Franklin School
Sneak Peek to the Week...
February 10-February 14, 2025
Week at a Glance & Upcoming Dates
Week at a Glance
Monday, 2/10:
Tuesday, 2/11:
Wednesday, 2/12:
- Valentine's Day Parties
Thursday, 2/13:
- Valentine's Day Parties (Snow Date)
- Schools Closed for Students; District PD for Staff
Please See Updated Rox-Thon Jr. Flyer with NEW Date (2/18)
Notes from the Office
1) Please see the flyer below for an upcoming Math Night!
2) Please see the flyers below from Roxbury Community Schools
Each flyer is two pages (first in English; second in Spanish).
More camps and programs are in the works and I'll send another email as those are finalized.
Winter/Spring 2025 - RCS Kids Corner Website
- Mad Science Winter (current Grades K-4)
- MS Volleyball Clinic (current Grades 7-8)
- Basketball Camp (Girls) (incoming Grades 4-9)
- Broadway Bound/Behind the Curtain (incoming Grades 5-10)
- Summer Cooking Camp (incoming Grades 1-8)
- Future Gaels Soccer Camp (incoming Grades 1-9)
- Summer Art Camp (incoming Grades 1-8)
- Summer Band Camp 1 (incoming Grades 6-7)
- Summer Band Camp 2 (incoming Grades 8-9)
Rox-THON is excited to host the first ever Rox-THON Jr! Roxbury students in grades 1-7 are welcome to participate in the event on Tuesday, February 18th . There will be two sessions: Students in grades 1-4 can attend from 5:00pm - 6:00pm (parent/guardian required to stay), and students in grades 5-7 can attend from 6:30 - 8:00pm (drop off okay). For families with students in different grades, older siblings are welcome to attend the first session. Here are the details to register. There will be snacks (ice cream!), games, music, crafts, prizes, dancing, and more! Participants are asked to fundraise $20 to attend. Additionally, anyone is welcome to purchase a Rox-THON 2025 t-shirt for $15.
4) A reminder that lunch menu information can be found HERE
5) Click here for information about a K - 8 "Illustrating America Art Contest" being offered by the VFW. A submission form can be found here.
6) Kindergarten registrations are now being accepted for the 2025/2026 school year. Children must be five years old on or before October 1, 2025 to participate.
To begin the pre-registration process and for additional information, please visit www.roxbury.org/KindergartenRegistration. Families will be contacted via email by their child’s school once the pre-registration process has been started.
Not sure what school your child should be attending? Contact Transportation at 973-584-6756.
Math Night Flyer Below!
Counseling Corner
Please see the information below for the month of February from our school counselor, Mrs. LaCosta
February– The SEL theme of the month is Friendship. School wide we will be focusing on friendship, communication, and social skills. To help teach these character traits, throughout the month I will be pushing into the classroom to teach SEL friendship themed lessons. In honor of the 100th day of School (2/6) and Valentine’s Day (2/14) students can participate in an at home OPTIONAL Valentine’s for Senior Citizens project. Our goal is for Franklin students to create 100+ Valentine’s Day Cards or Pictures for Senior Citizens. Valentine’s Day cards can be turned in to Mrs. LaCosta by 2/10 and the cards will be delivered to an assisted living facility by 2/13. A Valentine’s Day Card template can be found here, if you would like to use it. Students are encouraged to make as many Valentine’s Day cards as they would like.
From Mrs. Wisner, School Nurse
Important Information from the Student Health Office
1. Reporting your child's absence: Please remember to report your child's absence daily in Genesis or by calling the attendance line (973) 584-1643. The reason for your child's absence needs to be included. If your child is sick, the symptoms that he/she is experiencing need to be included as well.
