Ed Briefs

October 3, 2024
In this episode of Coffee with Calvin, Dr. Watts brings us along on one of his regular visits to meet students, assess progress, and exchange ideas with staff in schools around the district. Today, it's Chesney Elementary School.
The Blueprint in Action focus for the months of August, September, and October is College and Career Readiness. During these months we will be spotlighting how we are preparing students for the college and career of their choice, specifically highlighting the efforts in GCPS to meet these objectives in our strategic plan. Learn more about...
Do you have a story aligned to one of the four Blueprint implementation focus areas for 2024-25? We want to share it on our website, through GCPS TV, and social media as part of our 2024-25 Blueprint in Action Campaign! All GCPS staff can submit stories and photos to be reviewed and considered for a web story, Focus Moment video, or social media post. Submit your story today!
GCPS Highlights
Two Paul Duke STEM students win National TSA Competition
Paul Duke STEM HS and Parkview HS proved they are among the best high schools in the nation at the National Technology Student Association (TSA) competition this summer. Paul Duke STEM HS placed first in the Data Science and Analytics category and third in the Forensic Science category. Parkview HS placed second in both the Board Game Design category and System Control Technology.
ABC national news coverage of Food Waste Warriors Project at Lovin Elementary
Gwinnett County Public Schools was recently interviewed by ABC National News, showcasing the Food Waste Warriors Project at Lovin ES. The project, in partnership with Green and Healthy Schools, highlights the school's innovative approach to reducing food waste while teaching students environmental responsibility. Learn more about Lovin ES' participation in the Food Waste Warriors Project.
Watch the ABC segment featuring Lovin ES, "How teaching kids to compost will create long-lasting environmental action" now.
Gwinnett schools earn National Blue Ribbon School designation
U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona has recognized five GCPS schools as National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2024. Among the select group of 356 schools nationwide are Brookwood ES, Craig ES, Trip ES, Hull MS, and Twin Rivers MS. This recognition honors schools for outstanding academic performance or significant progress in closing achievement gaps among student groups. Notably, Gwinnett County Public Schools represent half of Georgia’s total Blue Ribbon Schools this year.
Gwinnett SAT results top national average
GCPS students achieved an average score of 1016 — 21 points higher than the national average of 995, reflecting the district’s commitment to academic excellence. The state’s average student performance came in at 1030, surpassing the national average.
The Class of 2024 marks a significant milestone for GCPS as it was the first time the district offered the SAT to all enrolled students during the school day at no cost through the "SAT for All" initiative. Previously, students had to take the SAT outside of school hours, with families having to cover the cost. GCPS is the only school district in Georgia to offer the SAT during the school day at no cost to families, further demonstrating its commitment to providing equitable opportunities for student success.
2024 Milestones results: GCPS students continue to outpace state averages on state math assessments
A review of the scores from the 2023-24 administration shows GCPS exceeded the state and Metro Regional Education Services Area (RESA*) performance for all math assessments.
Attendance Fact
Did you know... Students who are chronically absent have, on average, lower levels of performance on the Georgia Milestones. Share this tipsheet with families to help students succeed in school.
Magill Elementary School receives media center makeover
Magill ES is one of three GCPS schools selected to receive a $50,000 donation from the College Football Playoff Foundation, the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl, and the School Specialty organization. The money was used to transform and update the Magill ES media center. The redesign includes new colorful tables, chairs, decorations, and other interactive stations and furniture. Baggett ES and Lilburn MS are scheduled for the next media center makeovers.
Congratulations to Team GCPS!
Congratulations to three Gwinnett County art educators: Karen Campbell of North Gwinnett HS, Kathleen Clark of Mountain View HS, and Linn Zamora of McClure Health Science HS, who were selected for inclusion in Playful Encounters, the Third Biennial Art Educators Juried Exhibition at the Zuckerman Museum of Art’s Fine Arts Gallery at Kennesaw State University.
- Michelle Ruhl of Sugar Hill ES
- Laura Ventura, K-5 Instructional Specialist of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
- Sallie Holloway, Director of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
- Batavia Sumlin of Paul Duke STEM HS
Staff Notes
Facilities and Operations Advisory Councils: Elevating employee voices
With the new school year underway, the Facilities and Operations employee advisory councils are scheduled to resume, with meetings taking place through October. These councils include the Bus Driver Advisory Council, School Nutrition Program Advisory Council, Custodial Advisory Council, Head Custodian Consortium, Grounds Maintenance Advisory Council, Building Maintenance Advisory Council, and Fleet Maintenance Advisory Council.
