Falcon Flyer
Important Events & Dates from F.AVE

August 29, 2024
In this Issue
Parents will automatically receive CSD Weekly. However, community subscribers who have opted out of CSD news will only receive future school newsletters by subscribing here and selecting to receive news from “City Schools of Decatur.”
Ms. Hanson's Notes
- Coffee Chat - Wednesday, September 11th
- Upcoming Events at a Glance
F.AVE News
- Sign Ups: Band
- Gifted Review Information
- Media Center Update: Book Fair Volunteers Needed, Buy an eWallet for Scholastic Book Fair, Author Visit Pre-Order Books for Autographs: 3rd & 4th - Peter Brown/The Wild Robot & 5th Grade - Gordon Korman/Faker & 39 Clues
- Specials Spotlight - Art
- Adult Recess - Buy Tickets Now!
- Meet Ms. Smith at the Movies! Tickets on Sale Now!
- Fall Family Picnic - Sept. 12
- Sponsor's Corner
- Walk & Roll
- DEI Information - send in a dish to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
Community Partners
- Decatur Education Foundation (DEF) Battle of the Bands
Scroll down to learn more!
Ms. Hanson's Notes
Thank you all for attending Curriculum Night on Tuesday. I heard from teachers and parents that it was very informative. You will soon receive information on signing up for conferences. That is a time for you to discuss your child’s specific needs and to go over academic progress.
Curious about what all the assessment reports mean? We will host a Coffee Chat on September 11 starting at 7:45, with the discussions starting at 8. This corresponds to Walk-N-Roll, so walk to school with your student and then stop by the cafeteria for some coffee & information.
Where else do you get to come to school on a vintage Japanese fire truck!
Special Reminder
CSD Weekly to Distribute the Falcon Flyer, Beginning September 5
Beginning next week, Thursday, September 5, 2024, the Falcon Flyer will be distributed via CSD Weekly from the City Schools of Decatur email. Parents will automatically receive CSD Weekly. However, community subscribers who have opted out of CSD news will only receive future school newsletters by subscribing here and selecting to receive news from “City Schools of Decatur.”
CSD Weekly includes links to all school newsletters and provides the latest district news, enabling families with students at multiple schools to conveniently access updates using one source. Additionally, CSD Weekly aims to improve consistency in messaging about district and community news by communicating it in a centralized location.
Upcoming Events At a Glance
Latino & Hispanic Heritage Month - 9/15 - 10/15
September 4th-6th - CogAt Testing - 3rd Grade
Wednesday, September 11th - Walk & Roll to School Day
Wednesday, September 11th at 7:45 - F.AVE Coffee Chat - Reading Assessment Reports
Thursday, September 12th, 5:00 - 7:00 PM - F.AVE PTO Fall Picnic
Thursday, September 12th, 4:30 - 7:00 PM - Fall Book Fair Grand Opening
September 12th - 19th - Fall Scholastic Book Fair - closes at 10:00 AM on 9/19
Friday, September 20th - Early Release at 12:15 PM
September 23rd - 27th - September Break
Important Information about Gifted Review
Each fall semester the Gifted Review Team looks at existing student data to discuss students’ needs and determine if further evaluation for gifted identification is needed. If you are interested in having the team discuss your child’s needs, you may complete a Recommendation for Review Form (found at the website below) and turn it in to the Gifted & Talented Specialist at your child’s school before Wednesday, October 2. No additional information is needed.
The Gifted & Talented Specialists for Fifth Avenue Elementary are Jennifer Broman-Fulks, Edwin Ellis, Stephanie Tolentino, and Charee Waugh. For more detailed information about the review process and to obtain a copy of the Recommendation for Review Form, please contact the Gifted & Talented Specialist for your school (jbroman-fulks@csdecatur.net, edellis@csdecatur.net, stolentino@csdecatur.net, cwaugh@csdecatur.net) or visit the following website: https://www.csdecatur.net/Page/581.
F.AVE Media Center Updates
Scholastic Book Fair Coming Soon! Volunteers Needed
In a few weeks, we will host our fall book fair to raise money for our school. We need your help to run our fair successfully. Please click here to sign up to volunteer to set up, help with restocking and previews, or clean up afterward.
Our book fair will open at 4:30 on Thursday, Sept. 12th, right before the PTO Fall Picnic, so come on by and get your books! We will stay open during the picnic, then will be open during the school day through Thursday, Sept. 19th. Parents are welcome to stop by anytime during the day to purchase books.
3rd & 4th Grade Author Visit - Peter Brown
We are so excited to officially announce that Peter Brown, author of The Wild Robot series will be coming to F.AVE on October 8th to visit our 3rd & 4th grade students! Mr. Brown is also the illustrator of the Creepy Crayon series!
