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St Peter's Primary School
Friday 8th December 2023
Lord, in this holy season of prayer and song and laughter,
we praise you for the great wonders you have sent us:
for shining star and angel's song, for infant's cry in lowly manger.
We praise you for the Word made flesh in a little Child.
We behold his glory, and are bathed in its radiance.
Be with us as we sing the ironies of Christmas,
the incomprehensible comprehended,
the poetry made hard fact,
the helpless Babe who cracks the world asunder.
We kneel before you shepherds, innkeepers, wisemen.
Help us to rise bigger than we are.
Message from the Principal
END OF YEAR REPORTS - On Wednesday, the St Peter’s Primary School End of Year Reports for students from Kindy – Year 6 were sent home electronically via SEQTA. I hope you enjoyed reading the progress that your child/ren have made throughout the year. If you have any questions regarding your child’s report, please contact the classroom teacher.
2024 CLASS ALLOCATION – Yesterday, all students were involved in our Transition Day. Initially, there were mixed emotions felt in the morning, as change can be hard, but quickly all students settled into their new classes for 2024. Throughout the day, it was lovely to witness new friendships being formed and friends from the past reconnecting. We also welcomed several new families to
St Peter’s on the day.
Many factors are considered when balancing classes, including academics, gender, social dynamics and emotional needs. In addition, children with any specific needs are also accommodated. Class lists are prepared with input from teachers and students as students have the opportunity to list five friends (friendship flower). This is a complex educational process, and we use Classroom Solver, an online program, to assist in the process. I am confident that the teachers put a great deal of thought into the class lists as we have dedicated meeting times to discuss the process and use our online program.
Given the information above, class lists cannot be altered at this time of the year. Moving forward, if you have any concerns regarding friendships throughout the year, please make the classroom teacher aware of any issues. Over the summer holidays, please continue to encourage your children to embrace change, make new friends, and thrive in their educational journey. As always, we appreciate your support with this transition.
YEAR 4-6 MUSIC SHOWCASE - Thank you to Mrs Marina Powell for organising our Music Showcase last week. This was a great opportunity for parents and grandparents to enjoy the musical talents of our Year 4-6 students. Students performed their Catholic Performing Arts Festival entries, highlighting the many talented individuals we have at our school.
CAR PARK RAFFLE - Thank you to all the families who purchased tickets for our Car Park Raffle for 2024. Congratulations to:
Term One – Pham Family
Term Two – Barouky Family
Term Three – Geaney Family
Term Four – Green Family
KINDY – YEAR 6 END OF YEAR CONCERT - Thank you to all the parent, grandparents, family and friends who joined us for our Kindy - Year 6 End of Year Concert last Thursday evening. We appreciate all the positive feedback we have received. It was lovely to hear how much everyone enjoyed an evening outdoor concert and it was such a special way to celebrate another amazing year at St Peter’s! Thank you again to Miss Katrina Abreu for teaching our students Dance and Drama and providing them with this opportunity to share their talents!
I wish all our families a very blessed Christmas and a safe and relaxing holiday. Thank you to all the incredible parent volunteers throughout the year! We appreciate the support of all our parents and grandparents, as you have made it possible for our students to have amazing and memorable experiences. I thank you for sharing your time, energy and commitment, to make a positive impact on our school community. I look forward to welcoming the students back on
Wednesday 31 January 2024, and continuing to work together to create even more enjoyable and rewarding experiences for our students next year.
Have a lovely Christmas!
Courtney Caputi
Building Biz - Term 4 - Week 9
Over the past few weeks, it has been incredible to watch the steel be assembled on our new Early Childhood build.
Please click the link below to watch a time lapse video from the past two weeks.
Important Dates 2024
TERM ONE - Wednesday 31 January - Friday 29 March
TERM TWO - Monday 15 April - Friday 28 June
TERM THREE - Monday 15 July - Friday 20 September
TERM FOUR - Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
Monday 4 March - Labour Day Public Holiday
Friday 29 March - Good Friday Public Holiday
Thursday 25 April - Anzac Day
Friday 26 April - PD Day
Friday 31 May - PD Day
Monday 3 June - WA Public Holiday
Friday 20 September - PD Day
Friday 1 November - Catholic Day
Monday 4 November - PD Day
Monday 9 December - Friday 13 December - PD Days
Office News
Cyber Awareness – 12 Days of Phishmas
Phriendly Phishing have released a clever little resource 12 Days of Phishmas, designed to add awareness particularly at this time of year, where there is an increased likelihood for cyber security threats. As online shopping and deliveries increases, scammers prey on people's generosity and vulnerabilities.
The learning page is set up as an interactive advent calendar, without the chocolates (sorry).
Mrs Hunter
IT Support
Science News
Netball News
Calling all NETBALL players and parents!
The Netball Committee is now accepting ‘Expressions of Interest’ for players wishing to continue to play and first time players of netball for the St Peter’s Netball Club in 2024!
Official registration with the Noranda Netball Association will open in early February on PlayHQ and fees are not due until this time.
Please note, children are required to be registered according to their year of birth (age) not their school year level in 2024. Players must be turning 7 to play.
For those wishing to secure a place for 2024, please send the following information to netballstp@gmail.com
Name of player:
Age player is turning in 2024:
Name of parent:
Contact email:
Contact phone number:
If you (parent/guardian) would like to Coach or be a Team Manager in 2024:
We look forward to an exciting 2024 netball season with you and your family. Please join our Facebook group “St Peter’s Netball” to keep up to date with registration, fundraising and season details.
Alana and Jannine.
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
High School News
Code Camp
Community News
CHISHOLM CATHOLIC COLLEGE - presents Carols by Candlelight on Friday 8 December from 5pm. Carols will start at 6.30pm. Gold coin donation with all proceeds going to Vinnies
HURRICANES NETBALL CLUB - is looking for new players. Registration opens soon. Contact - hurricanesnetball@iinet.net.au for more information.
MATHSONLINE - is here to help your child succeed and builds Maths confidence. For a free trial, visit www.mathsonline.com.au
AUSTRALIAN SPORTS CAMPS - will be offering a 3 day school holiday Sports Camp in the summer holidays. For more information, please call 1300 914 368.
GUITARWORKS - GuitarWorks is holding “Free School Holiday Guitar Workshops” for anyone interested in learning guitar. These 90min demonstrations cover all aspects of guitar playing and styles. Bookings essential, info & dates found here Guitar Workshop or contact Stefan Cutri guitarworks@iinet.net.au Mob: 0414 448 907.
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on:
Instagram @ Instagram
Facebook @ Facebook
Twitter @ Twitter
Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900