Learn more about these advisory councils and how Team GCPS staff members can get involved.
We can talk about it.
GCPS employees and their families have access to free mental health care and on-demand resources as part of their benefits through MetLife. You can get started by calling 888-319-7819, then press 2, or by going online to one.telushealth.com. (For all online access, the user name is metlifeassist, and the password is support.)
GCPS seeks applications for the Sex Education Instructional Resources Review Committee
GCPS is inviting parents, staff, and community members to apply for the district’s Sex Education Instructional Resources Review Committee (IRRC), a group charged with evaluating print and digital instructional resources related to sexual and reproductive health. Feedback from the IRRC and teacher reviews will be considered in the selection of resources to pilot in the district. There's still time to submit your completed application by Sunday, October 6.
Team GCPS, you are invited to participate in two opportunities through October 31:
Join us in making a difference- give to United Way now through November 30!
Our United Way Employee Giving Campaign has officially kicked off! At GCPS, we’re committed to making a lasting impact in our community, and this is your chance to be part of something truly meaningful. Together, we can create positive change for children and families in need.
How You Can Get Involved:
Donate: Log into the employee portal to contribute via a payroll deduction from October 1 to November 30. Even just $5 per month in 2024 can make a world of difference! You can find the United Way donation window in the About Me menu.
Participate: Support your campaign by engaging in a local school or ISC event from October 1 to November 30.
Upcoming Opportunities
Advanced degrees in special education are available at no cost through the University of West Georgia
GCPS educators can earn a M.Ed or Ed.S. in Special Education through the University of West Georgia (UWG), but you need to apply soon! Attend an informational Zoom meeting to learn more on Wednesday, October 9 at 5 p.m. See the attached PDF to learn more about program requirements. You can email questions to gcpsdegreeopportunities@gcpsk12.org.
Complete this form using your GCPS email account, and request official transcripts be sent to UWG by Tuesday, October 15.
Library Media Specialist interest meeting
Do you use innovative instructional strategies?
Do you understand the importance of fostering a love of reading?
Are you naturally a helpful person?
Join the Library Media Services Department for an informational meeting about the role of the media specialist and how to earn your certification. Attend this Teams meeting on Thursday, October 17, at 5 p.m.
The PROPEL Project is leveling up GCPS Paraprofessionals
As part of the continued investment into Team GCPS, the GCPS Human Resources & Talent Management department is pleased to announce an advanced degree opportunity for paraprofessionals who currently hold a bachelor's degree (or instructional clerks working directly with students).
There are two information sessions available for the Georgia State University PROPEL Project. You can attend the Zoom session on Wednesday, October 16, at 5 p.m. or Thursday, November 14, at 8 a.m.
What is a Business Email Compromise (BEC) attack?
A BEC attack is a cybercrime in which attackers use email fraud to target organizations, typically for financial gain. The primary purpose of a BEC attack is to trick employees into taking actions that benefit the attackers, such as transferring funds, sharing sensitive information, or providing access to internal systems. Learn more about how to spot and prevent a BEC attack.
Don't forget to sign in to the Staff Portal to complete your mandatory Cybersecurity Awareness Training by February 28, 2025.
Make a plan to vote!
Monday, October 7 is the deadline to register to vote in the November 5 election. You can find information about registering to vote on the Gwinnett County website. Even if you're registered, it's a good idea to check your registration status at the Georgia My Voter Page.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States. The 988 dialing code is available for call, text, and chat.
You can learn more about 988 and access resources at 988lifeline.org.
Check out the September Team GCPS Spotlight!
Check out the quarterly digital publication recognizing the hard work and achievements of Team GCPS members! Be sure to share your submissions for the next edition of Spotlight in December. Submissions are due by November 29!
We want to share your good news with our community!
Want to share a success story about your school or department with the entire GCPS community?
Are you looking for a way to celebrate an honor and recognize a teacher, student, or team member for their work? Do you want to share an achievement, upcoming event, or opportunity?
Do you have GCPS Good News to share? Let us know through this online form.
In Case You Missed It...
- Board meeting and work session (September 19)
- Coffee with Calvin (September 5)
- Connected (September 26)
- Ed Briefs (September 5)
- GCPS Links (September 19)
- News Releases
- Student Calendars
Looking Ahead in GCPS...
- Keep Connected with news from GCPS TV… the next episode airs October 10!
- The next regular Board meeting is October 17. (Online, find links to sign up for the public comment sections of the meeting.)
- Watch for the next issue of GCPS Links on October 17!