Bio News
Week of May 23rd, 2022
Biomedical Preparatory at UTSW News
Principal's Message
Greeting parents,
It was a pleasure to interact with you one more time this past Monday. I am glad that you enjoyed the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activities we prepared for you. I was also thrilled by the opportunity to introduce Mad Science as our before and after-school provider. Please check the FAQ for the answers to the questions you posted during the event. If you could not make it to the meeting, I included all the resources we shared for you to review, including the recording.
This week, we will host a meeting with all the families and community members interested in becoming part of the SBDM committee. So, if you did not fill out the form but want to hear the information, you can join us.
Last, I will send the final version of the parent involvement policy and parent compact via email to all families. I also included the forms under parent resources for you to download. Please sign the parent compact and submit it via email to
If you have further questions or comments, please do not hesitate and ask.
Kind Regards,
Roberto Gonzalez
Did you miss the meeting? You may watch the recording here:
Topic: Parents Meeting
Start Time: May 16, 2022 03:44 PM
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: isJ2+.uO
*Student eligible to participate in the national free or reduced lunch program), including students who receive SNAP, TANF, or Medicaid benefits will receive financial assistance. This is part of Dallas ISD registration process.
May 26th
Parent Meeting: 6:00 PM
- Campus Need Assessment and Campus Improvement Plan (creation and approval)
Roberto Gonzalez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Parents Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 4202 8772
Passcode: 491150
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Meeting ID: 836 4202 8772
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May 1st-31st:
Registration (Extended)
- All students PK-1st grade (new or returning) must register every year
- Registration is done 100% online at or from our Pre-K website at
- Parents may register from home using a computer, tablet, or smart phone.
June 11th:
Meet the Teachers and Staff at the Perot Museum. 10:00 AM. More details to come.