Gator Bites
January 9, 2025
Principal's Corner
Welcome to 2025! Wow, a quarter of a century….really??? Time really flies when we are learning and growing.
Speaking of growing, in all the years I have been on staff at Littleton Academy (18 years), I have never seen a year when EVERY grade in both ELA and Math met our threshold of 70th percentile proficient on our benchmark testing mid-year until THIS YEAR! Our mid-year testing ended in December and the growth for every grade was amazing. Our teachers and students are really working hard. I am blessed to be here everyday.
We’ve enjoyed some snow this week! Thanks for being safe and we follow the LPS delay schedules. I know this can be tough for families who live out of our district so we appreciate your support. If we have two-hour delays, our lunch order is always an estimate since we must put in our order before our students arrive! Rob Peterson, our staff member in charge of lunch ordering, has always come in early even on snow days to make sure our kids get lunches ordered. He takes good care of us! Please be aware of two-hour delays and consider sending lunch with your child if you are concerned.
As we are in the Winter Season, please be sure your children are dressed appropriately and wearing layers for the snow and cold! We let students into the building around 7:45 am if the temperature is 20 degrees or lower. Students wait outside for a few minutes during afternoon carpool. Our teachers will also take students outside for recess in elementary or middle school electives if the temperature is above 20 degrees. Bundle up Gators!
Coming Calendar Dates to know:
Our parent night with the Arapahoe Health Department is coming January 29th from 6:00-6:45 pm. See their informational flyer below.
LAAC (Littleton Academy Accountability Committee) will begin their annual parent/staff/student surveys on January 31st. They will send more information later this month. We use their survey data to gather information about our community and climate as a school. The individual parent surveys regarding individual teachers will come in April from the principal’s office.
Stay safe and warm everyone. You are important to me!!
Summer Birthday Dress of Choice!
If your birthday falls on May 22nd through and August 11th - your birthday Dress of Choice Day is JANUARY 21st! Happy Birthday!
Upcoming Events
Accelerated Reader!
I am excited to share that 31% of our 1st - 5th graders achieved their December AR reading goal! This is a fantastic accomplishment, and I am so proud of our students' dedication to reading, even over the break. Wouldn't it be incredible if we had 50% of our students hit their January goal? We are encouraging all students to continue their reading journey by taking quizzes from home on any book they are reading. Click here to access the AR website and please reach out if you have any questions.
Happy Reading!
Ms. Cox
Calling All Parents for Junior Achievement!
We are seeking 8 volunteers to teach and inspire our students on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Your responsibilities will include a one-hour after-school training session, TBA, a meet-and-greet breakfast on the morning of February 18th, and teaching a class for a day using the Junior Achievement knowledge and experience you will gain. If you have previously volunteered to teach JA, you do not need to attend the training session. No prior experience or knowledge is needed to make a difference in our students' lives. This one event will cover ALL of your volunteering hours!
Please email Mrs. Graziano at egraziano@lps.k12.co.us if you are interested
in volunteering. Please indicate what grade and teacher you would prefer. I will honor those who reach out to me first.
Thank you for your continued support!
Specials Newsletters
Don't Forget to Log Your Volunteer Hours!
We are halfway through the school year and we only have 25 families who have completed their 20 volunteer hours. If you have completed hours and not yet logged it in our new system, please make sure to create your account with Track it Forward! This is how we keep track of volunteer hours for Littleton Academy Families! Only one account is needed per family. Please email president@lasalittletonacademy.com with any questions you may have.
Middle School Tubing Trip
Aside from one of the busses breaking down on the way up and a 2 hour wait in Idaho Springs for a replacement bus, the Middle School Tubing Trip was an epic success!! Everyone had an awesome day!
Thank you to our amazing chaperones for being adventurous and patient! We could not do this event without you!