The Rebel Crier
March 7, 2025
Principal's Message
While our school community has faced some challenges over the last couple of weeks, I am happy to end this week having been reminded by so many of our students that the positivity, creativity, and spirit of our students far outweighs any temporary setbacks.
This week I was extraordinarily proud of our 9th grade class while they participated in a whole-grade presentation from Mr. Andy Sarkany, a Holocaust survivor, who spoke for over 90 minutes in the theater. The students were not only attentive, but Mr. Sarkany remarked to our staff after the presentation about how this was one of the most respectful groups he had presented to recently, and was particularly impressed by the almost 20 students who remained after the presentation to ask questions about history, his personal experiences and more. Students learned valuable lessons in several ways. The assembly helped them, contextualize and understand the world at the time that Night, by Elie Wiesel, was written, and which most of them are reading in English class. The lasting message that Mr. Sarkany communicated was the importance of being an upstander for those who may not be able to speak for themselves, to choose and use our words carefully, and to always look for hope and love in the world.
This week one group of 9th grade students started a campaign they are calling #DoGoodLoud. The idea is to overcome negatives by out-shining with positive messages and highlighting the good that is done every day in the community. As usual, students lead the way for all of us, and can inspire all of us to make our small part of the world better!
I hope you all have the chance to engage in some loud goodness this weekend!
James D'Amico
Procedure Updates & Reminders
Don't Block The Buses! 🚌
Bathroom Reminders
As we refine our building procedures, we remind everyone that students must always have a pass to the bathroom on the floor in which they have class. Students should not be wandering to other bathrooms. Please also help us remind students that the bathroom in the nurse's office is only for students who are there for medical needs or who have documented reasons to use that bathroom. All other students should utilize the large boys and girls rooms or the individual bathrooms on each floor.
Students In Action
9th Grade Assembly
As you read about in the Principal's Message, our 9th grade students were fortunate to hear from Mr. Andy Sarkany about his experiences. It was a hard topic to hear about, but his message of hope and action was inspiring!
Choral Collaboration with Gordon College
The students in our choral program had an awesome experience with the visiting choir from Gordon College. They performed for us, we performed for them, and we all bonded over our shared love of music and singing!
One of the highlights of day was a piece that the Gordon College Choir had prepared, "Locus Iste" by Anton Bruckner, which the Chamber Singers also happen to know! Our students joined one another for the performance. The video below shows the 30 or so Gordon College Choir students, joined by our 17 NFHS Chamber Singers, all making music together. Enjoy!
Click on the image or here to see the performance
Rebel Players Podcast đźŽ
The Rebel Players Podcast is back for Episode 4!
Help Your Child Manage Conflict at Home & In School
Class of 2026 Volunteers Needed!
Post-Grad Needs Your Help!
Class of 2026 Parents & Guardians:
The Post Grad Committee (made up of parents/guardians) takes the Senior Class to Quassy Amusement Park after Graduation, a tradition started since COVID. It’s an extremely fun night for our kids! They leave the school at 9:30pm and return home at 3:30 am. They can enjoy the entire park to themselves. More will follow on this amazing tradition.
The current board has three Senior parents. We are in need of volunteers for the Class of 2026 to keep this tradition going! The positions available will be a President, Secretary and a Treasurer who can carry on the Post Grad tradition.
Please email nfpostgrad@gmail.com if you are interested in taking on a position and planning the event next year or beyond. Email us even if you have volunteer questions.
Thank you,
Post Grad Committee
Is Your Junior Ready for Prom?
Junior Prom Is Coming!
Attention Juniors/Class 2026 and parents/guardians
Junior prom is approaching fast (April 26th). In order to purchase tickets students must have their dues paid at least through junior year. Questions about specific amounts owed can be directed to Mrs Scanlon in the main office.
Spring Sports Registration
Show Rebel Pride & Help DECA get to Nationals!
DECA International Career Development Conference Fundraiser
DECA is working with Godfather Promotions to offer customizable lawn signs for our student athletes and participants of extra curricular activities. A portion of each sale will go to offset the ICDC trip costs. Can you include the attached flyer (it has a QR code to order from but I'll also attach the link to order directly).
Ordering is open and while it is mainly focused on spring sports right now, we will be adding all seasons and if we are missing something, families can reach out to me and we will try to get it on the site.
Support The Class of 2025 @ Hat Tricks Hockey 🏒
Little Shop of Horrors Coming Soon!
Explore A Future In Transportation Engineering
Attend a free online session to learn more about this fast-growing field!
Scan the QR code or click on the image below for registration information.
Registration closes on March 19th.
Lynn DeCaro Poetry Competition
Submissions Due March 15
The Connecticut Poetry Society is excited to invite your students to participate in the Lynn DeCaro Poetry Competition, a special contest for young poets in grades 9–12 across Connecticut. This competition was established in memory of Lynn DeCaro, a gifted member of CPS who passed away from leukemia in 1986. It honors her passion for poetry and encourages students to explore their creative voices.
Key Details:
- Submission Deadline: March 15
- Eligibility: Open to Connecticut students in grades 9–12
- Prizes:
- 1st Place: $150
- 2nd Place: $100
- 3rd Place: $50
- Entry Fee: None
- Submission Guidelines:
- Up to 3 unpublished poems per student
- Any form, with a 40-line limit per poem
- Submit electronically via Submittable
- No contact information should appear on the poems themselves (this will be collected via Submittable).
- Work created with AI software will not be accepted.
Winning poems will be featured on the Connecticut Poetry Society’s website, and winners will also receive a free two-year membership in the Connecticut Poetry Society.
We encourage you to share this opportunity with your students and inspire them to take part in this enriching experience. Their voices and creativity deserve to be heard and celebrated.
For more information and to submit entries, please visit:
Connecticut River Review Submission Portal
AFL-CIO Workers’ Memorial Day Scholarship Essay Contest
Entries Due April 1
In this year’s scholarship essay contest, public high school seniors in Connecticut
are asked to respond in 1,000 words or less to ONE of three questions with serious
thought, some research (with cited sources), and, most importantly, awareness of
the true cost of workplace hazards on the lives of workers.
1st Prize: $2,000
2nd Prize: $1,500
3rd Prize: $1,000
Follow this link for complete information:
Troop 137 Pasta Dinner Fundraiser
Upcoming Events: Save The Dates!
Monday, 3/10: PTO Meeting
6:30pm in the NFHS College & Career Center
Thursday, 3/20: Little Shop of Horrors Opening Night
Little Shop of Horrors will run 3/20-3/23
Tuesday. 3/25: SAT Day
All juniors will take the CT School Day SAT, and 9th grade students will take the PSAT. More info to come.
Tuesday, 3/25: Band Jam
The districtwide band festival will be 6:30 in the Old High School gym