Bulldog Bulletin
December 2023
Upcoming items to know...
Winter weather is here:
Please remember to send warm coats, hats, gloves, snow pants or dry pants to change into, snow boots, as well as regular shoes for PE! We do go outside for recess as long as it is above 20 degrees.
Dec. 4th - 8th: Book Fair
Dec. 7th - Winter Wonderland from 2pm - 3:30pm
Dec. 22nd - Winter party in each classroom
Student Celebrations
Garcia's class: Keilan
Liveris' class: Hunter
Cloh's class: Abby
French's class: Hubert
Coleman's class: Max
Garcia's student of the week and PE student of the week - Lukas
Coleman's student of the week - Charlie
Coleman's PE student of the week - Darren
Level Changes:
Level 2 - Ephraim
Level 3 - Noah W
Bulldog Family Blurb
Holiday Drive
Dear NSAE families and Staff,
Each year, the NSAE community comes together to help support our students whose families are in need. We are so thankful for the generosity and support you have shown in past years. Holiday time would not be the same without your help. If you are able to make a monetary contribution, donate any gifts or gift cards (Target, Amazon, Kohl's, etc.), it would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to our Sign Up Genius account for the Holiday Drive. There, you will be able to sign-up to purchase a gift from a wish-list for a child in need. You are welcome to purchase as many gifts as you would like.
Gifts do not have to be wrapped, but it is helpful if you are able to spare the time. Wrapped or not, please clearly label all gifts with the number of the family and age/gender of the child. Please drop off all gifts/donations at NSAE by December 15th. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at kthompson@truenorth804.org.
Amazon wish lists...
Several families have reached out and asked how they can help with our Bulldog Store and the Flex/Innovation space. Items for the Bulldog Store will be items that students can purchase with the Bulldog Bucks they earn throughout the week. Items for the Flex/Innovation Space will be items that are for the students to use while at school.
Amazon wish list for the Bulldog Store = click here
Amazon wish list for the Flex/Innovation space = click here
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support! We are blessed to have you in our community.
THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE ITEMS THAT HAVE BEEN DONATED TO DATE!!! You are so amazing! We appreciate you!
Transportation Department - transteam@truenorth804.org
Your student's teacher
Your student's therapist
Ms. Sal Goldenstein - sgoldenstein@truenorth804.org
In case of an emergency, please call: TrueNorth Transportation Direct Line at 847-748-0101
Link to Webinar:
https://truenorth804.zoom.us/rec/share/9Cvs2lycej3yiSIpC39-Km0RM4gRi9stAUJIens8ZFY39-Ked113lvId8WT41PSU.YZw9ZqXOdqoZw6NyPasscode: TrueNorth804!
Link to Presentation:
Dr. Lopez - Valles Powerpoint Presentation
Enlace a la presentación:
Dr. López - Presentación de PowerPoint
If families have any questions, please feel free to have them contact Rogers Behavioral Health's Outreach Representative, Lauren Silverman. Her email and phone number are below:
Upcoming Dates to Know
Dec. 4th-8th - Book Fair (flyer coming soon)
Dec. 7th - Winter Wonderland 2-3:20pm at NSAE (flyer coming soon)
Dec. 18th-22nd - Winter Spirit Week
Dec. 22nd - Winter parties and last day before winter break
The Principal's Pound
This past week when a staff member was out sick, I was able to fill in as the guest teacher. It was so much fun to teach again and see the light bulbs go off in students' heads. Their curiosity and engagement with the material was inspiring! We learned different ways to communicate, how to sort and count with money, as well as how to energize and calm our bodies through mindfulness activities. The simplest of things was the pure joy and smiles I experienced each day working side by side with them. I hope they had as much fun as I did.
As always, please let me know how I can help you as an individual or family, so we can be the best supportive team for your student!
Enjoy your week ahead!
Dr. Jen Cooper-Wells