Board Meeting Summary
Glen Ellyn School District 41
April 27, 2020 Regular Board Meeting
NOTE: In the interest of safety for Board and staff members, as well as the school community, the meeting format was adjusted. All Board and staff members participated remotely.
Meetings are video streamed live online and the videos are archived on the District website, Click Here.
In Attendance
In attendance - President Dr. Robert Bruno, Vice President Jason Loebach, Secretary Jessica Buttimer, Bruce Currie, Ted Estes, Julie Hill, Guillermo Guzman
Student Board Members: Ashlynn Kousggard and Abigail Herbold
Superintendent Report | watch
- Strategic Planning Committee
The District is putting the strategic plan process on hold as attention needs to be on planning for the Fall and the realities of what “recovery” will look like and mean for the District and for families. - Remote Learning
Dr. Kaczkowski explained details about how the Illinois Education Association (IEA) has provided guidance that teachers can provide live virtual instruction but they cannot be mandated to do so. IEA does support an expectation that teachers provide recorded virtual instruction utilizing the platforms and tools that are provided by the school district. Dr. Kaczkowski explained that we are required to work collaboratively with our associations (GEEA and AFSCME) to develop Memos of Understanding as part of the requirements for getting the eLearning Plan approved. We are required to work within the contractually bargained agreements and the MOUs during e-learning and now for Remote Learning. - IASA DuPage - Scenarios for the Fall
The Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA) DuPage is working with the members of the COVID Task Force to start planning a variety of scenarios for the Fall. Dr. Kaczkwoski shared that there may be some significant challenges that we will need to tackle from the number of students in the building, on school buses, etc. The District will launch a significant communications plan inclusive of parent/community education. As of now, there has been no decision made by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) regarding what is or is not allowable for next year’s school calendar. The District will not be able to firm up any specific plan for a calendar nor for what restrictions there may or may not be when schools reopen. - Special Education Celebration
Dr. Kaczkwoski shared that the District 41 special education program has been given a Meets Expectations rating by the Illinois State Board of Education. This is the highest designation given to districts. It is based on the level of compliance with Federal requirements and indicators related to the Individuals with Disabilities Act. The district's commitment to improving inclusive practices remains a major priority for the Board and for the district.
Board Reports | watch
Public Participation | none
Special Education Review Report | watch
TJ Consultants presented their report on District 41’s special education program. This was a follow up to the 2017 special education audit conducted by TJ Consultants for District 41. Click here for the presentation.
School Improvement Plan Update - Hadley Junior HIgh School | watch
Hadley Principal Steve Diveley and his team shared information about Hadley in general and how they make a big school feel more personable through a team based approach. He also talked about his exploratory curriculum and how it provides more options for student learning. In addition, they shared student achievement and growth data. Board members asked questions and engaged in conversation with the Hadley team.
Click here for the presentation.
Board Policy Revisions - First Review | watch
As part of the Board Policy Committee, Mrs. Buttimer reviewed the policy revisions presented to the Board for first review.
2020 Technology Recommendation - Firewall Replacement | watch
Director of Technology Mike Wood shared why we are recommending an upgrade to the District’s firewall.
Action Items | watch
Consent Agenda
At the request of Bruce Currie, the personnel report was removed from the consent agenda.
Finance, Facilities and Operations
- School District Payment Order - April 8, 2020 - April 21, 2020
- FOIA Report - April 8, 2020 - April 21, 2020
- March 2020 Financial Reports
- Monthly Revenue/Expenditure Summary Report
- Investment Schedule
- Treasurer's Report
- Summary of Bills and Payroll
- April 13, 2020- Regular Meeting Minutes
- April 13, 2020 - Regular Closed Meeting Minutes
(Voted yes - Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Currie, Estes, Guzman, Hill)
Personnel Report | watch
- Resignation
- Administration Compensation
- Exempt Non-Exempt Compensation
(Voted Yes - Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Guzman, Hill)
(Voted No - Currie)
Superintendent Recommendations | watch
- Transportation Contract Amendment - Hopewell
(Voted yes - Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Currie, Estes, Guzman, Hill)
- 2020 Technology Recommendation - Student Chromebooks
(Voted yes - Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Currie, Estes, Guzman, Hill) - Agreement to Roll Over Five Vacation Days from 2020 to 12 Month Staff
(Voted yes - Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Currie, Estes, Guzman, Hill)
Monday, May 11, 2020 | Regular Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Email: ekrehbiel@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41