2. Reasons to keep your child home or contact the nurse:
-Your child has tested positive for Covid-19
-Your child has a fever
-Your child has vomited
-Your child has diarrhea
-Your child has a rash
-Your child has head lice
-Your child has an eye infection
-Your child has been in the hospital
*In addition to the above, with any other illness you should keep your child home until his or her symptoms are improving. Child needs to be fever, diarrhea and vomit free (without any medication) for 24 hours prior to returning. There are some conditions that require a doctor’s note for clearance (please check with the nurse) but when possible, doctor’s notes are always encouraged.
3. We take food allergies seriously here at Franklin. If your child has a food allergy or sensitivity and you would like an alternate menu, please contact Lorraine Kunick, Director of Nutrition for Maschio’s Food Services via email: lkunick@maschiofood.com. If your child comes to school without a packed lunch, we will assume it is okay for that student to have the daily menu option or the swap out item. You can find the lunch menu on the Franklin website.
You can find information about our Life Threatening Food Allergy Program here.
Students can only bring food from the Approved Snacks list into their classrooms or instructional areas.
4. Please send your child with a change of clothes in the event they have an accident or get dirty at recess.
Should you have any health questions or concerns, you can reach Mrs Wisner (mwisner@roxbury.org) or by calling the school at 973-584-5549 ext. 2504.
Notes Regarding Lunch & Breakfast
- Please note that breakfast and lunch will be available for purchase this school year. It will not be free of charge as it has been in the past. In addition, an application (on genesis) will need to be completed in order to qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch.
- Please visit this page to keep track of your child's money & purchases in the cafeteria. Cash & checks can also be used to pay for food items.
PTA Information
Click here for a google folder with all of the PTA flyers
PTA MEETING: Thursday, March 6th, 6:45 pm. Help us make FES an amazing place for our kids and families! Hors d'oeuvres/Apps will be served. Cash Bar. Come with questions, suggestions, and topics to discuss! PLEASE RSVP with # attending.
- Parents' Night Out is scheduled for Thursday, March 6th, after the PTA meeting. See flyer for details. Please RSVP: https://franklinfalcons.ptboard.com/sgnvw?signup=21729c6b-55bf-46e8-8971-5bc65d892ade~s.9223370298120163908
- We are collecting baby pictures from all the 4th grade students for our yearbook. Please see instructions on how to upload your child's baby pic to our TreeRing yearbook site (first you need to log into the account you created with your email/password). Deadline to submit pictures will be Friday, 4/4! www.treering.com
- We are excited to announce that FES will be participating in our 2nd annual Earth Day special with Neighborhood Forest
- Every student is eligible to receive a FREE tree. Use this link to register https://www.neighborhoodforest.org/parent-registration/?school=63976 and tree seedlings will be sent home at the end of April in time for your families to plant them for Earth Day
- We need your honest feedback!
- Please take a few minutes to fill out our PTA Mid-Year Survey. (see link below) We are always striving to make your PTA better. Thank you so much! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZGV3ZGQ
- Winter Spirit Wear is now available! https://colecreates.net/collections/franklin-school-spirit-wear
- For all the latest information regarding PTA events....
- Join the Franklin Falcons PTBoard. See flyer for helpful hints and how to access the online platform. https://franklinfalcons.ptboard.com/
- Check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/RpwAfYiJX8wXzdMR/
- Don't forget to order your Yearbook. It includes 2 custom pages! Download the TreeRing app for easy photo uploads and to customize pages. https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=10169645712835
- February 28th: School Dance
- Read-A-thon: Week of March 3rd
- February 28th: School Dance
- Read-A-thon: Week of March 3rd
February SEL, Portrait of a Graduate, Sustainability, and Inclusive Celebration Topic Themes
This month, the school is focusing on friendship as its SEL theme. In addition, the Portrait of a Graduate theme is life ready. The sustainability theme of the month is healthy living. The inclusive topic of the month is Black History Month. The staff looks forward to highlighting these important concepts throughout the month.
Black History Month Library Display Below!
We Are All In This Together
Together, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results.
Becka Schoettle