Hannah Bloxham)