If you would like to order a copy of The Wild Robot book (the new movie cover edition) to be autographed, please click here, print and fill out this order form and send it into your child's teacher. Order forms must be sent in no later than September 20th!
Scroll down to our PTO section for information about buying tickets for a special movie screening with Ms. Smith!
5th Grade Author Visit - DEADLINE TUESDAY, SEPT. 3
Big News! On Thursday, September 19th, F.AVE will host author Gordon Korman for our 5th=grade students. To learn more about Mr. Korman and his books, please click here.
3rd and 4th-grade parents, stay tuned to our Falcon Flyer for information about your fall author visit. HINT: It's going to be WILD!
Spotlight on Specials - Art
Meet Mr. Madden:
Hi! I’m sorry I don’t have a website for you to explore but here’s a bit about me: I’m in my 18th year of teaching art to young folks. I enjoy making art myself, watching movies, getting to the beach as often as possible, and listening to music.
3rd graders are making maps that coincide with how we organize ourselves.
4th graders are creating shadow puppets to explore how the world works with light and shadow.
5th graders are taking a trip to Japan to learn about the art of Ikebana and how the world works.
*All tickets bought before fall break will enter your student in a raffle for Principal for the day!!*
We are thrilled to announce that our 2nd Annual Adult Recess will take be Friday, October 4th! This is your chance to unwind, have fun, and connect with other parents — all while supporting our school. This year’s event is a no-auction fundraiser at Twain's, featuring a full open bar, a casual dinner buffet, and plenty of games. Tickets go on sale next week via the PTO website. Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable evening!
Buy your tickets HERE ASAP!
Meet Ms. Smith at the Movies!!
Our favorite Wild Robot is coming to the movies! Part fundraiser and ALL fun, Ms. Smith has rented out an entire theater to screen the new Wild Robot movie with her F.AVE students (and their families!). All money raised will be going towards updating the library collection.
- When: October 13th
- 2:00 PM (doors open at 1:30)
- Where: AMC North Dekalb
Fall Family Picnic
Thursday, September 12, 5-7 p.m.
This will be our first school wide community event and the GRAND OPENING of our FALL BOOK FAIR! We can't wait to see you all there.
Kallenberg Intown Realty: guiding clients through the complexities of the Atlanta/Decatur Real Estate market, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
The PTO would like to give a huge shout out to Randolph Kallenberg of Keller Knap Realty, for stepping up to be one of our Plume Prestige sponsors!! We rely on the community's support to support our beloved school and students - we wouldn't be able to do what we do without the support of people like Randolph!
Our first Walk & Roll to School is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11th. Mark your calendars and cross your fingers for great weather, and if you can, volunteer to help out!!
Celebremos El Mes de la Herencia Latina & Hispana
¡Vamos a comer! FAve continues our celebration of Latino and Hispanic Heritage with the Annual FAve Flavors. This event will be Wednesday, September 18, 2024. In honor of the many unique cultures and cuisines of Latin America and Spain, we would like to offer students a small taste of Latino & Spanish flavors. Students will also experience a dance performance from Calo Gitano on October 2.
We are looking for support from F.AVE families to help make this event a big success. If you have culinary skills and an interest in sharing your favorite Latino and Spanish=inspired recipes with our students, we would love for any family to participate! Feel free to pair up with a friend, too. We would recommend simple savory and sweet bites similar to dishes such as Dominican dulce de leche, Puerto Rican plantains, Peruvian bean and cheese pupusas, Venezuelan corn arepas, Mexican churros or conchas, Cuban arroz con frijoles, Uruguayan chajá, and agua fresca. Please no chips and salsa or tacos. We are excited to have our families help build F.AVE's tradition of celebrating our students and community ALL YEAR LONG!
Support us by signing up for a dish or to volunteer during the event.
Community Partners
DEF Updates
Help Your School Win a $1000 Music Grant!
Attend DEF's Battle of the Bands, a family-friendly community concert, and you could help your school win a $1000 music grant! Head to the Legacy Park lawn on Friday, Sept. 6 from 5-9 p.m. for a fun evening of live music, yummy food, and community! Four CSD bands will be bringing the tunes – you BYOB (bring your own blanket) and your school spirit! The school with the largest percentage of representation will win the music grant for their school... along with a trophy and bragging rights, of course! We’ll have food vendors and sweet treats to supplement your picnic. Adults are $10 and KIDS ARE FREE! Buy tickets here.
*If cost is an issue, please email Drew@DecaturEducationFoundation.org.
About Us
Lynn Hanson
Assistant Principal
Meagan Ferguson
Assistant Principal
Shannon Stewart
School Manager
Malik Morrow
Shronda Edwards
Email: fave@csdecatur.net
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/FAVE
Location: 101 5th Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: (404) 371-6680
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